The person above you

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Isn't funny.

I'm going to change my signature one of these days. It just invites people to call me "Feeth".
seems to get moody when ppl say feath rhymes with teeth for some reason :P
Likes to say "wot" instead of "what" which irritates the shit out of me
Doesn't know me because he didn't fight me
Has my favorite weapon for an avatar.

By the way Farrow that is the cutest avatar I've ever seen. :)
In real life (if i remember correctly) his nickname is farrow. (you or a friend, cant remember, or im dumb and are tottaly off) ;) ;);)0/()0;::90));))?LP
edit: curse you login
login: will burn for his postfirstness.
^Is angry because of my postfirstness

/me burns because of his postfirstness
Is totally off. Farrow is a name i got from the bible. It has also been in one of the Aliens films (which i found out while playing AVP2 and someone made fun of my name, saying "oh how original"...He was called Predator, i really couldnt stop laughing for about 10 minutes)

Appearently its a pokemon as well, and so is sparrow. :rolling:
^^Got his name from a pokemon and one of the alien films

Majestic XII burns for his postfirstness
confused The DemonWithin
i was sure i heard in some thread that you had a friend that was nicknamed farrow. NO! STOP IT!! AH THE VOICES!
As I said earlier, really shouldn't be encouraging things like this.
Is confused by zerimski trying to tell me not to encourage something such as this thread.
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