The old times...


May 17, 2003
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Do you remember the old times, before we have seen the videos?

I sat down and looked around some Hl2 screenshots when i saw this.


That was the first hl2 screen i ever seen. Whe ni saw it i thought it was some "anime" stuff, and it looked to good to be a "in-game"-shot. I discussed it with some swedish ppl over at and they agreed it could'nt be a in-game shot..

THEN the movies came and I shooked when i saw the first tech demo thing.. Almost cried.. Thinking " omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg ". That was.. A month ago? I don't remember when the first movies came out.. But it truly was amazing seeing them.

And here we are, knowing more stuff about the game then we expected to do.

From the little "shining" from HL2 'til a huge community with people from all over the world gatherd here, discussing theories wich we won't know exactly until September the 30th.

Well, that's all for me, thinking back on the " good, non-desperate-times. " :D
The first HL2 shot I ever saw was the one with the Combine facing away from you, shooting an Antlion behind some bars, and a shell coming out of Freeman's shotgun. The one with the untextured (orange) walls, and the badly-constructed bars. I showed it to my friend the next day, and he replied with "That's stupid. That can't be Half-Life 2, they're not even making that game. Plus it looks like some new Starship Troopers movie shot." Then a week later, the PC Gamer magazine scans were out on the Internet, and everyone was amazed.

Finding out that the shot was really an in-game HL2 shot was almost as fun as when I showed my little brother the PC Gamer "Doom III" cover which displayed an in-game shot. All my brother said was "Bulls**t!"
I saw the same photo as Stigmata first. I thought OMG that looks so real, and everyone was like wtf that aint real, the guy is just a bloke in a costume and the bars are a photo of real life.

I wanted them to be wrong, so badly. And they were :D

Then i saw some guys page of HL2 photos, and my jaw dropped. It got me hooked :)
I forgot what I first saw, but i think it was screenshots on PHL, then the vids came out. I knew the game would be amazing just from the screens. I started telling basically everyone at school, lol.

Edit: I remember kind of. I think it was just before PC mags started publicizing it. I think the orange screens and the Gordon Freeman headshots and the one with alyx in the back is what I saw.
Hehe same here.. i stopped play CS, stopped go to all my other communities.. :F Just sat down and kept the bloody ftp up :D
When I was watching the gunship video for the first time, I though that the thing was just going to blow up and break into many pieces. But actually, deep inside I wished that it would do something spectacular, like do a crash landing and attempt to take Gordon down with it. And thats exactly what it did! I was really impressed.
Ya, it was nice for once to see something out of the blue in games these days! Hopefully, HL2 will have more surprises for us. :dozey:
Hmm I saw the one with alex and that black dude in it.....and I thought That looks gay. Why are there realistic allies in HL2? I really didnt like the fact that a chick was your main ally shes not even hot. For some reason I wasent surprised with that screen shot........I only like Gordon, and Barney

Those were my first thoughts, then I looked at more and more screens/previews and I was hooked. Thgen the day came when I watched the 600mb video and I was like "HOLY SHIT!"
the first screenshot I saw was Stigmata's first photo.

I rember me talking with my friend, "that's bullshit, it's obviously a fake"

It's funny that while we were thinking it was too real to be an actual screenshot, some dudes were already discussing about hl2 clipping problems :D
Originally posted by ShadowJustice

It's funny that while we were thinking it was too real to be an actual screenshot, some dudes were already discussing about hl2 clipping problems :D

lol ^^ That gave me a laugh: D
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
It's funny that while we were thinking it was too real to be an actual screenshot, some dudes were already discussing about hl2 clipping problems :D

I'm picky. So what? ;)
2 months ago i was really bored and just typed half life 2 into google. I found a forum on a site with actual screenshots and i though it was an elaborate prank! I saw that same shot first (as stigmata) and had a similar reaction.
I cant remember my first ingame shot (i think it was the orange wall one) but the first thing i ever saw about HL2 and a page scan from a mag that had the crowbar and the shadow forming a "2"
I showed all my friends the first HL2 pics, they said they where fake, or they where concept art...they didnt believe it was in-game, I laughed when I showed them the video :LOL:
I got pointed towards the Screenshots by our very own, MrBadger (i think it was anywho...he defintaly pointed me here)...

and I really didn't think that much, because they were really horrible pictures, but I was still wow'd that hl2 was coming out, and thats all I had of HL2, and then I got dragged into Woolies, by my best mate (she wanted some jelly babies) and I saw the PC format mag with Gordon and Alyx on the front, and I just stood mouth on floor :p... then I brought it and some jelly babies, and went home, and read it :cheese:
The first of HL2 I saw was at school ^_^

Some link in a random forum to an FTP with the PC Gamer scans. When the vids came out... that source demo at the beginning. I literally almost cried with pure amazement.
I first I saw of HL2 was that picture of that crowbar... then I looked around and found all these screenshots... my jaw was on the floor.

Me and a few friends went to town, we went into a newsagents and were looking at some PC magazines. Suddenly one of them makes a grab at something, and it's the latest PCZONE... bright orange, lambda logo... I grabbed it off her and bought it straight away. :p . We must have looked quite a sight walking down the street, 4 kids all crowded behind 2 magazines (we bought another). I'm surprised we didn't walk into anything.
When i first saw HL2 I thought it was too good to be true.. the screenshots looked.. amazing..

so I just thought it was just some extremly large conspiracy.. then bam.. the video's.. I think I hit my head on something.. because I dont remember anything past that.
Originally posted by Murray_H
I saw the same photo as Stigmata first. I thought OMG that looks so real, and everyone was like wtf that aint real, the guy is just a bloke in a costume and the bars are a photo of real life.

I wanted them to be wrong, so badly. And they were :D

Then i saw some guys page of HL2 photos, and my jaw dropped. It got me hooked :)

"old times"

It's more like "do you remember 2 months ago?"
Most likely new times, the first time was when i saw that first scanned screenshot- then i got hooked.