The todays vid? #4?

Just a reminder guys do not get too hyped about the game...sure HL2 looks a lot better than other games do (graphics, physics, ai, sound), but your gameplay experience may be lowered slightly if you get hyped for this too much. Trust me...if you don't remember the hype surrounding Turok 2 for N64...and you probably don't and you will probably flame me for bringing up Turok at all...the hype for part 2 was huge as it was said to be the first good FPS after Goldeneye...well it sucked and it wasn't.

The same goes for a ton of other games...that was one example.

Don't be mad at me....because most of you somehow always get mad at someone for no reason...

I want everyone here to have a great gameplay experience...and hype kills most games...will it kill HL2? Probably not...but don't watch the videos 100 times...unless you really have to.

Am I going to watch the videos? Sure! Am I going to look at these forums everyday and find every spoiler? No! I have stayed away from most posts discussing intimate details of the game.

Bottom line: control yourselves and you will love HL2 more than you would if you overhype it in your brain.

Just some friendly advice...
ffs, stop ****ing around with time zones, that not funny anymore!

It would be fun if valve put up some webcams in there office, so we could see what they did... :bounce:
d8cam: I agree with you. Its just that I have really looking forward to this vid!
Originally posted by medic
ffs, stop ****ing around with time zones, that not funny anymore!

It would be fun if valve put up some webcams in there office, so we could see what they did... :bounce:
i remember wtacjing cliffecam right b4 ut2k3 demo release...crazy shiznits with that c++ code
Rockstar Games also has a webcam up every now and then.

Anyway, the video should start transferring soon.
the video will come out between monday to friday. it says at that the yare going to post the vid after the weekend means monday-friday...:flame:
Actaully after the weekend means monday-end of eternity but i think it will come out tomorrow or wednesday, hope tomorrow
Steam Monitor shows its being updated right now. ;0
maybe its coming sooner than later( funny ;p)
If there wasn't the Steam bug where after you remove someone from your Friends list you can't put them back on, I'd ask Erik Johnson(there was a mixup with multiple Erik Johnsons on Steam and I removed them both to see if the e-mail would work, both of them are banned now:dozey: ). All we know is that it's coming this week, I checked the movie cache, no new file in it.
Yes it is BS they are really ****ing pissing me off now, if we dont get the video today that is
**** steam this is gay, i thought someone said monday i hate this
ALL they said is that they would START precaching it on Monday.

They NEVER said there would be a movie Monday.
umm i dunno if valve promised this video on a certain date and time such as today at 7. but if they didnt i dont see where this is BS because its not out yet.
Yes it is BS they are really ****ing pissing me off now, if we dont get the video today that is
why are they skipping days wtf why dont they just give us them daily :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Synced
why are they skipping days wtf why dont they just give us them daily :rolleyes:
You know... they are kinda buisy...
Why are all of these "bugs" coming up when it comes time to release the videos? You would think after delays on THREE movies due to "bugs" they would have figured them all out
i think they dont ever want to give us all the E3 vids this way they dont have to give us the new footige...
Yeah it does suck, but ya also gotta think of it from Valve's point of view, its not that they don't want us to have the videos, they want to keep us happy and chomping at the bit for more hl2 stuff, they know we want it and they want to give it to us, but they also have certain issues that they need to work out... Hopefully we will get them soon, but don't worry about it they will deliver, just maybe not today :|
Originally posted by SnowBall
You know... they are kinda buisy...

Isn't the Valve team that is working on HL2 for the most part seperate from the team that is working on Steam?

::bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by TheWart
Isn't the Valve team that is working on HL2 for the most part seperate from the team that is working on Steam?

Nope. Valve makes HL2. Valve makes Steam.

Valve = Valve
WTH is up with the % counter? It is saying 200234% right now. That means it should have downloaded it 2002 times already...are they dense or what?
Originally posted by SnowBall
brings back old memories, i was very old member of the atari boards, grant roberts always hated me, so did cliffy, i think mark was the only one that didnt mind me being there, he said i could stay but then some other mod banned me, lol there were like 4 ut2k3 leaks lets just say i had a pretty big mouth. anyways if anyone visits the atari forums (INA COMMUNITY) (epic) tell that i said hi to everyoneone at the unreal 2 forums
Lets not forget that the videos are already done....they showed them at E3.


The movie distribution service seemed to work pretty good with the other 3 movies, I can't imagine any more bugs and why the movie won't be released today....

They are just loosing their credibility from people. Some even doubt the game will even be released on the 30th of September.
I agree. I was playing CS 1.6 and I was telling them about the new HL2 media and they just told me HL2 will never be released. Vulva is pissing me off for not releasing the ****ing 4th video today. :flame:
they never said any exact dates for the release after the FIRST video, they said aprox, one each day. im sure you cant see this on your head but they're probably working on something more important like hl2 perhaps, idunno i may be wrong maybe hl2 makes it self.