The source code was stolen before the delay.



Reading some of the comments Valve are still receiving people obviously do not get this.

The source code was stolen before the delay.

The source code was stolen on 19th September, and the delay was announced on 24th September.

The source code was stolen before the delay.

Valve do not deserve this for announcing the delay so close to release, because

The source code was stolen before the delay.

This would not have been avoided if Valve released HL2 on 30th as promised, because

The source code was stolen before the delay.

Does everybody get that now?

Everything makes sense now. The release was going fine up until the middle of September, then Valve started to go a bit quiet. Then the delay is announced with a comment relating to “email problems.” And Valve go even quieter. Everyone who has seen a Valve guy recently for interviews etc. has commented that they all looked like shite, and really stressed out. They could not announce that they had been hacked because they were probably hoping that he would try again, and that they could catch him.

If you look at the source code, (and we all have) you will see in the folder \gameui what looks to me like the source for the Steam client. What this means is that if somebody is running the build from that source, he is pretty much running an open source web server, with open ports, with people who want to hack it, (as opposed to the likes of eMule and Bittorrent which is supported by hacker types because as the saying goes “you don’t shit on your own doorstep”) that is able to download, install and execute code. Anyone running this could expect to be hacked so fast and hard they’d think Blaster was the best app ever. This is why Steam and files have been updated 6 times since then.

If HL2 had come out as expected it would have contained some of this compromised code, and what’s more some of us would have been giving it our credit card details!

How the hell could Valve release HL2 after the source code was stolen?

Now they need to re-write the Steam network. Then they have to rebuild all the games the run on it, which obviously includes HL2, and only then can they release. It is no wonder they can only say “a holiday release.”

The one to blame for HL2’s delay, isn’t Valve, isn’t Steam, isn’t nVidia or ATi (who was my bet.), and it isn’t Vivendi. It is the bellend who hacked Valve and stole the source code 2 weeks before launch.
I hope the funkers are caught and LYNCHED.

Good post btw.
Originally posted by jussi

who is the moron now why dont you get bent asshole, next time just ask me to edit my post.
MarJ, I thank you for your reasonable, mature post. Sure it's speculation, however you've approached it in the manner we'd like all of our forum participants to do so.
The source code was stolen before the delay.


Yeah, this post was unnecessary, but I didn't have anything else to contribute. :p

I still believe that the reason it was delayed was because it wasn't done, and Steam wasn't ready.
hmmmm....interesting theory,you make some excellent points.
Not saying its false,but not saying its true either..but interesting.
Everyone is waiting to see how this episode and all the other threads pan about drama!!!
yea forget a halflife movie. how about a movie based forum nerds
Originally posted by alco


Yeah, this post was unnecessary, but I didn't have anything else to contribute. :p

I still believe that the reason it was delayed was because it wasn't done, and Steam wasn't ready.


I agree - STEAM is the cause of the 9/30 delay. The STOLEN (not leaked) source code will likely be the reason it's delayed until 2004.
Surely that 'intercepted' E-mail would have contained traces of talk about the leak?
The facts:
There are no files or comments in the source dated after September 24th (the last ones are 19th)

Gabe said the theft happened on the 19th.

The delay was announced on the 24th.

The Steam source code if it is part of what has been stolen, would help compromise Steam clients, and Valve's online ordering, and game authentication systems.

My theory that the delay was caused by the theft is speculation, but it fits what we know better the theory that the theft was retaliation for the delay.
Luckily this hacker can hide behind his computer, because if i found him i would break his face.

Try walking into valve, fighting every staff member and win. Then and only then are you worthy of having more than a valve t-shirt. :flame:
Originally posted by Netherscourge
The STOLEN (not leaked) source code will likely be the reason it's delayed until 2004.

*shoots self
I couldn't agree with this scenario more.

If steam secrets are included, those are the keys to the castle.

Everyone's private info would be in jeopardy. And it does come to explain all of the network issues.

I believe that this is a very unique situation, and no one has EVER faced this before. Valve is about to make history more than they ever thought by the way this will be handled.
Either way...this is a sad sad day for all of us. The hacker should be casturated with a rusty hook and set on display over the internet so I can set it as my wallpaper.
I hope they catch the hacker and sew his pants off. To bad this had to happen. :(
Originally posted by alco
Woah. :eek: Is that possible??

Sure it is, then they will saw his lips and eye lids up, and finally get "some big pipe bashing brothers" to sow his balls off.
I'm hoping he'll brag about it and that should help him to get caught...
BEST ****ING THEORY EVER. Thats it right htier u have my ful belief
Originally posted by alco


I prefer this one, he looks more serious and it has a better feeling of action:

Oh, yeah, and that hacker should be sentanced to no less than 20 years in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.


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Hmm, sorry nice theory... but if everything was on track until sep 19... and they hadn´t gone gold until then, do you think it takes only 11 days between finishing a game and delivering it?
I mean, hey, that would be nice logistics....
If this is true (ie. Steam had dodgy security) then better that the source got stolen before release than after it. At least they have a chance to do something about it.
11 days would have been more than enough time.

To back up MarkJ's theory has no-one else noticed that the last two steam updates have had the exact same list of bug fixes in them?
Yeah i noticed that. I don't think they were identical, but a large ammount was the same.

Well now its hard to belive that... but i am sure its true. Like Gabe said it: This sucks!

I hope at least that Valve can change their source code that cheating in hl2 isn't so easy!
sorry markj, but you are just another stupid newbie asshole

do you look at the code ?

there is no *underlying steam* code at all, there are only libs and no steam.dll

so please, stfu

Gabe has said in the Info thread that the source leak did not affect the delay which puts us back to square 1 with the following 2 points.

Valve have said the delay was because HL2 wasnt finish and they hope to get it done for the "holidays", which means they expect to finish the game and plug the security holes by the holidays, which then implies that the leak can't be that serious. (I don't think this can be possible, but they are the programmers not me.)

Valve left it far too late to announce the delay. I don't see how they could have believed on the 23rd that they could release in a week, but on the 24th see they need 2 months, it just doesn't add up to me, but again they are the programmers.

On a slightly different topic, regarding the leak of 3rd party property e.g. Havok. Valve have been the victims of theft, so as long as they can show they took resonable precautions they will be covered for the money they could be liable to the Havok owners for by insurance, yes?
I have to totally agree with you MarkJ. I was thinking this exact thing before i saw this thread. I think that HL2 could of even made 30th if it hadnt of been for this, so IMO that gives us more of a reason to kick the living puss out of the myfag0ts, whom i believe are either the culprits or a have a huge say in it.

Good post! Now i hope everybody know that The source code was stolen before delay!