The Theory of Half Life (Long)


Nov 8, 2004
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Theory of Half-Life

Note: These Theories do not take into account Race-X. The basis of these theories are from my own experience of the games, the Half-Life 2 strategy guide, and from conclusions drawn up by other forum members and in particular, Angry Lawyer.

Xen Contents
1.) Home world
2.) Social Structure
3.) Purpose of the Nihilanth
4.) Teleportation

Human Contents
5.) Black Mesa and the Science Team
6.) Gordon Freeman
7+8.) Marine Cleanup, Resonance Cascade

Combine Contents
9.) The true Combine
10.) Synth
11.) Combine Teleportation
12.) The Portal-Storms
13.) The Seven-Hour War
14.) Civil Protection and the Over watch
15.) The Citadels
16.) Transforming Earth

G-Man Contents
17.) His race and his employers

1.) Home World
Xen, or “The Border World” is another dimension discovered by humans working in Black Mesa. It is used as a slingshot for the human method of teleportation, and is inhabited by a highly intelligent race, the Xenians. The Xenians are split into two main groups, the hive minded “Civilised” race (See social structure), and the Wild Xenians, made up of the species such as the Tentacles, Headcrabs and Bullsquids. The home world Xen itself is of an unknown size. It is comprised of thousands of floating bodies of rock that very in size from 10 feet in diameter to pieces larger than a city. Gravity on this home world is very low, and it seems that these floating bodies are all orbiting a singular, larger body. Another possibility is that Xen, as a universe, is “closed” in the same was as our Universe - It is impossible to reach its edge, even though it is not infinite - But on a much smaller scale, which would explain the floating bodies.

2.) Social Structure
The hive minded inhabitants of Xen are a mix of several different species. The worker class of this race, the Vortigaunt or “Alien Slave” carries out all tasks that required physical labour, much like ancient Egyptian slaves. They are a highly intelligent breed that have the ability to store and offensively use outbursts of electricity. To combat this, the were enslaved by their masters through collars that oppress free thought and cause them to follow any order without question.
The warriors are known as “Alien Grunts”. Grunts are strong, factory-grown aliens that provide the backbone of the Xenian armies. They are powerful warriors that are protected by a thick exoskeleton and a parasite shooting gun, a hive-hand, that is attached to the grunts while they are created and forms a symbiotic relationship with the animal.
The dominant rulers of Xen are the Controllers. These are humanoid creatures with an extremely high intelligence. They are the Xen Masters that rule and oppress the Vortigaunt. They are also the only race with the ability to Teleport themselves without the need for machine portals.

3.) Purpose of the Nihilanth
The Nihilanth is a single, powerful entity, created by the controllers to rule Xen. It has the ability to Teleport Xen inhabitants to desired locations using sheer power of mind. The presence of the Nihilanth also aids both the rule of the Controllers over the Slaves, and prevents large amounts of external teleportation from an unknown area (This is the reason the human scientists could only create small portals for a short amount of time using such powerful equipment) The Nihilanth, while powerful, is also dependant on specially created Xen technology as a life support - Machines moulded to its body help keep it fed, breathing and stable - as well as a dependence on the Xen crystals as a power source. It is highly possible that Nihilanth is the reson the Combine have not discovered Xen - The combine, because of the size of their teleports and activities, were prevented from reaching Xen, while the small profile teleports of Black Mesa were able to ‘puncture’ this security.

4.) Xen Teleportation
The Inhabitants of Xen rely on two forms of Teleportation. The first involves building small, energy efficient portals that use the home world itself to slingshot them around Xen or to an external area. The second is a slingshot created by a controller or the Nihilanth. Both teleport techniques seem to be powered by the large Xen crystals that grow throughout the border world.

5.) Black Mesa and the Science Team
Black Mesa is (Or more accurately, was) a government owned research facility. It was a highly secret organization involving only the best and brightest for its research. Among the medical and military technologies developed, the highest ranking scientists worked in an area known as the Lambda lab, a specialist area devoted primarily to Teleportation Technology.

