The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread

Just beat it, the last portion of the game was seriously kickass. But they should have created a better more dramatic
blowout, it was just kind of lame. The ending cutscene was cool tho
Latest drivers.
Downloading patch 1.5.04 again for a re-install tonight.
Clean install and back to patch 1.5.04, which has stopped the crashes, and I found a custom gamedata / .ltx tweak on the GSC forum to set more corpses (default 15?!? 50 ftw) and make them stick around longer. If anyone else starts getting corpses vanishing, let me know and i'll post the link to the forum thread.

Time for Military Warehouses }:D
SOC with Oblivion Lost:
I keep getting attacked by random Stalkers in the Bar. It started with a few random newbies attacking me but now every time I go through the Bar I get attacked by 3-8 experienced loners/Dutyers (though the Duty forces in the main Duty base never show any aggression). It's really, really annoying. At first I thought it was to do with my reputation (it was terrible when this thing started) but since I went to the Army Warehouses it has gone up to excellent and I'm still getting attacked! What causes this? Is it due to me being the number one ranked Stalker? Are they Monolith agents? Is it just a bug?

Also this mod is pretty great. In SOC I just got stupidly rich really quickly and could usually just buy whatever the hell I wanted to and it was a bit rediculous. With this I'm just trying to build up enough supplies and ammo (which the traders still refuse to sell very much of) to move on to the Red Forest.

Horrible bugs though. NPCs not spawning properly is the worst. Quicksaving/loading usually fixes this but it's still really annoying. Any fixes?

Random cool feature I noticed today: Well, I already knew that you could sell weapons to NPCs and then they could use them as their main gun (which I had used before to provide allies with better guns) but I only just discovered that they'll sometimes then sell on their old weapons and ammo to you.

Can NPCs use medkits that you sell them? I've sold a few to NPCs that I want to keep alive, eg, Wolf and Guide.

Edit: Just remembered. One of my missions is frozen.
It's the initial Freedom mission, kill the Dutyers at the farm. Not only are all the Dutyers dead, but the Freedom soldiers have packed up and went back to base and it still says I have to kill the Duty squad. If I go back to Freedom's leader he tells me to go talk to Max. If I go talk to Max he tells me to talk to him once all the Dutyers are dead, and all the Dutyers are dead. Rather annoying.
its pretty screwy there. And the bar people hate you because you attacked those Dutiers. I usually try not to make enemies out of any of them. But IIRC, once you beat brain scorcher, even if the dutiers hated you before they won't now. Least you shoot them again I suppose.
But the Dutyers in the Duty base don't hate me and neither did the Dutyers in the Military Warehouses (they had been attacking me before this, but I had previously (out of nessisity, due to a bug) killed the entire Duty checkpoint at the Garbage). And that doesn't explain why the loners hate me.
some loners in the duty base side with the announcement 'kill the murderer on duty territory'
^Go to any trader.

You need to pay the barman to settle your disputes with the stalker and duty squads. Depending on the infractions, the prices start at around 10k roubles and up.

Are you running OL2.2? or the original?
you can just buy your way out? sweet (not at that price though, KILL'M I SAY).
you can just buy your way out? sweet (not at that price though, KILL'M I SAY).
Yeah, it's pricey. It's irritating how hard it is to pull off a stealthy kill without angering anyone, too. Sidorvich hired me to kill some guy in the rookie village one time, I found him inside one of the houses... sleeping! I peeked over my shoulder, flashed an evil grin and drew my knife, thinking 'this'll be easy'. *SHANK*

Nope, even though it was inside a building, out of sight and almost silent, the entire village got up in arms, as if telepathically detecting his death. I ran back to Sid's bunker to get my reward, 2,000 RU, but how much would it cost to calm them down? 40,000 RU! Bah. Last time I do assassin jobs for him, he doesn't even take care of his employees.
They never made the we have a murderer among us announcement and I have taked to lots of traders several times since it started and never noticed any dialogue option for settling the dispute.

Also, I backstabbed someone in the village once, another guy who was out hunting with his buddy (though I try to play more moraly now. Bes made me feel really guilty for playing line an asshole) without causing any alarm.
Get out of here, stalker!

Come in! Don't just stand there!
Mr. 'get out of here, stalker' was not long of this earth after I met him, I could only take so much.

"Get out of here sta-"*SHANK*

I'm working on a few mini-mods for the game, by the way, does anyone want to hear about them?
Just finished Clear Sky, if a little abruptly...
the ending makes sense but for some reason I was expecting an open ending, and a return to the zone. Ah well, will have to load an earlier save and wipe out duty just for shits n giggles

First game i've really enjoyed in a loooooong time. Loved it.
Mr. 'get out of here, stalker' was not long of this earth after I met him, I could only take so much.

