The most hated CS:S map

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I have to say either Aztec or the map of exhibition of museum (outside, forgot the name).

Obviously one of the lamest maps around, its slightly beter in match play but still nothing special.. instead of re-making that they should of re-made a worth while map like Inferno, Train, Nuke, Assault

not sure what they where thinking tbh
aztec, always degenerates into a sniper fest on the bridge and flashbangs goin back and forth.
I hate chateau... ugh.. you walk anywhere and you get shot at from 5 different directions.. i spend most of my time spinning around in circles in a very jumpy, paranoid fashion. :)
i love chateau!

but... aztec is lame, you're right.

Piranesi is one of the better maps in my opinion but had they remade militia instead, I would not be crying.
Piranesi is fun.. But yeah it is, like chateau, very chaotic. I wish they'd have made a Nuke remake, that map is uber.
Assault isnt well balanced tbh.. certainly favours the T's.. who can either rush out on the CT's and make a complete mess of them, or hole up in the warehouse which is highly defendable, with fire coming on CT's from heaps of different places.. now, militia.. theres a map I want to see again.
bliink said:
Assault isnt well balanced tbh.. certainly favours the T's.. who can either rush out on the CT's and make a complete mess of them, or hole up in the warehouse which is highly defendable, with fire coming on CT's from heaps of different places.. now, militia.. theres a map I want to see again.
Yep, I used to play almost exclusively milita only servers, that map was GODLY.
i don't get it!! :frown:
how is Dust not the most hated map in all CS versions?
i despise that map!!
Has it occured to anyone yet that various ppl like various maps? You can talk forever about that, getting surprised everytime when someone says "chateau? I love this map!", while you think "chateau? It's the most crappy map evar!". It's December I hope only few days till big CS:S update. You will have more maps to hate and love then :p
de piranise, I hate that map.

I like aztec though, scouting the underpass. And only scouting, not auto sniping....*mumbles about damn auto snipers*
Actually.. I never liked office that much either.. the corridors! the corridors!
I like all the maps, but the map I like the least would be office. TMP pwnage is great on that map, but I prefer being a terrorist, so TMP's are kind of hard to find.
ok I like every single map made fore cs, i dont know what you guys are talking about???
Dust because it's really, really boring if the T team doesn't rush.

And Havana because parts of it are blocked every other round. ?:(
I love aztec and office, office being my favorite. They both seem more tactical than the other maps, I feel either constrained in the other maps, or they are unbalanced.
office and piranesi are rubbish imho. also, if a server has more than 16 players its not very fun.
Well my most hated map is cs_havana. I keep getting lost in it and still haven’t learned in what order the “window” opens and closes when I’m playing as a T or what door is open when I play as a CT.

Besides that I think that CTs are able to lead the hostages to a rescue point WAY too fast. (falling from the floor to the dark room and from there to the road).

Dust is also quite boring. Its very hard for the Ts to win if they don’t rush the bomb site right away. The tunnel under the bridge is almost always guarded AWPers and auto snipers so that way is blocked. The other way through the building is way to hard as Ts have one entry point and CTs have Three.

My best map is Dust 2
my least favorite maps are pirenisi and cbble. There both WAY to big and very easy to get lost in. Why coudn't they have ported over a decent map like inferno?
Dr. Freeman said:
i don't get it!! :frown:
how is Dust not the most hated map in all CS versions?
i despise that map!!

I can't believe dust didn't show up sooner in the thread.
I don't get why people seem to hate the best designed maps - they flock to Dust and Aztec, which are well made but simple ... makes me think you all don't like to spend the extra time to learn some of the better maps?