6.) Gordon Freeman
Gordon freeman is the Individual who (In-avertedly) set off the resonance cascade. Freeman was an employee of the facilities test labs, whose job it was to analyse various specimens brought in from other areas of the complex. Freeman himself had no knowledge of the origin of the specimens until the resonance cascade.

7+8.) The Resonance Cascade, Military Involvement
The Resonance Cascade was caused by Gordon Freeman pushing a Xen Crystal into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer that was intended to analyse it. Unfortunately, due to the purity of the crystal and the increase in resolution that the Spectrometer was using, the machine hay wired and the crystal opened up a large portal.
As we know, this portal sucked several Xen life forms into the Earth. Nihilanth is not a hostile entity, but in order for him to close or control it he would have to send forces of his own to stabilize it. The unbalance has weakened the creature enough to prevent him from sealing it himself. The American Government, fearing an alien invasion, sends in squads to kill off the extra terrestrial intruders and all BM personnel not involved in the Lambda Sector. This activity aggravates the Nihilanth, and he spets up the military activity. (Though i beleive it unlikely he would luanch a full scale assualt) The government believes that the only way to close the portal is to shut it from the Xenian side.
When Gordon Freeman launches the satellite, he once again weakens the Nihilanth. Nihilanth is now sending increasing amounts of Xenian forces to Black Mesa in order to counter-balance the increased Cascade (Amplified by the Satellite) but the human military forces still see this as an act of hostility and continue to fight.
The Lambda scientists are convinced that destroying the Xen side of the portal will close it, and uninterrupted by the Military, they manage to open a portal that will take Freeman directly to Xen. In a state of panic, the Xen Controllers teleport directly to the portal chamber in an attempt to close it from the human side once and for all. Freeman, however, resists this and travels directly to Xen. While the Nihilanth would normally easily kill Freeman, such is his weakened state that Freeman is able to kill him, while back on Earth the special forces troops that had prevented Military involvement with Lambda detonate a 16-Megaton Thermonuclear warhead, destroying the entire Black Mesa facility.

The Combine

9.) The True Combine
The true combine are known as “Advisors” huge, slug like creatures utterly dependant on technology to survive. The Advisors command an enormous empire by attacking other races, modifying the best the race has to offer, and destroying the inferior remains while harvesting the planets resources, which are then used to create more troops and expand its empire.

10.) Synthetics
The Synthetics or “Synth” are among the Combines most powerful assimilated races, and provide the backbone of the Combine’s fighting force. They are heavily modified living machines, that the combine can grow and mechanically alter themselves. The most common Synthetics, also known as Crabs, are “true” Synth in that they can self replicate and self repair. These creatures feel only basic emotions and have no sympathy for the life they destroy - They carry out orders like the machines they are. It was the Synth that wiped out humanities fighting forces during the Seven hours war.

11.) Combine Teleportation
The Combine portals are large and powerful, and are capable of moving huge forces through them. Unfortunately, the energy they require is enormous, so the Combine has to use immense “Dark Fusion” reactions to power them. They cannot teleport locally; instead the portals they use are string-based. To teleport to a destination you must first have another portal open at the other end.

12.) The Portal Storms
The Combine were attracted to Earth following the portal storms. When Freeman killed the Nihilanth the portal completely unbalanced, sending out the equivalent of an intergalactic beacon. These portal storms covered the entire planet, transporting Xen fauna everywhere from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans.

13.) The Seven Hours War
The Combine did not attack the moment the portal storms to appear. It took several months or possibly even years for then to ready their invasion force, all the while that humanity was growing weaker through constant attack by wild Xenians. The Combine attack was coordinated to the minute. Citadels were teleported to cities all over the planet, Synthetics in their thousands poured over the surface of the planet. After a mere seven hours of fighting a truce was broken by Wallace Breen, the former administrator of Black Mesa. With most world governments and military forces wiped out, the populace had no choice but to surrender to the oppressive regime of the combine.

14.) Civil Protection and the Over watch
The Combine force left to control the populace was known as the Over watch. As well as the more fearsome type of Synth, it selected the best of the civilian population and genetically modified them into the combine soldiers and elites that make up the Over watch human forces. Those you volunteered were integrated into “Civil Protection” Civil Protection was comprised of the more basic weapons of the combine arsenal, mostly modified human weapons and vehicles, and was run by the Metrocops. The Metrocops are simply humans that have volunteered to join the Combine. They have gone through no modification and remain, unlike Over watch soldiers, completely human.

