The New Art Contest #1: Voting Thread

Pick your favourite entry.

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  • Poll closed .
I like Jintor's entry. It's so cool, smooth and cartoony. I think I know who gets my vote. :D
Thank you :)

Does anyone else has any comments on my entry?


(original picture)
The picture itself looks good, nice colors, good "atmosphere". But when looking closely... the smoke doesnt really work, its too transparent. Also some of the buildings are too low-res.

I really like the hl2 buildings and props you added, i didnt see them till the second time i looked at the picture. But its a nice touch. nice entry :thumbs:

I don't like the Combine soldiers fighting the Antlions at the bottom of the picture. I mean, a battle down there could work but for now they look way too pasted on to the picture. The smoke coming from the center apartment/business building doesn't look like it's coming from the hole, either, unless this is intentional and the smoke is meant to be coming from a building behind it? If so, it gave me the other impression. All in all, though, good stuff!

Dodo - yours is fantastic. For one thing, I loved Route Kanal, and the whole canal areas in HL2 in general. For capturing the mood and atmosphere of HL2, I'd say that deffo hits the spot, aswell as just generally being a very damned awesome drawing.
Heh, that made me look closely at the pic and I noticed the little strider far away on the right.
Hmm. Looking back on Xirow's, the Combine/Antlions look better on this PC now that I think about it. Before, I was looking at it on my dads Mac, and the screen resoloution on that is much brigher than mine, which is quite dark. It looks much better here, so I retake my earlier comment. :thumbs:
AGH How did I miss this!?! ;.;

Some awsome stuff itt! Now I'm going to stay up all night working on something. :|

hurr edit: lol maybe I should just enter my naked Alyx pic :V
Mine is turning out soooooo much lamer than I wanted.
Oh blah, what's the use. Good luck everyone. :(

Will there be more contests?

What time is 12pm GMT in EST?

EDIT: NM, its 8pm. I should make it.
Well, I've been working for the past 15 hours or something like that, on and off.

Half an hour left, and I have to say, I'm not going to completely finish. It's going to be missing some elements from the final map. But you know, I've already put 60+ hours into this and I need to submit it.
I'm so excited that I just can't hide it.

I'm so excited that I just can't hide it.

Somewhere around 772500, to be exact. (In the 1x scale version)

I'm probably not going to win because not many people can appreciate mspaint pixel art.

Gonna send it to Valve though.
very cool vegeta !! : O
did you use hl2 textures to get the colors etc like in hl2 ?

What do you mean "use hl2 textures"? I did spend a lot of time in Hammer Editor to choose colors that matched the texture, yes. I did not directly copy any texture into the picture, of course.
Vegeta's, for me, doesn't quite have the same vibe that Dodo's has for atmosphere, but for sheer attention to detail using such a media such as pixel art of all things, it is jaw dropping. Muchos kudos for how awesome that is. It's almost like a filter added over an actual image in Photoshop* - that's just how close, if not perfect, the image reflects the aerial view of the main square from the game.

* I know it's not :P
What do you mean "use hl2 textures"? I did spend a lot of time in Hammer Editor to choose colors that matched the texture, yes. I did not directly copy any texture into the picture, of course.

well ... that makes it even cooler : O

yes, made the entry finally..hope it gives some decent results. (yes thak you antipop, and I DID not BEG..:( i just asked )

good work vege, awesome work with the textures..
Begging isn't going to get you anywhere, you don't need to get third at all. It's only a bit of fun.
Thanks for the comments everyone :thumbs:

Heh, that made me look closely at the pic and I noticed the little strider far away on the right.

Did you notice the two Dropships behind the smoke and the lambda logo + supply crates on the right? :)

Very nice entry btw Vegeta.
I noticed something about all the images, here it goes:

1. the first image, that building was actually made by zombine itself according to him, which is quite impressive
2. The second image, im sry, but its a great try, but I dont think it goes up to the mark with the rest though. I liked the "DIE" though
3. Totally epic, ive got nothing to say about Dodo. Ive seen his other photoshop works before, like the Aliens one. I expected some epic stuff, loved the production process
4. At first glance, the image may not seem that epic. But you must look out for the detail in here. amazing stuff, the striders, antlions, combine walls etc. win. However, what truly stands out is the way it turned from the original picture to this desolate place. I liked the way the sea had been absorbed by the combine and the destructive scene fit perfectly.
4. Okay, jintors art may not seem like much at first, but I noticed the uniqness of his art, the way he used those really cool brush strokes and all, the gritty greyish orangey scheme of colours. Really nice work there. Like "valve" style concept art
5. For Vegeta, I must say how impressive it is. It is pixel ART mind you, pixel by pixel and he has to keep zooming out to check for integrity. It is so picture perfect really, awesome. 60 hrs of work there really paid off, im voting for you BTW cos of your awesome effort and time spent (i loved the rest though)
6. Well, for me, I was just going to Maximum realism, which is why I set up light probes and all for reflection, which is why the models with their "HDRi" based lighting blend seamlessly into the picture. The rest dont really look that great but i tried to add alot of detail like the graffiti on the power box, striders, soldiers flats etc. If only I had more time..

O well, this is just my summary. this competition has been pretty good. May the best artist win. still a few more hours though
Wait, 12 PM is noon, not midnight huh?

Well, I guess Ill post what I was working on.

I'm probably not going to win because not many people can appreciate mspaint pixel art.

I think that's a pompous thing to say. Most people on these forums love Isotown, so I really don't know where you pulled that conclusion out of.

Btw, Krynn, that look fantastic.
I think that's a pompous thing to say. Most people on these forums love Isotown, so I really don't know where you pulled that conclusion out of.
Agreed :\

I'm a bit out of my head, especially last night running on such low sleep. Really, the fact is that I just dislike how I spend so much time on something when people like Dodo can make something more awesome looking in less time.

But now I'm happy, win or lose, because this is a great achievement for me regardless. Good luck everyone, and thanks for your vote Soulslicer <3

Also, looks like you crept past the official due time (12:00 GMT, you posted at 3:30 GMT) ... I wish I had done that 'cuz I could have finished it proper :p
(I don't mean anything bad by this...)
I'm a bit out of my head, especially last night running on such low sleep. Really, the fact is that I just dislike how I spend so much time on something when people like Dodo can make something more awesome looking in less time.

That's 'cause you suck.
looks like you crept past the official due time (12:00 GMT, you posted at 3:30 GMT) ... I wish I had done that 'cuz I could have finished it proper :p
(I don't mean anything bad by this...)

Oh, I didnt actually submit it since it was late. I got confused, thinking 12pm was midnight instead of noon, and by the time I realized it it was already an hour and a half late :hmph:

There were so many technical problems with mine that delayed me so much that I didnt get to where I wanted to be with it anyways. Oh well, looking forward to the next one.
I was actually talking to Soulslicer. :p Notice his post time.
If I had more time to work on my entry, I'd just have ****ed it up more.
Whenever Sui returns from... uhh...

Whenever Sui returns.
actually we can still edit our posts..

btw, abuse, dont you have to post your production process..? or original image in that post.
Wow, some great entries here.

This thread is now the voting thread. Obviously, every user can only vote once,and you are not allowed to vote for your own entry. If you create a clone account to vote for yourself / convince your random friends to sign up and vote for you, you'll be disqualified (and probably banned) . I reserve the right to remove any votes made by newly-created users.

And Soulslicer, Abuse already posted the original image.