The truth about Biozeminades

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I've seen the biozeminades... horrid. Don't ask any more questions about them. I'm serious, it's for your own protection.

EDIT: Nothing to be seen here, there are no Biozeminades and the culprit "White" has been apprehanded.
I'd love to see them modded in
the lack of biozeminades in the retail product is inexcusable
jesus christ just tell me wut they are!!!

i know im still gunna get a joke answer to this, comon ppl give it a break lol
Alright, for Phat and everybody else who REALLY wants to know what the Biozeminades are, I'm gonna risk my life to tell you.

The Biozeminades are...

...sdfka asd
...fg dskjh lkhew

The Biozeminades do not exist. Do not ask about them again. Now, let us discuss the theory that the G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future, shall we?
Ok, so from what i gather from before the connection was cutoff, Biozeminades are in cahoots with the magic letters "A, S, D and F". Oh my god, something's not right! "K" shouldn't be there! /That must mean...the Home Key gangs are uniting, and Biozeminades are mediating! No wonder the governments wants them cut off! It's a matter of galactic security!

OK...calm down, get control, don't want to start a pani...Ahhh, we're all gonna die!!!
Bing_Oh said:
Alright, for Phat and everybody else who REALLY wants to know what the Biozeminades are, I'm gonna risk my life to tell you.

The Biozeminades are...

...sdfka asd
...fg dskjh lkhew

The Biozeminades do not exist. Do not ask about them again. Now, let us discuss the theory that the G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future, shall we?

:frown: :frown: :frown: i knew i wuld get a joke response
Ok....can you all stop being a bunch of ****ing morons and actually tell us what the biozeminades are? You're really not funny. Yeah, make the same joke over and over, thats ****ing hilarious, wow I wish I was as clever as you. Ho ho I've said biozeminades, the government will get me! ahahahahahahah hilarious. This forum seems to have a problem with elitist idiots being really inconsiderate to people new to the forums and the half life world.
Speedkills said:
the government will get me!

no, not the government. the biozeminades.
Lets just say like this: I advice to keep your mouth's shut, if you don't want get in big trouble. There is line, line of truth, about biozeminades if you reach or cross it, you will be dea.... khem..khem.. cursed for rest of your life. So keep my advice in your heads, biozeminades aren't joke...
Tell me, what good is knowledge on biozeminades if you are unable to speak?
There are no Biozeminades, so there is no need to talk about it anymore. :sniper:
Death Spike said:
There are no Biozeminades, so there is no need to talk about it anymore. :sniper:

Exactly. Everyone is ordered to erase all knowledge of them from their memories, or it will be erased for you :stare:
Jangle said:
that site didnt tell me the truth. You suck.

Nooooooo! They've compromised our top secret informational site! All that valuable information, the culmination of years of research and the sacrifices of so many dilligent members of the Biozeminade Undergound...GONE! Can nothing stop the conspirators behind the Biozeminades?!?!
Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades Biozeminades.

They are after me...
doomed14life said:
Only people who've been on the forums more than one week are allowed to say that :p

Before you look at my join date, my original account was registered Dec 2003, so there :p
Here is true about Biozeminades...
Biozeminades are myth. Myth is based one real events or actions, they are mostly fairy tales that explain all unusual. In half Life 2 they are ghost's of early build versions... Maybe there is somthing deeper, maybe there is somthing that valve dont want to reveal. But remember one thing, myth can be lies too..
TheMtR said:
Here is true about Biozeminades...
Biozeminades are myth. Myth is based one real events or actions, they are mostly fairy tales that explain all unusual. In half Life 2 they are ghost's of early build versions... Maybe there is somthing deeper, maybe there is somthing that valve dont want to reveal. But remember one thing, myth can be lies too..

*points* They got to him too! He's one of them!
The biozeminades move among us. They are everywhere and nowhere.
"Only people who've been on the forums more than one week are allowed to say that

Before you look at my join date, my original account was registered Dec 2003, so there"

I've been on the forums for a long time. I just didn't feel like registering

yeah and I don't know how to quote other people
doomed14life said:
"Only people who've been on the forums more than one week are allowed to say that

Before you look at my join date, my original account was registered Dec 2003, so there"

I've been on the forums for a long time. I just didn't feel like registering

yeah and I don't know how to quote other people

LOL sorry, when I read that it made me laugh... not syaing that you haven't been... it just doesn't sound too good.

"I've been on the forums for a long time... oh I don't know how to quote people"

So my noob conclusion is they were in the leak?

..Whats that noise....

Domenico said:
So my noob conclusion is they were in the leak?

..Whats that noise....


Nice try. Everybody knows that, if They are really after you, you'd never hear it coming. Ninjas are noisy and clumsy compaired to the trained professionals in Their employ.
bliink said:
*points* They got to him too! He's one of them!

Well, right man in wrong place can make all the diffrence...
lord dubu said:
This thread has me craving lemonaid.

hahaha, it actually sounds like some kind of sports drink

or, is that what they WANT you to think......
Subjects have been apprehended. This thread will be shut down. Everyone in the immediate area, stay where you are. The proper authorities will come to straighten things out. There is no such thing as Biozeminades.
Exactly, also, soldiers have arrived to rescue us! get topside! ;)
the biozeminades were originally concieved in the alpha version of hl2...u cannot actually see them cuz they are "cloaked"....u can actually still spwn biozeminades in the retail version..the cvar i think is somethin like ent_create bioziminade_1 have to have ur cross hairs pointing at the spot u want them to spwn...variables to control them include ent_bioz_warspores 1 and ent_bioz_cloaklolz 1
bliink said:
Exactly, also, soldiers have arrived to rescue us! get topside! ;)

What soldiers?? They are cloaked agents...
Remember one thing, there is no escape from biozeminades.
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