15.) The Citadels
At the centre of each city is a Citadel, a monstrous building measuring 3 miles from its underground cavernous base to its towering spire. The Citadels supply the Over Watch with a constant supply of Synth, either new or repaired. The Citadels are protected by their ‘teeth’, enormous walls of blue-black steel that slowly expand into the cities and destroy all that gets in their way. The material they swallow is then processed into usable materials for the combine. Each Citadel is powered by a Dark Fusion reactor. This reactor supplies the energy for not only the enormous diggers at the base of the Citadel, but they are used to open and maintain the string portals used by the Combine.

16.) Transforming Earth
It is apparent that the Combine is slowly sucking the Earth of Resources. The sea levels have dropped by roughly ten metres, indicating a huge amount of water has been used. The very planet itself is being altered by the Combine. Whether it is solely for resources or whether the Combine wishes to build a more permanent military facility is unknown.

The G-Man
17.) His race and employers
I do not believe that the G-Man is a human. As has been stated often, he seems very uncomfortable with human speech. There is also the matter of his ability to Teleport with no apparent technology. It is also currently debated whether or not it was the G-Man that stops time when Gordon destroys the Citadel.
It is most likely that the G-Man is from another world. The most sensible theory is not that he is a “God” as such, but that he represents another powerful race with unknown intentions. It also seems that he shows hostility towards the combine, but what he wants from Earth is also unknown.

Thanks for reading this. Please include comments, suggestions, and any plot holes i might have missed. And extra thanks to Pai-Meh and Angry Lawyer!
Llama gets my love <3 <3 <3.

Anyways, the Grunts were originally meant to have a variety of weapons. HiveHands aren't the only creature they can be symbiotic with.

And There aren't any true Synth. Just one genotype that was likely adapted to Crab - which is a close-combat tank, mortar, which is artillery, scanner MK2, which is pants, and Gunship, with with is airborne. There are a few extra cut-from-the-game synth, but none of them would be considered "standard".

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Llama gets my love <3 <3 <3.

Anyways, the Grunts were originally meant to have a variety of weapons. HiveHands aren't the only creature they can be symbiotic with.

And There aren't any true Synth. Just one genotype that was likely adapted to Crab - which is a close-combat tank, mortar, which is artillery, scanner MK2, which is pants, and Gunship, with with is airborne. There are a few extra cut-from-the-game synth, but none of them would be considered "standard".

-Angry Lawyer

Yeha, i wasnt sure that i could Include the mortar - I called them "True" because they seemed to be the only ones that can self-replacate (Prima Strategy guide) And I love you to :E :rolling:

Polaris, that is a good idea but there are a LOT of differences between his opinions and mine
Read it a while ago.
Do you think i should write an extended section on some of the Animals of the Half-Life universe? I wouldnt mind writing a page or so of stuff about Xen Wildlife, or more in-depth character analysis (did i spell that right?)
Tight-ass Llama said:
Read it a while ago.
Do you think i should write an extended section on some of the Animals of the Half-Life universe? I wouldnt mind writing a page or so of stuff about Xen Wildlife, or more in-depth character analysis (did i spell that right?)
I wrote this document but its only in czech language
But it contains all images of animals...

Samon what?
This all seems nominal.

Although I disagree with your assertion that Nihilanth had non-hostile intentions. Initially, poor dumb creatures were sucked over. Either when Nihilanth was ready or when he/she/it realised the marines were hostile, he sent over his invasion force.
Sulkdodds said:
This all seems nominal.

Although I disagree with your assertion that Nihilanth had non-hostile intentions. Initially, poor dumb creatures were sucked over. Either when Nihilanth was ready or when he/she/it realised the marines were hostile, he sent over his invasion force.

Yeah, I've always seen the Nihilanth's attack as reactionary. Like it finally though "Enough is enough, you've been stealing our crystals, kidnapping our people, now I'm going to OWN YOU!" or something, and send the troops out.

