The New Weapon(s)

hmm, i gotta say, im pretty comfortable with the current arsenal. Even though i think they should make the weapon-cache system a bit more like SiN: Emergence/Call of Duty
where you can only carry a limited amount of weaponry. In a game like Half-Life 2 with somewhat great realism in terms of physics, it bothers me to be able'd to carry around an RPG, Pulse-rifle, SMG, two handguns, a crowbar, shotgun, crossbow, grenades, gravity-gun.... you know where this is heading, right?

if they decide to add a weapon, i think they should add a proper sniper-rifle... Eventually, the combine-rifle also used by Alyx in EP2. The crossbow was fun, nailing combines to walls, but i miss the feeling of loading a bullet in mah ol' trusty rifle, and make a last-second-shot to a guys forehead...

But then again, that's why we have BF2 =P
They tried that, but decided to go with what they have now. Personally, I'm glad they did it.
Bashing with weapons is not an option either, it would render the crowbar useless, people would only use it in the beginning where you usually don't have any firearms yet.
Agreed, and anyway it really is a non-issue, it takes very little time to switch weapons in HL2.
They tried that, but decided to go with what they have now. Personally, I'm glad they did it.

Yeah, ye' probably right... But, as i said, that's why we have BF2 :p
if they should add anything, they might want to make more interactable surroundings, for example: being able to burst off bolts in order to, lets say, drop a hanging container down upon combines? :D maybe make certain walls desctructible, for example, you could make doors blow with grenades, or just blow bulletholes in 'em till they fall apart. The HL games tend to focus on puzzles every once in a while, and making more dynamic environments would make the puzzles so much more fun... IMO, the best weapon is the environment...

still think they should go easy about "omg-i-can-carry-more-weapons-than-a-five-man-squad" =/

in terms of holdable weapons, maybe they could introduce the S.L.A.M. in HL2:EP3 as a singleplayer-weapon? :D

imagine: "ok, we are moving towar.." *BOOM*
Hmmmm... how about deployable manhacks. You see the combine letting them go, maybe you should be able to let hacked ones loose and use 'em against the combine.
The Pulse Rifle is pretty accurate if fired in bursts.

But on the subject of weapon criticisms:
  • The view and world models for the crossbow and MP7 don't match.
  • You shouldn't be able to fire rebar so accurately with no rifling or fletching of any kind.
  • Gordon's OSIPR autmatically reloads itself. Rebels' and Soldiers' don't. Also the magazines that Gordon picks up for them (the large flat one) is not the magazine that's replaced when the gun reloads. Also this magazine clearly stays attached to the gun when NPCs reload it.
  • The OSIPR energy pellet and the MP7 grenades relaod themselves.
  • What the Gravity Gun does or doesn't affect is pretty random.
  • Invisble speedloader for the .357.

in terms of holdable weapons, maybe they could introduce the S.L.A.M. in HL2:EP3 as a singleplayer-weapon?

That could work, but friendly AI would probably need to be modified so your squad or Alyx don't walk into them.

Maybe that's why it wasn't a weapon in Half-Life2.
That could work, but friendly AI would probably need to be modified so your squad or Alyx don't walk into them.

Bah! The "friendlies" were the biggest annoyances in HL2. It'd be only right that the stupid half-brained morons lwould lose limbs to laser mines.

Anyway, on topic...

Since there's no chance that we'd see a LMG in the HL2 armoury:)hmph:), I'd like 3 fixes to the existing armoury :
1. A chance to disable automatic reloading. I like to savour the moment after gunfights by reloading every single weapon and the automatic magical reloading ruins it, as well as hurts any suspension of disbelief that survives the idiotic friendly npc chatter.
2. A chance to disable the laser targeting in the rpg. The rpg is a nice weapon, but goddamn I hate that annoying big red dot.
3. Better weapon sounds to the pistol, smg and shotgun. At the very least the shotgun's sound should be raised a notch.
2. A chance to disable the laser targeting in the rpg. The rpg is a nice weapon, but goddamn I hate that annoying big red dot.
3. Better weapon sounds to the pistol, smg and shotgun. At the very least the shotgun's sound should be raised a notch.

