The Riddle Thread

I want to hear the solution to Bad^Hat's riddle first.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Was allready answered. A fart.

Well I can't possibly know that the answer is right unless the riddler says so, now can I?

My turn:

I make you weak at the worst of all times, but in the end I keep you safe. You'll sweat in my presence even as you grow cold. I dwell with the weak, rarely the brave, but without me, who could tell the difference.
Oh good, you solved it.
Now I can go to bed. :E
GN... zZzZ
I have many feathers to help me fly. A body and head I have, but I'm not alive. It is your strength which determines how far I go. You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown. What am I?
You are walking through a field, and you find something to eat. It doesn't have bones, and it doesn't have meat. You pick it up and put it into your pocket. You take it home and put it on a shelf, but 3 day's later it walks away. What is it?
Could be an egg that hatches...

btw I just thought of a riddle, so I bags saying the next one :cheese:
Or, for a slightly sillier answer, it could be a plant that you actually didn't realise was a camoflaged praying mantis or something.

Or it could be the larval form of some kind of grub or insect that, through it's development cycle, grows legs and walks away. But that's drawing a long bow :cheese:
Well, lets move on then...

I am the greatest teacher, yet I kill all my pupils.
I guess that's an acceptable answer, but not specifically what I was thinking of :)
It's not right?

Is it Age then?
Or maybe Time?
Or is it some kind of joke? :)
Are trying to fool me?
ok :)

I am free for the taking through all your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, but will fell the strongest of you if held.
I'm not sure about the "less than nothing in weight" bit... but the "..if held" bit is making me pretty sure it's your breath. It seems to fit in with the rest of it too :)

I'm not sure though, since air does have weight for one, and for two, a breath is an action rather than a physical thing so it can't have weight. And also, nothing can weigh less than nothing (anything that has mass has to have weight, and there's no negative value of weight).

I think I'm reading too much into it though so I'm going to go with the guess that it's your breath.
Yes, that is the correct answer.

And yes, the "less than nothing in weight" part is a bit weird.
But I didn't write it. :)
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place
I think I saw this one somewhere in this thread already....

Edit: It was "e" wasn't it?
Yeah damn...
It's hard to keep track. :)
I'll be more careful from now on.

This one is weird:
There was a green house.
Inside the green house there was a white house
Inside the white house there was a red house.
Inside the red house there were lots of babies

What was the question again?

That's weird, I don't even know where to start to come up with an answer to that..

Edit: I guess that's the point though... lateral thinking...

*Logic starts thinking laterally...... what was the question again?
its a discription, not a question

or maybe im to sleepy to see it.

Edit: a melon isnt a house, but it makes perfect sence now though
Pretend there are 8 red socks and 8 green socks
in a bag. If you reach in without looking, how many
socks would you have to take out to get a pair that
is the same color?

No matter what colour each pick is, you'll have to have two of one color by the third sock you take out.

Edit: lol beaten to it.

Btw I've got a new riddle floating around in my head, just let me write it down and if it works out ok I'll post it in a couple of mins :)
Well, I'm assuming 3 was right (confirmation?)

Anyway, I just came up with this, and I couldn't decide what to leave in or take out, because some parts were almost giving it away. Here's what I finally decided on: (and yeah, I'm no literary genius).

Because of me you might be fat.
I often wear a funny hat.
There are lots of me, big and small.
I can make noise or none at all.
I tell you things you may not know,
but in a storm I might not show.
And even when I make you snore,
You know that you'll be back for more.
Yep :cheese: I think I made it a bit obvious in retrospect.

How about:

If you're reading this, you probably want me.

It's a little more cryptic I guess, but it should be fairly obvious :)

Edit: It must be getting late... I didn't know you could spell should with a "w" lol