-Angry Lawyer
See, the thing is, the humans had been messing around with the samples and Xenians for a long time. As we know know the alternate ending, Nihilanth hardly put any military pressure on the humans. I think that his reaction was aggresive towards the marines, but it didnt seem to me that he intended to launch a large scale assualt
Sorry to poke holes but I hate to see a good theory with clear mistakes.

the hive minded “Civilised”
The Vortigaunts are defenatly not hive minded. They have a group mind but are also individuals. A hive mind would mean that they are all of 1 mind.

The RC could not have been an acident as said by Dr. Rosenburg in Decay. It had to be sabatoge(maybe something to do with thesystem crash?)

the increased Cascade (Amplified by the Satellite)
Sorry, but as explained in Decay that satellite was sent up to stop the RC.

genetically modified them into the combine soldiers
And mechanical altered

all in all, good theory.
ríomhaire said:
Sorry to poke holes but I hate to see a good theory with clear mistakes.

The Vortigaunts are defenatly not hive minded. They have a group mind but are also individuals. A hive mind would mean that they are all of 1 mind.

The RC could not have been an acident as said by Dr. Rosenburg in Decay. It had to be sabatoge(maybe something to do with thesystem crash?)

Sorry, but as explained in Decay that satellite was sent up to stop the RC.

all in all, good theory.

(I love discussion :E )
The Satellite DIDNT stop the resonance cascade - How do i know? Because after it was launched, more, stronger Xenians appear in greater numbers - Therefore, the satellite had little effect.
My theory does not take into account Decay, mainly because i do not beleive it to be a part of the storyline (The same for Opposing Force)
Thanks anyway though :cheers:
PS - That first post contradicted itself, didnt it? If they have a group mind then they must have 1 mind. Seperate indervidual capacity would make little difference, surely? (Not a argument, im looking for answers, im not sure myself:E )
it didnt seem to me that he intended to launch a large scale assualt

It did seem like that to me. Erm, flying assault ships destroying US tilt-rotors and dropping tank-warriors all over the place?

Plus, the Vortigaunts don't exactly have a shared mind - it's more like they're all individuals constantly communing telepathically with each other. But I don't think it's worth taking contention at the term 'hive mind' if that's what you meant.
The flying assualt ships were (possibly) used to simply transport toops and destroy human attackers in the facility- After all, there is no evidence we see them outside of the BMRF. I see it as the Xenians doing exactly what the marines were trying to do - Control the situation with military force
Well, no, I don't think they ever did get outside BMRF. But I think that if it hadn't been for Freeman, they would have. The inference all through the game - the manner of the grunt's appearances, the battles, the scientist's speech right before Xen - was that you were now facing a full-scale invasion by the Xenians.
The scientists in Lamdba (I beleive) where if i remember correctly, telling Freeman the only way to stop this "Invasion" was to destroy the Nihilanth - Which obviosly, due to the fact that hl2 exists - isnt true.
The Xen forces never seemed like an invasion force, because they simply wernt strong enough to wipe out the military before they had to pull out.
Llama said:
(I love discussion :E )
The Satellite DIDNT stop the resonance cascade - How do i know? Because after it was launched, more, stronger Xenians appear in greater numbers - Therefore, the satellite had little effect.
The bigger ones appear because that was the beging of the invasion. Since you stoped the RC(or at least weakened it) Nihilanth could get his forces back in order so then he couldsend in the real troops.

My theory does not take into account Decay, mainly because i do not beleive it to be a part of the storyline (The same for Opposing Force)
while back on Earth the special forces troops that had prevented Military involvement with Lambda detonate a 16-Megaton Thermonuclear warhead, destroying the entire Black Mesa facility.