"Get out of here sta-"*SHANK*

I'm working on a few mini-mods for the game, by the way, does anyone want to hear about them?

yes please tell :D
My projects: These are all for Oblivion Lost, mind.

1. Stash mini-mod: I'm tweaking the contents of some of the stashes to (hopefully) make them more fair and balanced. If a stash is surrounded by anomalies, for example, I modify it so it contains stuff worth being injured for. Also, I'm including the items, suits, weapons and ammunition types new to Oblivion Lost in some stashes so you can actually find ammunition for the new weapons like the AK47 and P90.

2. 9mm USP. This is basically just a clone of the .45 USP Compact, chambered in the smaller 9x19mm. It has a larger magazine capacity (13 rounds), lighter weight, and lower cost. Obviously, it's also less powerful.

3. Trader inventory and pricing mini-mod: I was quite fed up with Oblivion Lost's harsh pricing (You could sell a box of 9x18mm rounds to Sidorvich for 12 RU, and to buy it back he'd want 250 RU, he couldn't rip off armed customers like that without bodyguards IRL) and found I liked adjusting item availability along the way, so one thing led to another. Quite a few trader mods have been released (including a few for OL) but none of them really suit my liking. A lot of trader mods just add every single piece of kit in the game to all of the traders, making all of the menus a mess to navigate. The way I'm going to do it, most of the weapons in the game will be available, but the uncommon ones will be appropriately rare and different traders will specialise in different types of weaponry. Duty - eastern bloc, Freedom - NATO, Scientists - high tech, Sidorvich - low tech, Barkeep - a little of everything, etc.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a detailed explanation of Shadow of Chernobyl's story? I have no idea what I've been playing. The story is delivered through broken encounters with various people and it's really hard for me to understand what's going on. The monologues I get from certain characters often don't match the text I'm reading, so that further confuses me. It's a really flawed game in my opinion. I read about the story on Wikipedia and even spoiled the ending for myself because I'm so bored and lost that it doesn't even matter to me anymore. I'm still confused even after reading it, though. The story sounds like it has a TON of potential--it's really interesting. The game just sucks at telling it.

I don't like the whole non-linear quest feel of this game. I don't feel like doing all of the missions I'm assigned because it takes forever to travel around the zone and it's really repetitive. Go here, fight people, get certain item, walk all the way back, repeat. Plus, I don't know which missions are important and which ones are just side missions of no real purpose besides earning money. It just feels like such a grind and I'm really not compelled to keep playing it.
stick to finding strelocks ppl, it becomes clear over time and all is revealed if you do the true endings.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a detailed explanation of Shadow of Chernobyl's story? I have no idea what I've been playing.
I can try summing it all up for you. I assume you don't mind end spoilers and the like?
Nah, I read another description and I sort of get it now. I don't want to play it anymore, though. Not fun.

It's not a Duty dispute. None of the traders give me the option of settling it. It's also spreading. The entire Freedom blockade now hate me, even though they were all friends the last time I was there. But on the other hand they're now all dead. The entire boarder was wiped out by a pair of controllers, a pack of dogs, a murder of bloodsuckers and a herd of flesh. Any Freedom troops left there are now shamblers. I'm not going anywhere near that place again until I can find a good vantage point and a lot of ammo.

Also, Matty make the traders sell more ammo types. The only place I can find any ammo for my H&K is by killing mercs.
Which H&K? The H&K USP Compact, the H&K MP5, or the H&K G36? :LOL:

Whichever it is, I will. All of the common ammo types will be available from every trader (and from Sidorvich after Lab X18, so even in Cordon you'll be able to resupply your more advanced weapons.)
Sorry, I meant my G36. It's a fantastic gun (especially with the grenade launcher :) ) but I have no ammo for it.
Hang on.. it has just occurred to me that there are no less than 5 guns in the Clear Sky manual that I didn't even see throughout the whole game. Does weapon availability depend on which faction you join? Saw only 3 NATO MG's from start to finish, the only sniper rifle was the Vintar, and the rest were AK's. Also only saw around 6 armours. Is that it?
The to be Freedom base's sniper position has the 'real' sniper gun.
no, the long heavy silver shit that's more accurate (I found it more useful than in SoC but still not worth all the weight).
But what about all the new NATO weapons? where are they?
Sorry, I'm not up on gun makes so I can't say which, I mean some of the the ones pictured in the manual.
Yeah that shit

bullpup svu version is better imo-

He gives u a bullpop right when you get the gauss, stupid ass mofo.
Not that that is much use in the last 2 minutes of the game.
And the g36?