The person above you

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Yeah, apparently the G stands for George. George-Man. Valve has known this all along, but they didn't tell us :P

BTW: This thread needs to be stickied, it's too much fun.:cheers:
Is getting his GCSE results tomorrow.

EDIT: Curses! On well, this was intended for MrBadger.

EDIT 2: Coincidance or not?

Gordon Freeman
Is ambiguous as to what kind of stone his name refers to (igneous or metamorphic, eh?)

Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Doesnt seem to know what the biggest key on a keyboard is for :p
Stop mocking me!! <Bursts into tears> I swear that when you sign up your name has to be alphanumeric keys only!! No spaces allowed or everyone'd be doing it - surely!?;( <Sobs uncontrolably>
Was made into a sword
edit: damn, that was for stone heheh, a sponge sword wouldnt work
el_chi, doesnt realise that i am special and recieve the honour of using spaces in my name.
Does not know me very well..... *laughs like a madman*

*I'm not really fat at all, but I do got those o-so-lovely "love handles"

EDIT: OH fiddlesticks......two people posted before I did...

Teh oth3r edit: The above message was at Stone, but I was a little long in posting....
Is a little odd. Considers... "inventive" ways to enslave the world.
is an ant lion made of meatloaf that is rabid an has two pink eyelashes with fourteen socks and two jackets. is currently pattin head and rubbing stomach, likes to eat meatloaf.
posted his reply at 8-20-03 at 3:48 PM (Mountain Time BTW)

*getting desperate now for things to think of*
Reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


EDIT: I was a bit too late so I changed it

Is named after some long-dead person....who er...invented something.......
Is a meatloaf that can bite people and kill them

edit: too slow, well TDW can be a meatloaf too.
Knows things about himself and posts about it :o

EDIT: Thats suppose to be a :O not a :o. I'll keep it as it is, or it'll ruin the whole god damn thing!!!!
Just took my mistake, and made sure everyone knows that I slipped up!!! :p
replied to someone who is laughin right now
(well not really, but lets play make believe)
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