According to Adrians diary the millitary were being trained for a mission in BM over a month before the RC. Gearbox have pretty much shouted at us that the RC was not an accident. But you don't take their stuff into account.
Forgive me, but the nuke was (I think) confirmed by the Valve team, while the rest of Opp force and Decay was not.
Not only that, but a small part of a diary in an expansion manual and a 16-Megaton Thermonuke are slightly different ball games, dont you think? :p

However, i will admit that my satellite theory is a little ill-founded
Would it make more sense that although it stopped the cascade, it helped cause the Portal Storms, or perhaps aided the combine in entering our world?
In other words..because the Satatlite helped reduce the RC, more power was restored to the Nihilanth so that we could send more troops to gain MORE control?
If thats what you're saying...i like it
Llama said:
Forgive me, but the nuke was (I think) confirmed by the Valve team, while the rest of Opp force and Decay was not.
Not only that, but a small part of a diary in an expansion manual and a 16-Megaton Thermonuke are slightly different ball games, dont you think? :p
It's still a manual from an official HL game.

Llama said:
In other words..because the Satatlite helped reduce the RC, more power was restored to the Nihilanth so that we could send more troops to gain MORE control?
If thats what you're saying...i like it
That's pretty much it, yeah.
Okay. Im not changing the nuke, but ill change the satelite part (I wont edit the post, im changing and adding things to my origianl copy in word)
Llama said:
Forgive me, but the nuke was (I think) confirmed by the Valve team, while the rest of Opp force and Decay was not.
Not only that, but a small part of a diary in an expansion manual and a 16-Megaton Thermonuke are slightly different ball games, dont you think? :p

The Special Forces had to know where in Black Mesa to find the warheads
to set up the nuke, and where to take it for maximum effect.
They also had to have contingency plans in place in case the warheads
had been moved or the primary bomb location(s) were blocked off.

The dairy entry gives you a clue to some of the behind the scenes
efforts/ideas that went into making the game seem more real. It is
little details like that to connect the larger events to the overall story.

One way I look at it, since each game is played from a single persons
point of view, we are also witnessing events thru thier perspective,
which might not always share the same facts and descriptions as
one of the other characters.
I also don't see why Decay and Opposing Force are not considered 'canon'. They happened, they got the Half-Life endorsement, in some cases they even tied in the Blue Shift.
Just Sod's law I guess.
In the grand sceme of things Race-X renders opposing force seperate (Mostly) from the storyline, and Decay (As its a PS2 game) just leaves to little explained to offer real value.
Llama said:
Just Sod's law I guess.
In the grand sceme of things Race-X renders opposing force seperate (Mostly) from the storyline, and Decay (As its a PS2 game) just leaves to little explained to offer real value.
Offer real value? It down right tells you 2 very inportant plot elements: The RC was not an accident and the satillite was sent up to stop it.
We already know the Satillite was menat to stop it
..90% of my theory is based around HL 1 + 2 - So thats where ill go for proof of most things

NO one can prove whether or not the RC was an accident, because you need concrete proof which isnt supplied.
I'm not trying to attack you, but most of the time, ríomhaire is right, he just knows nearly everything about the story that's happened in an expansion pack or something.
Boogymanx said:
I'm not trying to attack you, but most of the time, ríomhaire is right, he just knows nearly everything about the story that's happened in an expansion pack or something.

1.) The theory does not (Like the majority of theories) include most content from the expansion, for reasons explained in other threads and in this.

And correct if me if im wrong, isn't riomhaire in support of the "the Combine controlled Xen" stance.
I know you're not attacking me, but im very stubborn and ive done a fair bit of my homework :p
Besides, im not arguing yet, this is just friendly discussion :p
I find it very silly to not take the expansion pack into account. Yes, some of the developers have had a little too much artistic freedom, but the core-elements of the story are still valid and they let you in on the details that Gordon was unable to see from his point-of-view.

But I very strongly doubt that Valve would have endorsed any of the expansion-packs if they strayed too much away from their official Half-Life universe, especially when it comes down to matters of such importance.
If you can show how riomhaire stance on a seperate thread has an effect of discussion
of your theory

And I have to agree with impakt. Valve does not specifically deny or correct any
"facts" given in the expansion packs, and in some degree may have used elements
established in Op4 and BS to build on in HL2. If you want to dismiss them as relevant
to your theory, then you will have to show where they conflict too much with the
orignal storyline to be considered valid.
Gosh... I need to play Decay again.

If I remember correctly...

