The Riddle Thread

At a local bar, three friends, Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue, were having a drink. One man was wearing a red suit; one a green suit; and the other a blue suit. "Have you noticed," said the man the blue suit, "that although our suits have colors corresponding to our names, not one of us is wearing a suit that matches our own names?" Mr. Red looked at the other two and said, "You're absolutely correct."

What color suit is each man wearing?
MR. Green= Blue suit
Mr. Red = Green suit
Mr. Blue = Red suit

Reservoir dogs

Wait no, that cant be right.

Yeah, el chi must be right, unless its one of those tricks.

He didn't even have Mr Red wearing the blue suit which would probably be wrong, considering the people talking.
Teh ultimate riddle :D


What is that which in a sense has nothing, yet is more precious than the whole world? That which is larger than the sky and deeper than the ocean, yet has never been seen? That which is able to assert itself most vigorously in the very act of denying its own existence? That which is the eye that sees, the mirror through which it sees and the eye that is seen, all in one? That which can be powerful enough to rule an empire, yet utterly unable to rule itself? That which vaunts itself to be a master when in reality it is a slave? That which can be a haunt of demons or else a dwelling place for God? That which, in a sense, holds within its grasp, the past, the present, and the future, yet finds rest only in the One who is exalted above every limitation of time?


a guy is found hanging in the foyer of his mansion. the door was locked from the inside, and there is no furniture, etc that he could have used to kill himself. how did he die?

plz only post if u dont know answer
but if the people who dont know the answer are the only ones to post, it will never be solved

i think, after he locked the door on his way in, his neck tie got caught in a ceiling fan and thats where he was hanging
XtAkm4p, follow the rules, one riddle at a time, lets follow Bad^hats first.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat

What is that which in a sense has nothing, yet is more precious than the whole world? That which is larger than the sky and deeper than the ocean, yet has never been seen? That which is able to assert itself most vigorously in the very act of denying its own existence? That which is the eye that sees, the mirror through which it sees and the eye that is seen, all in one? That which can be powerful enough to rule an empire, yet utterly unable to rule itself? That which vaunts itself to be a master when in reality it is a slave? That which can be a haunt of demons or else a dwelling place for God? That which, in a sense, holds within its grasp, the past, the present, and the future, yet finds rest only in the One who is exalted above every limitation of time?


Human race?
Bibical Events?
Deeper! Three more tries and I'll post the answer.
hmm, cant get much deeper than the ocean :p

i guess i have to apologize for postin a riddle....

so sorry

i just happened to think for two minutes before posting, thats all :)
its ok, post it again after Bad Hat posts the answer...

The earths Core?
>_< No I mean deeper spiritually, two more guesses (XtAkm4p didn't guess).
Since I after much thinking still couldn't figure it out, I had someone help me.
So I know the answer.
But ofcourse I won't cheat.
Though I must say that this riddle is hard to answer if you don't believe in such things. ;)
Sorry if I have ruined it.
Close enuf yall, the answer was the soul. Is it inside us, and all around us ^^ Yeah kinda lame but this thread needed some hard riddles, post another we're gettin sloppy in here!!
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
a guy is found hanging in the foyer of his mansion. the door was locked from the inside, and there is no furniture, etc that he could have used to kill himself. how did he die?

plz only post if u dont know answer

Lets do this one now.
What exactly is a 'foyer'? I think it's a trick riddle ^^
He cut a hole in the ceiling and tied a rope around his neck and jumped down?
heh that works doesnt it? i dont think i get the riddle tho.
I think thats a riddle where we're supposed to ask yes/no questions and so step by step come to the solution ("plz only post if u dont know answer"), those are really cool actually (at least those that I know), it can just take some time on a forum if the author isn't here 24/7 :)
If that is so, my question is: is he bleeding?
Someone killed him and then left through a window. :)
Someone killed him and is still in the room ?

What kind of riddle is this? I mean, there could be a load of answers.

Perhaps it was starvation! It could be lots of things.

Maybe suffocation.
Just give us the answer, its a bit silly now. I mean, like i said, there could be lots of answers really.
plz only post if u dont know answer

Um, so if you KNOW the answer, don't try and ANSWER the riddle. OK. (Bashes forhead with a hammer) AHHHH...Now it makes sense.

He set a block of ice under him and it melted... blah blah blah.
XtAkm4p must have died or something.
Maybe we could just skip his riddle?