The Simpsons has "no plans to end anytime soon"

Maybe if it continues for another 1000 years, we won't need another series of Futurama as it'll be in the same time zone anyway.... :E
Maybe if it continues for another 1000 years, we won't need another series of Futurama as it'll be in the same time zone anyway.... :E
Maggie should be over 20. If it were realtime, Marge would have white hair :p
The Simpsons continuing like this is God's way of showing his contempt for us. Maybe if we pray to him and mend our ways he will stop the torture.
The Simpsons continuing like this is God's way of showing his contempt for us. Maybe if we pray to him and mend our ways he will stop the torture.

Meh, my biggest problem with the show as it is right now is simply how the producers seem to just do it to ego-trip. "Hey, this show has been going on for over a decade, and we can still make jokes without introducing new main characters!" Some of it's funny, but it's just so bland to watch it now.
futurerama pales next to the simpsons ..even the newer episodes ..I'm a big Billy West fan but I just cant get into the characters
The Simpson's ended over 10 years ago. Just don't watch/ignore the newer episodes, especially if you don't like them. Pretend they don't exist!
The Simpson's ended over 10 years ago. Just don't watch/ignore the newer episodes, especially if you don't like them. Pretend they don't exist!

Same. I haven't watched a 'new' episode in years.
Meh, The Simpsons was good in its prime, but it's just old and stagnant now. Let it had it's good run, and lasted up there with the best. Just..die so it doesn't get worse. :(
The new season premiere was actually quite good, at least better than the last two seasons.
Clearly a majority of the viewers seem to like the show, why else would they continue producing it.

You can ignore the show but it's still a shame that most quality shows has to end up overmilked these days.
futurerama pales next to the simpsons ..even the newer episodes ..I'm a big Billy West fan but I just cant get into the characters

How can you not like (or get into) Dr. Zoidberg?!?

I thought sometime ago they said something like "When we make a movie, we'll end."
How can you not like (or get into) Dr. Zoidberg?!?


because he's a jewish stereotype (yiddish) that I dont find particurarily funny ..they cant decide which direction to take him
Zapp Brannigan? Bender?

usuq Stern, usuq.
Enough with The Simpsons

Zapp Brannigan? Bender?

usuq Stern, usuq.

zapp is ok ..bender is hit or miss

I guess i have a soft spot for the simpsons because I've watched it from the very beginning (tracey ullman show)
I dont get whats so great about futurama either, it's mostly very boring.
it is boring ..the simpsons have moments of sheer brilliance ..I've never felt the same for futurerama
I've never gotten into Futurama. Simpsons has lost a bit of it's awesomeness, but it's still worth watching. It doesn't come near Family Guy, though.
I dont get whats so great about futurama either, it's mostly very boring.
Boring? Sci-fi space adventures against a family in suburbia? Even if the Simpsons do go on 'wacky' (one of the reasons why the show has sucked hard for a long time) adventures, there's no way it can be considered less boring than Futurama.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the show ended at Season 9-10. You remember those episodes where they took a parodic look at 'what's in store for the future episodes' - marge as a robot, etc? The funny thing is, recent episodes are as stale as those joke ideas back then.
yes but the simpsons has had many moments ofbrilliance over the years's only the past few years where there's been a decline in quality ..but it's been on tv for 18 years ..anything would get stale by now
Every single episode of Futurama has been sheer brilliance.

The Simpsons has one every now and then (less even now).
I loved The Simpsons, but my heart belongs to Futurama now.
The Simpsons has one every now and then (less even now).

Seasons 3-6 were pure brilliance. I honestly loved every episode. After and miss.

I have to take Stern's position too, I never really got into Futurama. I only watched a few episodes though, to be fair.
I have to say this seasons premiere was actually pretty good. Not as great as the classic episodes, but still worth watching. Simpsons now is basically like a big artist that has made many hit songs. Though they still keep going, their material is still being expanded on with different styles, that sometimes works and sometimes doesnt. You have to also take in account of the younger generation that is getting acquainted with simpsons. Many of them may prefer the new ones over the old ones because they werent around at the time like we were. Its different for them. And I believe everyone (young or old) should see and discover the brillance of the simpsons through any means. Theyre like the beatles, going from 1960-1970. Thats about 20 years and did people say "die already beatles!"? So I say if simpsons still feel they can continue to inspire and entertain millions, then its ok for them to keep going. I think Futurama was another great addition, but Fox was really ignorant about its potential. Its a shame we cant have both.
I loved The Simpsons, but my heart belongs to Futurama now.

My thoughts exactly.
Futurama seems to hit people a little late though, I never appreciated it fully until I started to watch them all on DVD after it was cancelled. I know a lot of people who had the same experience.

I just hope new Futurama doesn't fall into that pit of unfunny that the new Simpsons and new Family Guy currently reside in.
The thing I like about Futurama is that it has more emotional weight compared to the Simpsons. I mean, the relationship between Lela and Fry (whilst forced at times) has had some pretty good episodes revolving around it. Whilst the Simpsons used to get some good messages through in the past, it is starting to fall through now.
it is boring ..the simpsons have moments of sheer brilliance ..I've never felt the same for futurerama

The Simpsons had moments of brilliance. Back in the 93-97. Since then they haven't had anything that has actually been witty or a joke other than Homer is stupid and can endure alot of pain, which Friz Freling and Mick Maltese ran into the ground with Daffy Duck back in the 50's and 60's.
I agree that the Simpsons r gettin a little stale, but its good if ur bored...or stoned lol:dork:
the Simpsons were art but now they are crass pulp
sad really
tbh South Park in its current state > every animated show on TV
they cut the shit and gross out and deliver damn good tv
Futurama is an animated Friends - it plays it too safe to be worth watching, it's unbelievably meh for the unlimited amount of material it has at its disposal
How is Phillip J Fry going back in time to become his own grandfather not brilliant?
Most of the ideas in Futurama are really well executed and I don't think there's a single episode I don't like.
The Simpsons had moments of brilliance. Back in the 93-97. Since then they haven't had anything that has actually been witty or a joke other than Homer is stupid and can endure alot of pain, which Friz Freling and Mick Maltese ran into the ground with Daffy Duck back in the 50's and 60's.

while I agree they're past their prime, it's still head and shoulders above most network tv
Futurama really does grow on you. A lot of the humor is driven by getting to know the characters, and since so much of the show focuses on character development (as much as an animated comedy can), it has emotional punch that The Simpsons and Family Guy can't touch.

The last episode, "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" illustrates what Futurama is about brilliantly. We have jokes like Bender selling his ass to the devil, and the ensuing horror when he screams, "Bite my shiny metal... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" which wouldn't be funny at all if you didn't know Bender. Then there are the ongoing jokes about the definition of irony - not gut bustingly funny, a la Family Guy, but a subtle type of humor that keeps you smiling. And amongst all the hilarity, there's the closing scene in which Fry, deprived of his prodigy hands but not his heart, plays a final heartfelt tune depicting him and Leela walking off into the sunset. I still get a lump in my throat whenever I hear that music.

I almost wish they weren't bringing Futurama back... that was such a perfect last episode.
the new simpson episodes sucks

I will like futurama to come back it was funny