The Sattelite didn't reverse the RC, it just stopped it from expanding beyond Black Mesa. (or however far it had gone)

It should be noted that after you launch the satelleite you don't see many wild xenians teleporting in. (I can think of at least one Bullsquid that teleports in shortly after launch)

We do see Headcrabs, but for all we know the Xenians (or if Combine if you think they controlled Xen) were using them as Weapons just as we saw in HL2.

We don't really know much at all in Half-Life to be fact. Everything is left a little vague in the end. However all the signs point to the RC being sabatoge.

The military was being prepped months beforehand.

We know the G-Man had something to do with this.

Rosenberg commented that the dampening fields couldn't fail unless someone shut them off.

We saw the G-man around the facility prior to the experiment but his motives are as it stands: unknown at this time.

The Administrator (Wallace Breen) pressured the Science Team to go along with the experiment despite their grievances. Breen is nowhere to be found on the day of the experiment (as far as we know). Breen 'coincidently' becomes the Administrator of Earth.

There were Portal Storms either durring or after the events of Half-Life (we don't know when exactly) and at some point the Combine invaded and defeated Earth's forces in seven hours.

One last note: before the Marines had even landed the Xenian "gunships" were already hostile. (Shephard's osprey is shotdown along with at least one other)

Alot is suggested about what happened durring Half-Life (or the "Lamda Incidient", if you will) but not much is directly stated as fact.

It would seem the G-Man wanted Black Mesa nuked and he was working for someone else. He was impressed by Gordon Freeman and durring the incident he also took the liberty of saving Shepard's life at least twice and prevented the Marine from escaping the facility. For his own personal reasons he had Shepard preserved and not just killed.

In Half-Life 2 it seems that Kliener and Barney both knew Gordon would be arriving at some point. Somehow Kliener had obtained Gordon's HEV suite and Barney just 'happened' to be in the right place at the right time. Breen hints that the G-Man may be selling Gordon's services to the highest bidder (of money or... power?). For whatever reason the G-Man thinks this is the Resistance.
cquinn said:
If you can show how riomhaire stance on a seperate thread has an effect of discussion
of your theory
What im saying is that while everyone just behind him, I dont take anyones advice without consideration...just like me, he is human and makes mistakes...and the glaringly obvious mistake of supporting the Combine-On-Xen theory makes me consider his arguments more-so than others

cquinn said:
And I have to agree with impakt. Valve does not specifically deny or correct any
"facts" given in the expansion packs, and in some degree may have used elements
established in Op4 and BS to build on in HL2. If you want to dismiss them as relevant
to your theory, then you will have to show where they conflict too much with the
orignal storyline to be considered valid.

Okay, three reasons to show that Opp Force conflicts with the story:
1.) Race X. The mojarity of opposing force was centered arond these ceatures, yet they hold no place in the storyline other than conveniantly giving the protaganist new enemies to shoot"

2.) The G-Man. In the expansion, the G-man is pretty much just that, a G-Man.

3.) Grunt Hostility. In Opp Force the player does not (If he plays the game correctly) shoot BM staff. However, in Half-life, freemand is attacked by grunts after they pull outright up until he reaches Llamdba sector.
What im saying is that while everyone just behind him, I dont take anyones advice without consideration...just like me, he is human and makes mistakes...and the glaringly obvious mistake of supporting the Combine-On-Xen theory makes me consider his arguments more-so than others.
That's a farly ironic post.

Okay, three reasons to show that Opp Force conflicts with the story:
1.) Race X. The mojarity of opposing force was centered arond these ceatures, yet they hold no place in the storyline other than conveniantly giving the protaganist new enemies to shoot
True, but that doesn't confilct the story

2.) The G-Man. In the expansion, the G-man is pretty much just that, a G-Man.

