The question I will be flamed for



Why is it called VALVe? Is it an acronym or do they just spell it to make it look pretty? Feel free to :flame: me after the question is answered?
Now isn't this pathetic? Someone has to address the commonality of being flamed before they post a question. Doesn't that just make you cherish the warm, fuzzy demeanor of the denizens on this forum?

On topic...I honestly don't know if there's any special meaning behind the name. Maybe they just wanted to put a valve on that guy's eyeball cause they thought it looked cool. And so they could eventually get a big valve in the foyer of their offices.
it took me so long to gifure out that the guy for valve's logo had a valve in his eye socket
When they were trying to think of a name, I believe they acquired some photographs of a Seattle based artist. You'll have seen these photographs as they're part of Valve's logo (A man with a valve stuck in his eye, or a bald man with a valve in his head).

Thus VALVe was born based on those photos. The little "E" is part of the logo, and many people translate this to the written version of their name.

Personally, I always say it as "Valve" as it makes more sense to me that way. VALVe just doesn't seem right.
That's cool about the photos. I always assumed they had those done especially for their advertising.
Chris_D said:
When they were trying to think of a name, I believe they acquired some photographs of a Seattle based artist. You'll have seen these photographs as they're part of Valve's logo (A man with a valve stuck in his eye, or a bald man with a valve in his head).

Thus VALVe was born based on those photos. The little "E" is part of the logo, and many people translate this to the written version of their name.

Personally, I always say it as "Valve" as it makes more sense to me that way. VALVe just doesn't seem right.

Yea, thats what I heared.

And yes, Chris, what's up with the avatar???
Story I once read: Valve picked the name for their company when they found a local photographer selling cheap photos of people with valves attached to their heads.
its his "gold" avatar I guess... and thats cool how they came up with it... I thought they just chose the most random object they think ok... but o well thanks for the history Chris!
Chris_D said:
When they were trying to think of a name, I believe they acquired some photographs of a Seattle based artist. You'll have seen these photographs as they're part of Valve's logo (A man with a valve stuck in his eye, or a bald man with a valve in his head).
Actually the part sticking out of the eye or the back of the bald mans head is called a handwheel or aka oustide screw and yolk, OSY handle. It is not called a valve just to clear things up for chris, he kind of seems confused. Valve is the inner workings inside the head which are not exposed where the pipes and the valve gates are located. So all the pieces together represent a valve but the actually part sticking out is referred to handwheel, osy handle ............
i think they were thinking of empty box or something like that...
and i think chris's avatar is his gold avatar
b/c its gold....