the most satisfying

Shotgun - Doom
Shotgun - HL2
Shotgun (not auto) - Counter Strike
Dostovei - Golden Eye
USP - Counter Strike
Deagle - Counter Strike
Sniper - TF2
Sniper - Gears of War
Laptop Gun - Perfect Dark
Sticky nade - Halo
Melee - Halo
The upgraded grenade / mine launcher in Outcast.

This. It's inappropiately fun to go mental with it in the middle of a city when it's fully upgraded. Those dozens of poor citizens...
Flame Thrower - Rise of the Triad

"GOD" - Rise of the Triad

"DOG" - Rise of the Triad

Double barrel shotgun - Doom 1/2

Snarks - Half-Life

Gause Rifle - Half-Life

Rail Gun - Quake 3

Cat Silenced Shotgun - Postal 2
Look at page 2, I already /threaded

I only look at the first vote (because multiple votes are cheating in ultimatum threads like this), and the cerebral bore was just an afterthought in your post. You disgust me.
You're just mad because I'm a billion times smarter then jews.

I mean I'm smarter then joo.. You.
Shotgun in Doom
Any pump-action shotgun in the Specialists
The 1911 in Mafia
The pig-sticker move in The Hidden
Mine Thrower in RE4
Infinite Launcher in RE4
The Red 9 in RE4
Creating a Tower of Death in Dwarf Fortress and throwing goblin raiders to their doom. I must admit though, I'm also partial to throwing goblins in a pit filled with ravenous war dogs/tame critters.
Kabuto in Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Gravity Gun - HL2
Chainsaw - Doom3
Crossbow - Halflife/Halflife2
Flak Cannon - UT2K4
Shotgun - Doom3
Tau Cannon - Half-Life
Flack Cannon - Unreal Tournament
Assault Rifle - FEAR
Assault rifles - STALKER
Needler - Halo
Plasma Sword - Halo 2
I forgot Bioshock.

Grade 3 Bee Plasmid
Enrage Plasmid
Grade 3 Fire Plasmid

All so awesome.