The one campaign.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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If there's anything I hate more than filthy rich people, its filthy rich people talking about poverty.

All of these celebrites in that video... bunches of them, talking about stopping poverty. These celebrities ALONE with all their money could help severely reduce poverty and hunger in many countries.

When you have more money than god... its kind of hard for people such as myself to view you in a respectable light when you talk about something that you yourself don't seem to be making too much of an effort to contribute to, and rather rely on other people to do it instead.

These celebrities may donate some, but they continue to live fancy, glorified lives full of unimiginible wealth and luxury, and are always agitated when they don't get their way. Impoverished people rarely ever get their rare, and you are hardly setting a good example to average citizens who you are trying to encourage. They say at the end, that they don't ask for your money, but only your voice. Maybe they ask that, so they themselves don't have to offer up their own money.

Either that, or I have some sort of deep resentment for celebrities <shrugs and goes to bed>
How many times have they done this, like 18?

Oh, yes, I need to put my opinion in.

I think the celebraties don't do it for the countries but for thier reputation. There would be at least a couple of million dumb ****s who don't know what the celebraties are really doing and then worship them.

Then it effects people like me, who are always around those dumb****s (Let's just call them "Teenagers" for now.) so the "Teenagers" would tell me about the celebraties great deeds in ending world hunger and donating money to cancer reasearch. Most of the time, if I am not in a state of murderous hate for society, I will explain that they did not give one cent of thier massive amount of wealth to it. Infact, they have to get people who actually work harder than them to give thier own money to them and it dosen't exactly "End world hunger" or "Cure cancer". The "Teenagers" would reply "So?" that just makes me either:

1) Explain further how they aren't exactly heroes.

2) Walk away.

3) Make unstructered posts like this to a bunch of semi-strangers.

Don't even get me started on how I have to deal with media-brainwashed "Teenagers".

Long story short, I agree with Raziaar.
I'm with you man a hundred 100%. I hate their cheesy ads, the way they talk, condescending, asking the average working class joe to give his money?! that's ridiculous these asspuppets should be the ones giving, not the guy who gets minimum wage.
I think this is enough evidence to proove that the people involved dont actually care about world poverty... they just want a name for themselves.

I dont tihnk Bob Geldolf understands the issues at hand, he's a fool and a political tool. Aswell as trying to look like some really good guy, when he's just driven by his own expanding ego to be some sort of saint. What he's doing does not help the countries in Africa; many of which are doing just fine without liveaid help.
If you lived in a poverty stricken country, I think you'd be pretty hopefull of something like this...
If those celebrities donated 1/2 their millions, they could easily outdonate the entire country. Until they do that, they can shut up and stop acting like some modern saints, trying to swing popular opinion against me because I don't like them.
Even if the celebrities do give a bunch of cash to africa, it will never help because of the greedy scumbag leaders there, Bastards like Mugabe knock houses down and claims he did it 'To combat crime'.

Nothing will ever change because of the greed of those with power.
Celebraties should be the ones donating, and the average joes should be the ones supplementing the donation, not vice-versa.
Well those celebrities were simply asked and paid to this little campaign, and it does make an appealing message. If some random strangers were on it, I'd just be "Oh look another save the world from hunger campaign". But with celebrities on it, it does make you think more about it. It's simply because they are famous, we can relate with others about them, and if it makes people encouraged to donate money, then I'm glad they did it.

Once you start making your millions, come back to this forum and tell us all how much you've donated in the name of good.
Pesmerga said:
Well those celebrities were simply asked and paid to this little campaign, and it does make an appealing message. If some random strangers were on it, I'd just be "Oh look another save the world from hunger campaign". But with celebrities on it, it does make you think more about it. It's simply because they are famous, we can relate with others about them, and if it makes people encouraged to donate money, then I'm glad they did it.

Once you start making your millions, come back to this forum and tell us all how much you've donated in the name of good.
I agree with the first part. But I think anyone with any morals at all who has the kind of money they do should feel obligated to donate a lot after making such an ad, otherwise it's just hypocritical.

Also, when I do start making my millions, if I ever decide to tell people to donate, I will for fear of being a hypocrite
I don't expect celebrities to give up all of their comforts that they've earned because they think that people in poverty deserve it more than them. They've given a lot, and just their face helps the campaign a lot.

I signed this quite some time ago, and I really, really think it's stupid if you're INSULTING this because the celebrities don't pay a certain amount or something. Just sign it, accept it, and move on.
Ennui said:
I don't expect celebrities to give up all of their comforts that they've earned because they think that people in poverty deserve it more than them. They've given a lot, and just their face helps the campaign a lot.

I signed this quite some time ago, and I really, really think it's stupid if you're INSULTING this because the celebrities don't pay a certain amount or something. Just sign it, accept it, and move on.
I think it's stupid to push people to do something that you yourself don't do. So they stood in front of a camera and said a couple words... gee, thanks celebrities! Way to help the cause.
I'm sorry, but it's ridiculously hypocritical
Who cares? If it helps the campaign, it helps. They didn't have to support it you know.

I don't think you should complain at all about something good like this.
The celebrities earn their money, have their money by exploiting the poor.

