The Things That Piss You Off Thread!

People who don't !@$# signal when changing lanes in front of you (I live in Los Angeles, go figure.)
Soooo maaaannyyyyy thiiiiiinnnnngssss!

1. Bad drivers (car wise)
2. George Douche
3. John Coward
4. Dropping food into my lap
5. Late trains
6. Stupid people
7. (Currently) redbar0n
8. Friggy

That's all I can think of for now...
Things i hate about religious people:

1. They dont care how much you want to kill them, they still feel you will convert to beliving in christ or whatever they worship, why cant they get it? i DONT belive in god and never will so piss off. ;)
2.the bible, they talk to you as if they expect you to know what the bible says, and the priest guy who is constantly saying what a good read the bible is and how its much better than t.v. or anything else to do with life.damn him to hell:D
3.How they look down on you because they think they are right and they think your just waiting to be right, they behave as though thier waiting for you to convert any second.
Stupid Christ

as you can see, some people arond me are pretty religous...
I say..... Screw them!

(i hope no offence was taken by religious people, we can still be friends:))
Stupid Kids
Stupid Questions
Stupid Things in general...
Originally posted by The Bear
- Rap music
- Anyone who feels "Thug Life" or especially those who are white and feel "Thug Life"
- People who stink (literally)
Hmm, those also anny me alot.

Rap music is self explanitory, it all sonds like crap.

I live in a Toronto suburb, which is one of the preppiest places in Canada (I think we have the lowest crime rate in the country), and my school is just overflowing with people who think they live in a ghetto. Those people not only should be thrown into a real ghetto, but also need a good kick to the face.

And speaking of smelly people, I have to sit beside a guy in my geography class who has a different vile odor every day! So far the worst was a combination of bad Chinese food, vinegar, and burnt toast (I am being serious here btw).
People in general piss me off. Everyday I see or hear people that's gene pool should of died off years ago.
*agree's with Sushi about rap music*

why dont you take one of those car air freshners with you next time you have geography, hang it on the back of his chair..
I hate that taste in your mouth when you wake up after drinking 4 pints of stella and smoking half a pack of fags....

hmmm.... dont think i'll ever smoke. The taste is worse than beer, makes me gag! tastes i hate are toothpaste and alcohol. (yes it was a dare about 4 weeks ago to brush my teeth while drinking.
Smoking is vile... I only smoke when I'm too pissed to know what I'm doing...

Btw King John, how old are you?

(oh and if you hate the taste of alcohol, try Stella or Oranjeboom with a lime top, takes the edge off it, really refreshing)
1. GMTV, the worst ****ing show ever conceived.
2. townies who buy tesco brand cider and sit on benches with their shiny white trainers and bright white jogging bottoms and puffy jackets trying to look hard.
3. uppety parents who think they know best when they know **** all.
4. people who think alcohol is evil.
5. people who think metal/rock is crap ie. rap/RnB lovers.
6. ugly birds who think they're too good for you, when it's quite clear you'd be lowering your standards even to snog her.
7. dumb bitch barmaids who always put about 4 inches worth of head on your pint then demand £2.40 for it.
8. having to go down on a woman.
9. any mind **** daytime tv programs where you get inbreds from oop north (no offense lads from up north) who can't stop sleeping with their grandma or some sick shit.
10. sexy little welsh girls who just won't flash their tits no matter how many drinks you buy them.
11. when you're riding the tube and there's always some fat prick who has to take up all the standing room and won't move no matter how many people need to get on.
12. when riding the tube and a woman pulls out a pepper spray when you go to the spare seat next to her.
13. boy/girl bands.
14. talent shows, the ones like pop idol and whatever else. what the **** is the deal with singing anyway? who the **** wants to heard about "ohh i'm 14 and i'm in love, oh woe is me".
15. repetitive metal/punk bands from guess where.
16. iain duncan smith that ****in ponce. he walked passed me once and raised his hand to wave at someone but managed to slap me in the face while doing it. didn't even get an apology. twat.
17. why there's always a token black/ethnic guy in almost every film to come out of hollywood.
18. why eastenders and coronation street and any other soap is complete and utter mind numbing cow shit.
19. intelligent people who just won't say anything, how frustrating when you're surrounded by wankers and the one person who has any sense is just too shy or modest to say anything. arrrrgh!
20. having to wipe up the mess after you have a wank.
21. getting the shits after drinking guiness.
22. having to shave, then ending up looking like david blaine if you leave it for a couple of days.
23. parents.
24. having to pay 30 ****in quid for a game that really doesn't deserve it.
25. not being able to think of anything you hate right now.
Idiots who think they can ave' yer'

"oooo look at you you little weekling!!!"

You go up to em and there like "please dont hurt me!!!!!!", "I didnt do anything!"
God that pisses me off :flame:

Also...people who dont say do something nice to them and they just carry on or walk off without saying/doing anything :|
Simmo, you mean you don't like the ickle pikies... lol

(say this out loud in a squeaky voice for added effect) "What you fickin' say! I got a lighter! I'll cut yoo!!"


