the soldiers

Sorry for being so abrasive to your idea, but it just doesn't seem like it could really work. It seems like it would punish you for playing better. If a player is good enough to "pwn" the game then he should be able to. If there's someone that just plain sucks than he can play easy.
No, no... you're not abrasive whatsoever. I'm always interested in what others think of my ideas.

I meant that on easy you could have rather large, forgiving hitboxes that will allow for people who have shit aiming skills... like in older games, where you could damage an enemy by firing at the space between their legs...

Going up in difficulty would reduce the size and increase the complexity of the hitboxes... instead of simple boxes, like in the older games, you'd use shapes that more closely conform to the model, as I believe HL2 uses...
sure you don't want to be able to run up to them and slap them in the forehead and not hit you, but you don't want the medal of honor "shoot you in the cornia from 200 yards the millisecond you peak out" aiming either.