The Ship Released!

$20 seems excessive tbh, they would have sold alot more units with a price of $10
oh and the marketing of this game - where the hell was it???
it'll cost 'em
WhiteZero said:
Says you

Ship had some very original gameplay concepts. Which cant even be said for a lot of "sucessfull" mods out there.
*cough*everything WWII related*cough*
WWII games and mods must all be stopped. At once.
What a waste of money, sorry but I don't like it, the idea is there but the way it plays and the maps are abit dark, it is good for a day but nothing else.

Not worth it in my opinion. It just lacks life.

EDIT: After a few goes and when you learn how to play the game, it is actually enjoyable. Playerbase is small but I'm starting to like it, can be really funny, never typed "lmao" & "lol" so many times in an online game.. :)
If it had a large player base I'd buy it now, till then I'll wait for a price drop or a bored rainy day.
john3571000 said:
$20 seems excessive tbh, they would have sold alot more units with a price of $10
oh and the marketing of this game - where the hell was it???
it'll cost 'em

Being a low budget production we arent able to do mass advertising. Companies like EA, Codemasters etc have all been around for some time now and can do this on a larger scale than what we can do right now.

I've heard many comments about people not buying due to it being a multiplayer game, however, games like Unreal Tournament are more or less the same kind of thing.

It's definately worth the try, and for a game that costs only £10, its worth a bash. It's definately different from other games where you have to really think ahead and stay focused.

Your purchase will be appreciated and we'll look forward to gaming with you all in the servers :)

I consider the big "The Ship" image that comes whenever someone opens Steam to be pretty good advertising.
Thadius Dean said:
I consider the big "The Ship" image that comes whenever someone opens Steam to be pretty good advertising.


Downloading now btw...
I'll buy it now, bored for the night as my WoW server is down. I like the Steam indie-dev system, it seems just as I am bored for a few days a new game is released on it.

Besides I trust most of you guys for game opinions.

I'll perhaps write a full-fledged review after a few hours for those of you who are uncertain and a bit cheap.
bryanf445 said:
are there alot of people playing it?
See the steam stats - theres 357 people playing right now (the quietest time of the day). I imagine theres 700-800 at the peak time.

I played the beta and found it good fun. Pretty straight forward to play and for the cost of 1 or two cinema tickets good value! Certainly different from any other game I've played, though clearly borrows a bit from The Sims (unintentionally perhaps).
Wow. I just got the ultimate crime punishment:
I watching CybrMan play, and I saw White ^_^

When was that fine from?
Kamikazie said:
I watching CybrMan play, and I saw White ^_^

When was that fine from?
I was lost in the crew area for like 5min with the alarm contantly going off.
or it was just a glitch
"Brief" Review after a few hours play... I'm tired so it's a little rough.

Overall 7 or 8 out of 10.


Graphics are decent. Not as good as one would expect for source, but the art suits the cartoony theme of the game. If you're a graphics whore, please go die in a fire for being so thick-skulled.

There are enough models, and enough clothes and other accessories so that there are very few if any clones running about, unless you play on the 20+ player servers.

Overall Gameplay AKA long generic section:

Modes I've played are elimination and deathmatch. I really didn't like deathmatch much, you barely get any time at all to find your target and it's hard on the larger ships. As well, there are many more people just running around hacking at everyone with fireaxes.

Elimination however was interesting. Basically, you try and eliminate as many targets as possible while staying alive. If you die you respawn as someone else and do not have a target until the next round (when someone kills all other players). However this works out well, because you are "safe" after respawning and are free to take care of needs and gather rarer weapons such as the wallet bomb and gun, and a good melee weapon.

The gameplay is pretty fun. The needs don't get in the way too much because of ease of restoring and fairly frequent death. Unless you're prepared to kill someone in self-defense at all times, by closing doors behind you and paying attention to sound while taking care of needs; Or you're playing Elimination, you're likely to be taken out every few minutes at the least. Thanks to the Last Known Location item on the HUD, you can fairly easily stalk your target from a distance. I also had very little trouble with getting lost after a minute or two one the map.

Combat is quick and deadly, or embarrasing as you get busted. One issue I encountered was people "camping" by security guards or cameras, which is why the Needs system is critical. Weapons are easy to find, especially fireaxes. You can change clothes and such, to make it harder for your hunter to find you at a distance.

You get arrested VERY easily if you're stupid. Getting seen by another player, a camera, or a guard while murdering will generally fail the murder and get you arrested for 10-60 seconds. You also lose money for tresspassing, and running out of money basically means you're screwed on needs.