And then you kick them in the face.
Heheh, where do you live Mr Badger/simmo. Its allmost certainly in the UK. A large city no doubt.


Nottingham or Birmingham?
Newcastle maybe...

I grew up in Lewisham, South London

But I live in Kent at the moment :) In a medium-size town, yet we have a massive pikie problem :/
Btw King John, how old are you?

16, want to make something of it? well do ya? do ya, punk?;)

i was offerd a fag once, thought i'd try it, tasted light shit from hell so spat it out and stepped on it before i got addicted, as i said i dont drink alcohol very much just now and again.

P.S. NEW AVATER!!! not very good, my first ever gif animation, but expect better.
Speaking of "new age travellers" there is a whole load of them near the cemetery in Lincoln. My mate offered my a lift home but i declined. Thank god i did. He stopped at a kebab house got something to eat and got back in his car. 7 of th buggers came along and jumped in his car and told him to drive or they would "f*ing kill him". So he drove to their camp and they got out. One of them started to walk off, came back, dropped a fiver through the window and said sorry lol!
Yeah I think the problem is nation wide at the moment. Little shits is the name we allways used to give them in Nottingham. But here in northumberland where I am now they call them charves.


where does that word come from?!?!??!
Sounds like if you Brits were allowed to carry guns like us Americans, there'd be a lot of dead gypsies layin' around.
hahaha, i love that "new age travellers" euphemism.

there isn't so much of a pikey problem in my area, but go further into london and they try to wash your windscreen and polish your shoes or open doors for you and stuff, and have the cheek to demand cash for it.

i also hate going to a kfc and none of the guys there speak english. you end up waving your arms about saying 'no not that one, that one you twat!'

i hate ken livingston, because he reminds me of my old science teacher.

i hate lesbians who are so fookin hot, but never look at men.

i hate GAME, it's such a shitty shop to buy game related stuff from. they've got games that are 3 years old selling for £34.99 or some shit. i mean come on!

i hate really built wankers who hog all the machines at the gym when it's clear they don't actually need it.

i hate all the really fat wankers who hog all the running machines at the gym when it's clear they should just go somewhere and eat donuts.

i hate it when you're riding a bike and the seat suddenly jerks at an awkward angle, crushing your nuts.

i hate clubs like Fabric and Play that don't let you in if you're wearing trainers.
Originally posted by king John I
16, want to make something of it? well do ya? do ya, punk?;)

i was offerd a fag once, thought i'd try it, tasted light shit from hell so spat it out and stepped on it before i got addicted, as i said i dont drink alcohol very much just now and again.

Ah, I'm 16 too, just started at Sixth Form, I guess in your area pubs must be tougher to get into.... but then again, I'm the youngest in my group of mates (with one exception) and they mostly are 17 ;( But yeah, we have a laugh.

Whatever anyone does... don't take up smoking.... it's horrid.... that said, I'll probably end up with fag burns on my hands in the morning, like last time down the local where I just let one burn all the way, and I didn't feel anything, until the morning

Thats another thing that pisses me off...

Mornings after a night out. :(
Originally posted by mrBadger
Thats another thing that pisses me off...

Mornings after a night out. :(

agreed. especially when you don't know where you are when you wake up.
yeah, the pubs round here are pretty gay, even for 18 year olds they make a fuss about. Dark park at night is nice though, get to feel all the cool grass.
Beware!!! Watch out for druggys!!! we try to avoid them quite hard, they have knives, not nice ;(
whoa, that's some funky new avatar. made me think my eyes were going funny.
are you joking?:D if not thanks very much!D
if you are, well this is my second time, and my photoshop decides it deosn't want to do half the stuff its meant to.
Grrr, theres loads of heroin addicts in faversam park... have to avoid them :flame:

Anyway, I'm off down the Phoenix now, was fun chatting to you lot :)

I'll be back in the morning... i hope ;)
what pisses me off is when u pm someone on this forum and they never check for pm's (hint hint mrBadger :p) and the forum does not have a way of alerting users of pm's..

well.. it doesn't piss me off.. but.. what the heck!
king John I, have some sympathy for those among us with epilepsy.
yeah get rid of that flashing, its annoying and for some people dangerous
O.K. this is the final avatar, is it good or deos it kill emileptics?

i need to knw if this is a good avatar, by the way i never pm anybody, how do you do that?
i think that'd kill epileptics.

you could have it so it slowly builds up the colour around the edges and when it gets into the middle it just flashes back out, and the cycle starts over again.
ok sent you a PM John.. still waiting for you to remove that strobe effect.. you could get in a lot of trouble if someone ends up effected by it.. so could this site. Also it looks dumb doing that
Avatar Finished!!!! not very exiting but it serves its purpose!!

tell me what you think!
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
and the forum does not have a way of alerting users of pm's..

User CP->Edit Options
"Pop up a box when you receive a Private Message"


Now if we could get the message out to people...