The Simpsons...


Jan 15, 2004
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...Has gone downhill. It started off so well, with fresh characters and infinite potential. It grew and grew, becoming an excellent cartoon with relatable characters and solid plotlines.

Now look at it. They now make epsisodes as random as possible, for no reason. Jokes are no longer funny. The characters are now blander than ever. I can watch an episode from the early / middle seasons as many times as I want without getting bored, but the new episodes lose their appeal... while you're watching them.

An example. The last episode I watched:
The simpsons go to shelbyville, and realise that Springfield is very un-cultural.
A theatre is built in Springfield, and everyone goes to it and is excited, but then they leave because they remember they hate stuff like that.
The theatre is made into a prison.
Homer is arrested because chief wiggum discovered an old law that said it's illegal to kick a can five times in a row.
Homer becomes a prison rat, and gets loads of high- class items in his cell from the guards.
There's a riot and everyone escapes. The end.

How much bullshit can they possible shove into one episode? It's not funny, it's not clever, it's not entertaining, it doesn't develop the characters, and above all; it doesn't feel realistic. You can't relate to it. And that's one of the main reasons why I just don't enjoy watching ANY of the "new" simpsons episodes.

Here's what I propose, or at least, what I think would be interesting-
if they started a new series set a few years later.

You see, they could start again. Ditch all the "wacky" stuff and go back to what made the simpsons great: Realistic, but funny stories that follow ONE SCRIPT and not a billion piled into 20 minutes.

Think about it; Marge and Homer would be exactly the same, from the way they act to the way they are drawn. Homer would still be an idiot, but he would no longer do random crap because it's just getting ridiculous now. You'd still have the elementary school, because Maggy would be the same age as Bart and Lisa are currently. Talking of these two, they'd be at high scool, which would give endless potential for storylines. Obviously most of the episodes would focus around the kids, because dispite bieng the same characters, they'd have changed a little.

You may think this sounds like bullshit, but it's a chance to start again. To make The Simpsons respectable again. They really need to move the characters along in some way, it's obvious they're scraping the bottom of the barrel.
i have notice with the past episodes of Family Guy that they are pulling the same stunt...but i will stick with them bad episodes or not.
It probably happens with most popular "Fox" Shows. I think the network just doesn't want to lose anything that makes a profit, so they just shove loads of money into the shows and refuse to quit while they're ahead :/
They really should just cancel the Simpsons and bring back Futurama.
bvasgm said:
They really should just cancel the Simpsons and bring back Futurama.

qft, although im surprised that adult swim still airs it

GASP! i just noticed that your not a N00b anymore!
The Simpsons was in its' prime a few years ago, probably around the late nineties, up to 2003 -ish maybe. The best plots, best jokes, and no endings where the whole of Springfield is holding hands singing a song.
Suicide42 said:
...Has gone downhill. It started off so well, with fresh characters and infinite potential. It grew and grew, becoming an excellent cartoon with relatable characters and solid plotlines.

Now look at it. They now make epsisodes as random as possible, for no reason. Jokes are no longer funny. The characters are now blander than ever. I can watch an episode from the early / middle seasons as many times as I want without getting bored, but the new episodes lose their appeal... while you're watching them.

An example. The last episode I watched:
The simpsons go to shelbyville, and realise that Springfield is very un-cultural.
A theatre is built in Springfield, and everyone goes to it and is excited, but then they leave because they remember they hate stuff like that.
The theatre is made into a prison.
Homer is arrested because chief wiggum discovered an old law that said it's illegal to kick a can five times in a row.
Homer becomes a prison rat, and gets loads of high- class items in his cell from the guards.
There's a riot and everyone escapes. The end.

How much bullshit can they possible shove into one episode? It's not funny, it's not clever, it's not entertaining, it doesn't develop the characters, and above all; it doesn't feel realistic. You can't relate to it. And that's one of the main reasons why I just don't enjoy watching ANY of the "new" simpsons episodes.

Here's what I propose, or at least, what I think would be interesting-
if they started a new series set a few years later.

You see, they could start again. Ditch all the "wacky" stuff and go back to what made the simpsons great: Realistic, but funny stories that follow ONE SCRIPT and not a billion piled into 20 minutes.

Think about it; Marge and Homer would be exactly the same, from the way they act to the way they are drawn. Homer would still be an idiot, but he would no longer do random crap because it's just getting ridiculous now. You'd still have the elementary school, because Maggy would be the same age as Bart and Lisa are currently. Talking of these two, they'd be at high scool, which would give endless potential for storylines. Obviously most of the episodes would focus around the kids, because dispite bieng the same characters, they'd have changed a little.

