The official HL2 countdown thread

Too bad... tomorrow, the 16th, I'll be at work all the day... as usual.

But the worst thing is that... tomorrow... I'll have to STAY in office, with my colleagues, for the usual weekly meeting!!!...
And I won't be back home 'til late night!!!!....

This does't mean I won't play HL2 when I finally reach my PC, at home... It means I will not be able to play with the audio volume at full-throttle!!!!...... :angry: :angry: :angry:

And this would be worse than what you think!!!....
23 hours & 11 minutes away. GOOD GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!
I can't play until EB Games opens the next day with my reserved retail copy. :angry: So it's like 31 or so hours left for me.
DAMN SHOPS CLOSED WHEN IT'S RELEASED AT 6:30pm tomorrow. I'll get it Wednesday afternoon (+10.5 GMT).
OMG WTF !!!! 1 DAY LEFT! OMG WTF!!!!111!! This is so 1337!!!!111!! W000t W00t HL2 is Coming! OMG!!!!! W000t!
Its a shame I purchased it off steam. I was looking foreward to camping outside the shop :cheese: hell I might go down anyway....
I've been reading the forums for a while and not once have I actually seen a legit time for the release of HL2. I know we're all saying midnight or 8 AM GMT (my time) but has the game actually been verifed by anyone in Valve saying that it will be released at midnight through steam. It's just that I've got the whole day off work and will be up at 8 AM and if it isn't unlocked by then. I'll go and buy it from a shop.
It is teh pwnage, at this time tomorrw, i'll have been playing for about 35 minutes.
I got a bad feeling it isn't going to be as good as we all think, still going to be best PC game ever, but not live up to the complete hype.
MaxiKana said:
It is teh pwnage, at this time tomorrw, i'll have been playing for about 35 minutes.

No, ONE hour and 35 minutes. :E

I am so excited I can't concentrate on ANYTHING other than this FREAKIN' GAME!!

Hope to got I can finish all of my homework before playtime.

And now for a big w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!!

21:16:10 left!!!
ive worked out the math, and here in italy i wont be able to d/l until 9am tomorrow, but i have a class that begins at 9am. I CANT EVEN LET IT ACTIVATE WHILE I LEARN HISTORY!!!!!
Lifehost said:
Hope to got I can finish all of my homework before playtime.

yep. i've got two essays due on tuesday, a 4pager and a ~12 pager (3rd evolution of the same paper).....i'm doing them now (and i "started" last weekend), since i know that after 10pm tomorrow night i won't get anything else done.......okayshutupback to hw!

(yes, that's right, 10pm my time....suckers! hahaha)

22h 12m!

Did any of you guys see the TV and on channel Five in the UK
SJStallard said:
Did any of you guys see the TV and on channel Five in the UK

nope. somebody said it was on during simpsons tonight, which i watched, but i missed the intro (on the sofa in the house) and the first few commercials after that, so it must've been on then or not for me locally. do tell.

[edit: wow a same minute reply! w00t! whos your daddy!!!] 22h 08m!
I won't be right there at the door at midnight, I'll be there shortly after guarentee it :)
It was on five just before Terminator 3, at 9pm. It had the hl2 logo on black, getting bigger, with the sound of heartbeat in background, simple but effective I guess. and the just pic of dvd case, and saying in stores 16th. hey what happened to it being released earlier in the states.
Probably those endless set-backs they're always throwing at us.
SJStallard said:
It was on five just before Terminator 3, at 9pm. It had the hl2 logo on black, getting bigger, with the sound of heartbeat in background, simple but effective I guess. and the just pic of dvd case, and saying in stores 16th. hey what happened to it being released earlier in the states.

never any plans for an earlier release in the US--release on 16 nov in the US in retail, and 12:00 am 16 nov in US PST...and i think the plan is for 16 nov release in retail channels worldwide but i dont know, you should know more about that than me unless you bought it via steam (best option in my opinion)

21h 53m!

Ummm.... not really, but that was the best spam I could think of at the moment.
lifebringer said:
never any plans for an earlier release in the US--release on 16 nov in the US in retail, and 12:00 am 16 nov in US PST...and i think the plan is for 16 nov release in retail channels worldwide but i dont know, you should know more about that than me unless you bought it via steam (best option in my opinion)

21h 53m!

I heard it was gonna release 3 days after US, anyway I bought through steam, I am still preloading at mo, 73% do u think it finish before release
It will probably be delayed for like 5 minutes and everyone will have heart attacks :p
SJStallard said:
I heard it was gonna release 3 days after US, anyway I bought through steam, I am still preloading at mo, 73% do u think it finish before release

when did you start preloading? it should be finished by now...but try to restart steam and see if it keeps going (right click the steam icon in your sys tray and click monitor to monitor steam's bandwidth and make sure the game is downloading) ..and pause/resume it....screw around with it a bit, if you still can't get it to keep going, msg us back here and we'll help. if it's updating right now then you must've started recently or you have a really slow connection.
oooo the exitement woooooot
omg i can't believe it! we've been waiting for a year and a half, WE'RE FINALLY GONNA PLAY IT!!

seriosly, people.. watch the binks. better than energy drinks.