The source code was stolen before the delay.

Ad hoc logic is poor thinking.

The source code was stolen before the delay.
You talk with a lot of conviction, but it is misguided. This is a classic example of ad hoc, urgo proctor hoc logic ("After the fact, therefore because of the fact."). Just because the theft occurred before the delay, doesn't mean it was the cause of the delay. This kind of thinking was considered simple 3000 years ago.

Everything makes sense now. The release was going fine up until the middle of September, then Valve started to go a bit quiet.
This is a horrible assumption. Valve was having serious problems with Steam. Also, HL2 should have gone GOLD before the September 19th for it to make a 30th delivery. The game not being gold is the flaw in the simpleton thinking.

Pick up a logic book sometime, you really need it. Same goes for all you guys that think it was an insightful post. :eek:
It doesn't take more than a week after something has gone gold for it to be produced in sufficient quantities. Machines work quite fast.

Yes, its possible that they did not know of the theft before the delay, but that's why his speculation is only speculation.

I know I was using simple logic in my speculations, and I have also said in this thread that new information (i.e. an email for Gabe) have shown that the theory was wrong. What are you posting in this thread for, other than to tell people reading through it something they read 10 or so posts earlier.

Despite my speculations being wrong, the main aim of posting this initially was to respond to all the posters at the time who were saying that Valve deserved to get hacked for delaying HL2. If you want to give lessons on false logic I suggest you speak to those people.
Re: Ad hoc logic is poor thinking.

Originally posted by Drazula
You talk with a lot of conviction, but it is misguided. This is a classic example of ad hoc, urgo proctor hoc logic ("After the fact, therefore because of the fact."). Just because the theft occurred before the delay, doesn't mean it was the cause of the delay. This kind of thinking was considered simple 3000 years ago.

This is a horrible assumption. Valve was having serious problems with Steam. Also, HL2 should have gone GOLD before the September 19th for it to make a 30th delivery. The game not being gold is the flaw in the simpleton thinking.

Pick up a logic book sometime, you really need it. Same goes for all you guys that think it was an insightful post. :eek:

Somebody just completed their freshman logic course.
Speaking of horrible assumptions, what do you know about software distribution? I'm guessing you know as little as me, which means you're not qualified to judge when the game should have gone gold.

Besides, just because you consider his logic to be simple doesn't make him wrong. Ever hear of Occam's razor?
Re: Ad hoc logic is poor thinking.

Originally posted by Drazula
You talk with a lot of conviction, but it is misguided. This is a classic example of ad hoc, urgo proctor hoc logic ("After the fact, therefore because of the fact."). Just because the theft occurred before the delay, doesn't mean it was the cause of the delay. This kind of thinking was considered simple 3000 years ago.

This is a horrible assumption. Valve was having serious problems with Steam. Also, HL2 should have gone GOLD before the September 19th for it to make a 30th delivery. The game not being gold is the flaw in the simpleton thinking.

Pick up a logic book sometime, you really need it. Same goes for all you guys that think it was an insightful post. :eek:

if thats the case then whats your conclusion oh logical master.

There is no reason to assume that the delay was not directly affected be the leak/theft. Even though Valve announced otherwise, im very cautious to believe them.
As someone mentioned already, everything was going fine until mid sept. when they suddenly shut up. Valve made a statement saying that "email complications" were part of the delay.
Well that falls accurately, even if the 19th wasn't enough time to go gold (wich i think it was) the orriginal email infiltration was on the 11th. (Starting around 9/11 of this year, someone other than me was accessing my email account. This has been determined by looking at traffic on our email server versus my travel schedule.
-----Starting around 9/11 of this year, someone other than me was accessing my email account. This has been determined by looking at traffic on our email server versus my travel schedule. - Gabe Newell ------
Now if they began getting worried on the 11th, then that would explain the quietness. There was and 8 day period that they were probably trying to find out what happened. after the theft (19th) 5 days later they announced the delay. During that 5 days, valve was probably busy trying to find out what was taken and wasnt taken, when they did find out there was an announcement.

I am confident that the game was on time. Maybe even sent to the presses but not announced. But when they found out what had been taken they had to delay the game because the source has to be rewritten.

Now thats my assumption (educated guess if you will). Don't go teach me a lesson about logic. There is reason behind what i say. If im wrong, so be it. No one but valve knows the real reason, so you have no business saying anyone is wrong cause you dont know either.
Valve still confirmed that the delay was because the game wasn't finished, even after the leak. What would they have to gain by lying?
cause then it looks like the hacker didnt have a big impact on the game. wich i suspect it actually did.
Originally posted by MarkJ
Reading some of the comments Valve are still receiving people obviously do not get this.

The source code was stolen before the delay.

The source code was stolen on 19th September, and the delay was announced on 24th September.

The source code was stolen before the delay.

Valve do not deserve this for announcing the delay so close to release, because

The source code was stolen before the delay.

This would not have been avoided if Valve released HL2 on 30th as promised, because

The source code was stolen before the delay.

Dude I gave this info out a looong time ago

Does everybody get that now?

Everything makes sense now. The release was going fine up until the middle of September, then Valve started to go a bit quiet. Then the delay is announced with a comment relating to “email problems.” And Valve go even quieter. Everyone who has seen a Valve guy recently for interviews etc. has commented that they all looked like shite, and really stressed out. They could not announce that they had been hacked because they were probably hoping that he would try again, and that they could catch him.

If you look at the source code, (and we all have) you will see in the folder \gameui what looks to me like the source for the Steam client. What this means is that if somebody is running the build from that source, he is pretty much running an open source web server, with open ports, with people who want to hack it, (as opposed to the likes of eMule and Bittorrent which is supported by hacker types because as the saying goes “you don’t shit on your own doorstep”) that is able to download, install and execute code. Anyone running this could expect to be hacked so fast and hard they’d think Blaster was the best app ever. This is why Steam and files have been updated 6 times since then.

If HL2 had come out as expected it would have contained some of this compromised code, and what’s more some of us would have been giving it our credit card details!

How the hell could Valve release HL2 after the source code was stolen?

Now they need to re-write the Steam network. Then they have to rebuild all the games the run on it, which obviously includes HL2, and only then can they release. It is no wonder they can only say “a holiday release.”

The one to blame for HL2’s delay, isn’t Valve, isn’t Steam, isn’t nVidia or ATi (who was my bet.), and it isn’t Vivendi. It is the bellend who hacked Valve and stole the source code 2 weeks before launch.
i think vivendi wanted to delay the game and release closer to the holiday season. :)