You may think this sounds like bullshit, but it's a chance to start again. To make The Simpsons respectable again. They really need to move the characters along in some way, it's obvious they're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

[SARCASM]Yeah definatly, simpsons should be more realistic, I mean they have like 4 finger. WTF is that all about, and they are yellow. Damn Simpsons used to be realistic, and soo funny.[/SARCASM]
Grey Fox said:
[SARCASM]Yeah definatly, simpsons should be more realistic, I mean they have like 4 finger. WTF is that all about, and they are yellow. Damn Simpsons used to be realistic, and soo funny.[/SARCASM]

[SARCASM]How incredibly witty of you.[/SARCASM]
I really think they should cancel all shows and play Family Guy 24/7.

Someone quote me for truth.
I actually like how random things happen, but you're right, sometimes it gets out of control.
Harryz said:
I really think they should cancel all shows and play Family Guy 24/7.
QFT. The simpsons aren't funny at all any more, after watching Family Guy there's nothing to compare it to. They should just retire the simpsons and let the reruns roll. or atleast play some good ol' seinfeld
It's a simple case of bad writing; it used to be good, witty and smart, but nowadays it's just lame predictable jokes. Emphasis on the predictable; everything everyone does is easy to fortell, which just isn't entertaining. It's like watching clothes dry. You can tell even the actors are getting bored.

"Oh look everyone, Homer did something stupid and wacky for no reason whatsoever! Isn't it funny?! And it's not because he's slow-witted or dumb, he's just acting like a complete 'tard! LAUGH OR WE'LL CANCEL 24!!!!"

I say kill them all off. The characters are old and dry, time to put them down.
I think the Simpsons began to go downhill when they replaced Homers voice actor, I quit watching the new episodes about five years ago.
I think Simpsons just needs a revival, but after 16 seasons, it's pretty hard to get some fresh ideas out. I do find that there is sometimes too much ridiculous crap that the writers can fit in 22 minutes. The old ones were definitely better, but the newer one had some pretty decent ones, which were the best. Some of the ones like the China one would've been good if they didn't pull a ton of stupid jokes.

I personally don't find Family Guy too funny. I think it relies too much on making alot of references to pop culture. They really just do that every episode.

Futurama was a mistake to cancel - it was probably one of the few good shows Fox had. I'm just glad they brought Arrested Development back.
Pesmerga said:
Simpsons have sucked since 2000.
:D That'd be an awesome tag-line.

"The Simpsons - Sucking Donkey Balls Since the Turn of the Millennium"​
It's true, they are totally lame now, me and my m8s watched one at uni recently, didn't laugh once...infact my mate looked pretty damm miserable by the end. We had to have some emergency beer to cheer us up it was that bad.
I think the Simpsons need to go on hiatus for a year or two so that they can have more time to refine scripts. Then they can return for their next season with some great episodes and help put some life back into the series, which should help to bring back some viewers (it worked for Family Guy). The only problem with this is that FOX would never let it happen, even though they have reruns that they could use for the next 20 years.

Oh, and I'm all for bringing back Futurama back too.
Someone should make a "Bring back Futurama" threa, i vote anyone with some respect in this section, so not me
is true that they are going downhill

I think they should look theyr old episodes and use them as inspiration or something like that
Harryz said:
I really think they should cancel all shows and play Futurama 24/7.


Futurama > Family Guy > Simpsons > Bowl of cereal
chu said:
Futurama > Family Guy > Simpsons > Bowl of cereal

Like... no.

It is more likely:

Family Guy > Simpsons > Bowl of cereal > Futurama > chu
Foxtrot said:
I think the Simpsons began to go downhill when they replaced Homers voice actor, I quit watching the new episodes about five years ago.

? what are you talking about? it's been dan castenella since the very beginning

guys it's been on for 16 years ...longer than any sitcom by far ..and still draws a big audience. Sure they're not as good as during the COnan obrian years but they still pump out some funny episodes ...I've been watching it since it first aired on the tracey ullman show and it's still the best written show on tv guy doesnt even come close

I like idiotic (love early Ren and Stimpy) but for the most part Peter is just annoying is the daughter and son too, the dog ..I do like stewie
AntiAnto said:
Like... no.

It is more likely:

Family Guy > Simpsons > Bowl of cereal > Futurama > chu


Go back to Canada where the funny isn't.
chu said:

Go back to Canada where the funny isn't.


CptStern said:
? what are you talking about? it's been dan castenella since the very beginning

guys it's been on for 16 years ...longer than any sitcom by far ..and still draws a big audience. Sure they're not as good as during the COnan obrian years but they still pump out some funny episodes ...I've been watching it since it first aired on the tracey ullman show and it's still the best written show on tv guy doesnt even come close

I like idiotic (love early Ren and Stimpy) but for the most part Peter is just annoying is the daughter and son too, the dog ..I do like stewie
I am almost positive they changed voice actors, and if not they really changed his voice.
Foxtrot said:
I am almost positive they changed voice actors, and if not they really changed his voice.

It's been the same guy. In early episodes his voice did sound different than what it is now.

Anyone see Dan Castenella and Harry Shear on Conan awhile ago? They did a little improv with their Simpson voices.