3.) Grunt Hostility. In Opp Force the player does not (If he plays the game correctly) shoot BM staff. However, in Half-life, freemand is attacked by grunts after they pull outright up until he reaches Llamdba sector
If you paid attention to the start it's said that you haven't gotten your orders yet so you don't know to kill scies. And any scies that you meet do not know that the millitary is hostel because to know that they would have to be attacked by them and in which case they'd be dead.
*Quote* That's a fairly ironic post* As its my theory, I decide the content in it. As such, that piont still stands. And yes, i know its ironic :p

1.) Of course it does, youve added an entire race that offers no might as well just delete them all
2.) Everything is hl 2 suggests he is more than that, so is he really was a g-man, id give to give to the evidence in hl2...which im not prepared to do
3.) Okay, point given

This an unfortunately endless debate...nothing we are debating can be POINT-BLANK proven and disproven, so its just a matter of taste in what extra content from the expansions you *choose* to include
2.) Everything is hl 2 suggests he is more than that, so is he really was a g-man, id give to give to the evidence in hl2...which im not prepared to do
Could he not be that and more than that at the same time?
I think its unlikely he is related to any human goverment...It just doesnt feel right - If he had these abilites during Black Mesa, then surely his employers or his equals would also be gifted with them. Im spectical the combine would have been able to take over with such an omnipresent goverment.
Or do you mean he is a goverment man - From a non-human goverment?
1.) Race X. The mojarity of opposing force was centered arond these ceatures, yet they hold no place in the storyline other than conveniantly giving the protaganist new enemies to shoot"

Yes, but the majority of Opposing Force was also set in a much later timeframe. Consider: very very early in the game, you see Freeman "flash between the barriers" (ie, jump into Xen). This means that a lot of Op4 takes place some time after the fall of Nihilanth. It's only a short while before you see Freeman that you actually find any Race-X, and so we can safely assume that they only began to appear as Freeman was entering the Lambda complex. He wouldn't have encountered any Race-X denizens because he was inside Lambda when it was sealed off.

Consider this also: Race-X only began to appear in force shortly after Freeman jumped to Xen, and when they did, the Xenians all but disappeared. There weren't any more. This suggests to me that Race-X were opportunists - moving in once Nihilanth had been dealt with.

On a Half-Life timeline, we know that Gordon Freeman jumped to Xen some time on the second day (the level On A Rail is at night). Surface Tension seemed to have a noon-to-afternoon vibe, and (not sure about this) that bit where you entered Lambda and fought a tank was at dusk. Now, most of the second half of Op4, if I remember correctly, took place at twilight/dawn. You can see it from the sky. From this we infer that Freeman brought down Nihilanth either late at night on the second day, or very early in the morning of the third day. This is when Race-X decided to drop in.

See, the Black Mesa incident continued for at least eight or so hours after the end of HL1. We cleary see that it is daylight when the nuke goes off - we can see it because we're riding in an osprey. So in fact Race-X fits in perfectly into the storyline - you just have to add it all up.

3.) Grunt Hostility. In Opp Force the player does not (If he plays the game correctly) shoot BM staff. However, in Half-life, freemand is attacked by grunts after they pull outright up until he reaches Llamdba sector.

Shepherd is woken up before he actually knows his orders are to kill scientists. He's also woken up by scientists - and even if he had known his orders, I doubt he'd have started killing hte people who had just rescued him. He'd have realised that everyone was in the same boat and that they'd all just have to help each other. As for other grunts, you do see hostility (the interrogation scene) but I'm pretty sure there's never a point where you have both scientists and soldiers with you.

It would also be quite plausible for Shepherd to get away with not killing scientists: very soon after Op4 begins the marines start pulling out.
Whether or not Race-X fit in with the timeline or not (I know what you're saying, I replayed all the games before i wrote this) they still do not officially exist in the minds of Valave. Im not going to include the developers do not acknowledge.

However, if i remember it was a two way hatred: When they realized what was happening, the BMRF personnel began to fihgt back and kill marines on sight - So why didnt they do it now (Including the guards you meet before the marines pull out)
It's also very plausible that the same intergalactic energybeacon that attracted the combine also attracted race-x. The only thing is that race-x was possibly MUCH closer to earth than the combine which allowed them appear so instant.
What it boils down to is this: Regardless of how well Race-X fit into the story (And regardless of how cool they were) Valve has told us that they were made solely for cannon fodder. I will not include them into the theory because they do not belong in the Half-Life universe.

*looks past this for a second* impakt, thats not a bad idea