The speedhack is already out

  • Thread starter Thread starter AlphaInfinity
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The title sais it all. It's unfortunate that the game is still a BETA and people are starting to do the speek hack already.
yeah speed hack sux so do the people who use them ****ing pussy cheaters :P
IMO im glad that the hacks are coming out now in beta, rather than 2 days after launch. This would give valve the oppertunity to fix it now atleast, than waiting a week or two for the first cs:s patch.

I could be wrong though :thumbs:
I really dont get why people try to cheat at this game o much, it really sucks. Cheaters i hope you all die, true players are the best even if someone who doesnt cheat and has 0 - 10 they are still better than ANBY cheater who has score of 100 - 0. Cheaters Go To Hell.
cheats i've seen in the beta so far:


(beta cs-source has no VAC but this is not good news) :(
why even make a post about it? the only thing this does is advertise the hack. Now ppl will go looking for this speed ppl think about things before posting anymore?
Apollo 13 said:
why even make a post about it? the only thing this does is advertise the hack. Now ppl will go looking for this speed ppl think about things before posting anymore?

No ;(
I'm not saying the speed hack isn't out yet but on a side note-
I was accused today of speedhacking myself, I don't speedhack, I don't know how to speedhack..

The reason for being accused was thus:
a) I have buy scripts so I can get away quicker
b) the main reason- Is because the net code is so laggy, I managed to get where I was going without a massive bungee session so they (with too high rates I expect) on finding me way upfront started accusing like the nOObs they are.

My point is make sure you are posting fact and NOT opinion. If it is just a rumour then by spreading that rumour you are fueling the online flaming. And for the record I've been playing CS:S for a total of 32hrs (gotta get down for some serious play time soon!) and haven't yet come accross anything resembling a speed hack, seen plenty of other ways of cheating but definitely no speed hacks.

Don't actually see the point in cheating myself, where's the satisfaction in getting kills cos you cheat :cat:
smsKONG said:
Don't actually see the point in cheating myself, where's the satisfaction in getting kills cos you cheat

To piss people off obviously. :laugh:
Ok, just to be clear, the guy who was speed hacking was at the bridge before the rest of the team even finished buying. In other words, ALL of us except for him were still at regen buying. So, no this wasn't a buy script thing, he didn't get out of the gate faster than we did, and he MOVED at three times the speed that everybody else did.

Why post about this? I am hoping that people will take screen shots of stuff like this and, knowledge is power.
Actually there is a hack that makes you run REALLY fast. Ther was this guy called morpheus who always used the speed hack...really annoying. Except when I killed him. He was almsot impopssible to hit. You could only get himwhen he wouldnt move, so it was almost liek he was a "boss".
AlphaInfinity said:
Why post about this? I am hoping that people will take screen shots of stuff like this and, knowledge is power.

Yeah, a screenshot of a speedhack, that'll standup wont it :p
I was in a game last night, guess who was speed hacking ... *****... my best friend...

for some reasin it bleeps m y g 0 t
I cant exactly get a SS of a hack that makes you run faster, but if I every see Morpheus again, Ill try to get a fraps clip of him.
its not really a personal speedhack for source, its just a speedhack for makes windows go faster and everything its running go fast works for all games and applications
Yes that Morpheus guy has prooven to be a badass in movies such as "the matrix", "matrix reloaded" and "matrix rev" too :P
There are loads of hacks out. It's terrible. It is unbelieveably easy to get a speedhack, or a wallhack (it can be done on any server, and is very easy to activate). Now around half of the servers I join have people using the trigger bug. They are really easy to use, but for some reason VALVe hasn't fixed them yet :(

Oh, but i don't cheat - it's no fun ;)
A bink or wmv is sufficient proof of this for now. Its probably just lag.

I remember when 1.6 was hackers vs hackers, and no REAL players..

It was just to see who had the better hacks basically..

Why cheat? Some people say it makes them leet. No. It makes you even more of a noob, because you CANT kill people without them. I say its a peice of crap.
how does the "yellow trigger planes" work? I connected to a server where I was this, it didn't bother me more than visual. Are you saying this is some sort of other exploit? What does it really do?