Yeah, I always wondered why in HL you could disable the laser, but not in HL2. Its not like the secondary attack button for it has any purpose.

and yeah I also agree with the better sounds, but on a side note the pistol reload sound changed in Ep2 (for Steam users anyway)
1. A chance to disable automatic reloading. I like to savour the moment after gunfights by reloading every single weapon and the automatic magical reloading ruins it, as well as hurts any suspension of disbelief that survives the idiotic friendly npc chatter.
Oh absolutely! It's stupid that you can put an empty weapon away, use another one for a moment, and the first one is magically reloaded. In both HL and HL2 I frequently switch between a variety of weapons during a firefight, and in Half-Life there was an extra level of strategy to this. Enter firefight, gun down a couple of marines with the MP5, switch to the .357 for a long range shot, switch to the shotgun to nail one just around the corner. And then when it's all over, reload all of those weapons to be ready for the next confrontation.

Plus, going through my arsenal reloading half empty weapons while I ride the elevator into the Lambda Core always reminds me of that scene near the end of Aliens. :cheese:

3. Better weapon sounds to the pistol, smg and shotgun. At the very least the shotgun's sound should be raised a notch.
I think the Pistol and SMG sounds are fine in the episodes. They're the same sounds, but they made them a bit louder in EP1, it's an improvement.

I am using a custom shotgun sound though, if you're really curious watch this and you'll hear it around the 1:35 mark.
Someone mentioned a while back a grenade that distorts time or something to that effect. I think they called it a chrono grenade. I liked the idea of this not as a permanent addition to the game, but something that would last for one level. maybe not even as a weapon, but some part of the Borealis that was affected by an experiment gone wrong. Imagine walking into a room and seeing six Combine dead on the floor. Alyx says something along the lines of "what happened here?", and then there is a flash. Six more Combine, standing by there dead counterparts, have appeared. This would go on until you have either shut down the machine causing the rift in time, or you have escaped its reach. I like it, even if it is a bit corny
Oh absolutely! It's stupid that you can put an empty weapon away, use another one for a moment, and the first one is magically reloaded. In both HL and HL2 I frequently switch between a variety of weapons during a firefight, and in Half-Life there was an extra level of strategy to this. Enter firefight, gun down a couple of marines with the MP5, switch to the .357 for a long range shot, switch to the shotgun to nail one just around the corner. And then when it's all over, reload all of those weapons to be ready for the next confrontation.

Plus, going through my arsenal reloading half empty weapons while I ride the elevator into the Lambda Core always reminds me of that scene near the end of Aliens. :cheese:

I think the Pistol and SMG sounds are fine in the episodes. They're the same sounds, but they made them a bit louder in EP1, it's an improvement.

I am using a custom shotgun sound though, if you're really curious watch this and you'll hear it around the 1:35 mark.

They probably made the sounds louder because of the upgraded source engine.
Someone mentioned a while back a grenade that distorts time or something to that effect. I think they called it a chrono grenade. I liked the idea of this not as a permanent addition to the game, but something that would last for one level. maybe not even as a weapon, but some part of the Borealis that was affected by an experiment gone wrong. Imagine walking into a room and seeing six Combine dead on the floor. Alyx says something along the lines of "what happened here?", and then there is a flash. Six more Combine, standing by there dead counterparts, have appeared. This would go on until you have either shut down the machine causing the rift in time, or you have escaped its reach. I like it, even if it is a bit corny

I know there's a deleted weapon in EP1, I think it's called weapon_hopwire and it acts like a mini black-hole grenade. It seemed like a cool idea, but unstable.
Yeah, that was pretty good weapon. Wasn't it supposed to be a prototype for an easy Strider killing weapon?
It was meant to be like a tripmine. Except, you know, with a bunch of ****ing tripwires shooting everywhere.
Yeah that tripball was ****ing awesome.
Along with the vortex ball thing, that was awesome too.
It would be awesome to take some of the older deleted weapons (such as the Hopwire grenades, Combine Guard gun, etc.) from the one mod "Missing Information" and use those as new guns (maybe change them a bit).
1 thing i would like to know about this new weapon if there is one would be how it would effect half life 2 deathmatch. Would they implement this new weapon or just leave it as is?
How about a headcrab trap which could be planted a little like a C4 in CounterStrike?
i think we might get an aperture science weapon. although not the portal gun.

whatever is on the borealis is going to be powerful, as a portal gun doesnt seem like it could cause another BM incident, and neither could GlaDos.
1 thing i would like to know about this new weapon if there is one would be how it would effect half life 2 deathmatch. Would they implement this new weapon or just leave it as is?

Seeing as "left as it is" is the fate that HL2: DM has had for a couple of years now, they won't do a thing to it. Like there aren't any Episode One or Episode Two maps yet.
How about something like the gravity gun, But what it does is like a massive blast like the primary fire. And all objects in a specified cone, or area, are punted like in the primary fire!
How about something like the gravity gun, But what it does is like a massive blast like the primary fire. And all objects in a specified cone, or area, are punted like in the primary fire!