The film stars, make money out of movies... ofwhich are made in developing countries around the world by people working for **** all money.

Music stars, make there money out of selling cd's and tours and merchandise, made in developing countries by people for piss all money.

The TV Stars, again, the television company pays them and they make their money by advertising products made in developing countries and workers earning piss all money.

These people wouldnt ever go to these countries and live the life these empoverished people live. And yet they freely go and put there face to something, as if they are so saintly, to publicise themselves and sell more of their products, so they can buy their mansions. If you cant see the hypocracy in that then you're blind.

Hell, the guy on the front page Brad Pitt earns Millions per film. He lives in a Huge house.... if he decided to setup a film company in one of these poor countries, to make films over there and sold that in the western world... putting that money into those people's wages and helping their economy, then thats helping. It's these stupid charities themselves that are making it worse, hell, even the anti-poverty wristbands promoted by all the politicians and celebrities were made in Chinese sweatshops.

Cancelling debt and giving Aid, doesnt help solve the problem in the long term. You arent helping the country, in its situation through removing poor leadership, education or health improvement. You're just giving money away to the wrong people, you arent doing anything.
oldagerocker said:
Hell, the guy on the front page Brad Pitt earns Millions per film. He lives in a Huge house.... if he decided to setup a film company in one of these poor countries, to make films over there and sold that in the western world... putting that money into those people's wages and helping their economy, then thats helping.

Hit the nail on the head.

Wealthy company X sets up factory/training facilities/accomadation (worker village town ie shops, schools, hospitals, security, parks etc) in Country Y.

Workers Z are trained for several jobs which are not simple one task jobs ie sweat shop) and are paid accordingly. They eventually export a product which sales minus costs pay towards advancing the country.
Ennui said:
Who cares? If it helps the campaign, it helps. They didn't have to support it you know.

I don't think you should complain at all about something good like this.
But you're missing my point! Ethically, it's just wrong to promote something that you yourself do not take part in. It's ignorant to go on tv and tell Joe Schmoe to donate his hard earned money when the rich bastards telling you to, don't! It's hypocritcal, and hypocrites suck
If any of you even bothered looking at, you'd know they don't want your money. It's a fact, they *don't* want it. They want you to sign a petition that will let the world leaders of the eight wealthiest countries know how devastating the shit is in the poorer parts of the world. The more signatures they get, the more our President Bush or your king whatever in UK tony blair or somethingorother will realize how important it is to us. It will be decided in the G8 Summit in 5 days. No one here is donating money, and they aren't hypocrites because they aren't asking for your money.
Pesmerga said:
If any of you even bothered looking at, you'd know they don't want your money. It's a fact, they *don't* want it. They want you to sign a petition that will let the world leaders of the eight wealthiest countries know how devastating the shit is in the poorer parts of the world. The more signatures they get, the more our President Bush or your king whatever in UK tony blair or somethingorother will realize how important it is to us. It will be decided in the G8 Summit in 5 days. No one here is donating money, and they aren't hypocrites because they aren't asking for your money.

And like I said in my original posts... the celebs aren't asking for your money, that way they don't have to pony up their own. Heh.
Trouble is when we give money to the poor nations like that, none of it sees its way to the ordinary people - most is sucked up just look at the Tsunami aid - that money we gave let the government officials buy new Audis, but the ordinary people didn't get any to rebild their homes. It has a habit of finding its way to those who are already stinking rich in poverty stricken nations. . With bad leadership like many of these countries have, wiping off the debt will do nothing to help.

A new angle is needed - actually doing something to help like building schools or fresh water facilities is needed, rather than throwing money at it, hoping to fix the problem.
Open up trade opportunities to these people too, rather than taking advantage of them.
Now this is just getting stupid.

On the same list as hypocritical celebrities I have an entry called "people who whine no matter what someone tries to do."
If you had several million dollars would you want to donate half of it? Didnt think so. Many, Many celebrities donate ridicluous ammounts of their OWN personal holding to many different foundations and causes.

Before you go and open your mouth about what celebrities do and don't donate, I'd suggest you take a few minutes to type a coupple words into Google and do some damn research yourself. So yes, you may STFU untill you back up your accusations.

For instance, Jackie Chan donated $64,000 to the Tsunami Relief effort ( Just to name one.
WhiteZero said:
If you had several million dollars would you want to donate half of it? Didnt think so. Many, Many celebrities donate ridicluous ammounts of their OWN personal holding to many different foundations and causes.

Before you go and open your mouth about what celebrities do and don't donate, I'd suggest you take a few minutes to type a coupple words into Google and do some damn research yourself. So yes, you may STFU untill you back up your accusations.

For instance, Jackie Chan donated $64,000 to the Tsunami Relief effort ( Just to name one.

Celebrities are still greedy bastards who live posh, luxurious lifestyles. There! I said it!
Don't give me this crap about luxurious lives. Any American or anyone from the UK live like kings compared to 90% of people in Africa / rural MiddleEastern countries. When you give away all your luxuries to some homeless boy in Africa, then I'll listen to your complaints!

Bah! BF2 server browser makes me angry sometimes.