The weapons are pretty basic, seeing as this is set in the '20s. I used pistols, frying pans, a trudgeon, a crowbar, a hammer, and many many fireaxes. One fun and handy weapon was the wallet bomb, which is pretty simple, you drop it, and run. Useful for taking care of those pesky camera campers.

I haven't tried it yet, seeing as I just thought of it, but you may also be able to just push someone off the boat. You can shove, but I never tried it on the exterior.

The most common weapon is definently Fireaxes, as they always spawn in emergency fireaxe compartments in several places on the map. Unfortunately the fireaxe is also a 4 star melee weapon and therefore quite good. Knowing the map and packing a gun is a good counter to people who just take fireaxes.


The needs are rather like a first person Sims, with the added element of not getting killed while killing others. You need food, water, Bathroom activity #1, Bathroom activity #2, hygiene, social, entertainment (radio, dancing, reading), and sleep. You do die if you run out of certain ones. The one time I died from needs I was dehydrated, after taking a dump on myself and destroying hygiene, then falling on the ground (in my own feces) to sleep.

Oh and there's always the hawt nudity. I just can't wait for "The Ship: Hot Coffee"


It's a good game. Not great, not bad, just good. Alot of fun for 20 bucks, and it definently looks to be a great lanning game for playing with friends. Or a big HL2.Net game! If you don't want to hunt people you can just play it first-person sims, paranoia style and collect weapons to beat down anyone who threatens you. You can survive for quite some time with nothing but vending machine food/drink in one of the First Class cabins.

For player-counts I recommend 6-10 on most maps, pushing it up to 16 tops on the largest ships.

Best Moments so far:

Never stand in a room right with your suspect. Watch from a distance. I clued one guy off, and when I followed him into a bathroom (thinking he was "taking care of business") little did I know he was packing, and so I ended up getting shot and he walked away fine. :o

I was showering, and a REALLY creepy looking guy in a top hat came in. Naturally, I beat him with a convenient frying pan, but apparently this is illegal. :upstare: :(
Hmm, sounds sort of interesting, but nothing I'd pay for.</SCRIPT>
I'm still unsure about it. Very fun, slow gameplay but not worth the money in terms of lastability, I can't see it keeping a good player base after a couple of months.

As for how many players, I see about 12 public servers, in which 3 or 4 are full. Not peak times though. Not exactly huge.
Mutley said:
I'm still unsure about it. Very fun, slow gameplay but not worth the money in terms of lastability, I can't see it keeping a good player base after a couple of months.

As for how many players, I see about 12 public servers, in which 3 or 4 are full. Not peak times though. Not exactly huge. says theres 243 players and 77 servers at the moment... It might die off, but if new content is created either by the community or developers it could last...
The gameplay of this sounds really fun. I am debating to get it. The money is not a problem, its the fact that I hope the game does not die off
First I said "No way Im not going to buy this!", but now I dont know... maybe a try-out or some player made vids can convince me.

It doesnt look/sound bad at all.
I'm going to give this a looksee at some point (I like the visual style), but right now unfortunately isn't opportune. Perhaps next month when the finances are better.
Just tried it myself. It has it's good and bad points I must say. But one thing I need to ask is how the witness system works. I mean I can kill a guy infront of 4-5 players at one point but then I get sent to jail five minutes later for doing that same thing.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Such as?

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but The Ship is the first Source mod to be sold via Steam. Garry's Mod is going to be, so that makes a grand total of...

Red Orchestra and isn't there some sort of zombie game that was originaly a HL mod coming out on it too?

Sounds cool but I won't be getting it. A, because I'm cheap B, because I'm on dial-up.
Red Orchestra became a commercial game as a by-product of their winning of the Make Something Unreal contest. Valve just acted as their publisher.

Not heard of any zombie game on Steam.
i'm really interested in this.
hope its still going strong when i get back to uni on my new comp.

a demo weekend would be pretty cool.
You should definitely get it.

As I said earlier there are good and bad points about it, but the good ones out weigh the bad ones.
Great ideas, little to no proper implementation. Most game mechanics might become funny to think about but really just go unused.

Kind of a mediocre mod at best. Not worth the 20 dollars at all.
Just tried it myself. It has it's good and bad points I must say. But one thing I need to ask is how the witness system works. I mean I can kill a guy infront of 4-5 players at one point but then I get sent to jail five minutes later for doing that same thing.

kinda buggy, I was being stabed infront of an NPC ... so I took out my knife and got sent to jail before I could even use it. Gotta wonder why I got sent to jail but not the guy stabbing me ...