That would probably wreak havoc on slower computers since theres alot of physics involved. it would be nice to use a tau cannon or gluon gun again tho
Haven't posted here in quite a long time, but, since I've recently finished EP2 I got a few sugestions of my own I thought you gents my be interested to hear.

I propose a redesign of the SMG/MP7 and the AR2/OSIPR.

Regarding the MP7:

At first the MP7 should have its stock extended and the large capacity magazine modeled, so it reflects those 45 rds we carry in the mag. Also, that extra barrel should be eliminated, and instead an underbarrel grenade launcher should be stacked underneath the weapon's frame so it reflects more realistically the secondary function of the weapon, plus, there should be an animation of Gordon manually inserting the grenade through the nozzle everytime he picked a grenade, kinda like the GL3 grenade launcher manufactured by MetalStorm.


Secondly, on to the AR2:

The Combine AR2 is, as I reckon, the most flawed design I've ever seen in quite a long time. First, regarding the reloading animation, the only reloading animation we get for this weapon is that tiny robotic arm manually remove a spent pellet and insert a new one into the barrel, it's like there's an infinite amount of pellets inside that huge ammo box on side the of the weapon (which is nonsense). But still, the ammo we pick up for the weapon are the ammo boxes, so, the idea I have here is that we should have 270 rds of ammo for this weapon, divided in 3 ammo boxes and each ammo box having 3 pellets that would be manually reloaded by the robotic arm. We would also see Gordon replacing the ammo box every 90 rds so it looks more visually realistic.


Also I got a few ideas for new weapons, like a "Magnusson Launcher", kinda like a roket launcher with a miniaturize Magnusson Device attached at the business end of the rocket, so we wouldn't have to shoot the damn thing every it attaches itself to a strider.


A secondary function for the magnum, in which Gordon fires the gun from the hammer, instead of the trigger so he fires it very fast, in a burst of rounds. And the magnum should be reskinned, and the new skin shoud have a detailed engraving on the barrel, and an ivory grip.


The shotgun itself should have its secondary fire-mode changed, so instead of shooting simultaneously 2 rounds (which is impossible) it would fire 2 rounds in a row, thus reflecting the real-life capability of the SPAS-12 of firing on semi-auto.


Explosive arrows for the crossbow, nuff said.


Oh, and Annabelle, how could I forget about her.
So Gordon's gonna lose his gravity gun in this game and he's gonna jump on an advisor's back and rip it's fucking head off with the crowbar and it'll be all like "SCREEEEEEEE" and Gordon's gonna shove his fist right into its skull and then he'll be able to use the telekinetic powers of the advisors and secondary fire launches the proboscis right into the heads of Combine soldiers Gordon'll liquefy their brains and suck them through a meat straw

and all the remaining advisors will be like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" and you won't even need any other weapons because it'll be like you have the Force you'll be ripping things apart and sucking up gray matter
I always imagined you could fit the essential parts of the Grav gun into the palm of the HEV glove, and almost make it feel like you have the force.
I always imagined you could fit the essential parts of the Grav gun into the palm of the HEV glove, and almost make it feel like you have the force.

Yeah, I always envisioned that too, just like Dog's, he has a gravity gun fitted within the structure of his hand.
That would badass if Gordon had that done on both hands. He could then hold two explosive barrels with each hand. Or two saw blades. get the idea.
Yeah, I always envisioned that too, just like Dog's, he has a gravity gun fitted within the structure of his hand.

Well, you know, barring the fact that he's a god-damned robot.
Not exactly a new one, but I would like to see that upgraded/reversed (or whatever) gravity gun from episode 1.

It was fun to grab enemies with it and throw them to wall.
He's totally going to have a flaming barrel, which he will just pull out of his pocket. Yes, he will hold up to 5 burning barrels in his pocket at any time. Yes, the HEV does have pockets.
I always imagined you could fit the essential parts of the Grav gun into the palm of the HEV glove, and almost make it feel like you have the force.
I really doubt you could. The gravity gun's a pretty big device.
So Gordon's gonna lose his gravity gun in this game and he's gonna jump on an advisor's back and rip it's fucking head off with the crowbar and it'll be all like "SCREEEEEEEE" and Gordon's gonna shove his fist right into its skull and then he'll be able to use the telekinetic powers of the advisors and secondary fire launches the proboscis right into the heads of Combine soldiers Gordon'll liquefy their brains and suck them through a meat straw

and all the remaining advisors will be like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" and you won't even need any other weapons because it'll be like you have the Force you'll be ripping things apart and sucking up gray matter

**** YEAH.