The truth about Biozeminades

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The soldiers are here to help us guys...
Thank God

Ok, c'mon someone be SERIOUS about this. What are the biozeminades? If you don't tell me, you'll force me to go download the stolen build. I don't want to resort to drastic measures, but I will. I WILL, I SAY!
jwilson02 said:
the biozeminades were originally concieved in the alpha version of hl2...u cannot actually see them cuz they are "cloaked"....u can actually still spwn biozeminades in the retail version..the cvar i think is somethin like ent_create bioziminade_1 have to have ur cross hairs pointing at the spot u want them to spwn...variables to control them include ent_bioz_warspores 1 and ent_bioz_cloaklolz 1
quoted for truth
I'm not really that bothered about these stupid things because I'm guessing they probably never existed...but you all should try and be a bit more original with your jokes. Stop making the same joke over and over, it's not funny, it's embarassing and tedious. Some people actually want to know what the in-joke is here, so rather than making them feel even more left out, why don't you actually tell them rather than making some "witty" remark?
Speedkills said:
I'm not really that bothered about these stupid things because I'm guessing they probably never existed...but you all should try and be a bit more original with your jokes. Stop making the same joke over and over, it's not funny, it's embarassing and tedious. Some people actually want to know what the in-joke is here, so rather than making them feel even more left out, why don't you actually tell them rather than making some "witty" remark?

Here you are:
Sooner or later, you'll realise you know as little as everyone else.

(warning: the previous link may cause (but is not limited to) death, injury, massive burning, mental instability, chemical burns, incineration, incarceration, inflamation, inflammable-ation, incandessance, ininance, paranoia, delusions, hallucianations, men in dark suits turning up at your door, red dots appearing on your walls)
Biozeminades are the conclusion to many hour's hard work. They did not, however, get past the beta stage. Just be glad that they send the men in black suits, not the biozeminades...
i heard somewhere that biozeminades not only can move about in 3 dimensions, but the 4th too. Meaning they can traverse time in the same way an average person can walk across a room.

If this holds true, they can go back and forth through time as they please. Changing what they see fit.

Biozeminades contain the knowledge of the universe for they are immortal and where there when the universe began. The only way to properly imagine them in their completeness is to think really hard about a BLT sandwhich while setting yourself on fire while skydiving without a parachute over lubbock, texas. When your flaming halfdead body slams into the dusty texan ground, at the very last split second between being alive and being dead. You will be able to know EXACTLY what a biozeminade is and how they look
redrain85 said:
It's obviously some kind of running joke . . . Biozeminades never really existed. But it looks like even Valve got in on the fun.

Unless there's a massive cover-up conspiracy going on. :naughty:

In reality the Biozeminades **********************************************************************************************************************************
Edited by: Administrator 12/14/04 9:31 AM

Member Sniper156 will not longer be visiting the boards.
ROFL, nice one sniper.. .. :O Sniper?? SNIPER!!!! noooo!!!
bliink said:
(warning: the previous link may cause (but is not limited to) death, injury, massive burning, mental instability, chemical burns, incineration, incarceration, inflamation, inflammable-ation, incandessance, ininance, paranoia, delusions, hallucianations, men in dark suits turning up at your door, red dots appearing on your walls)
OMG, I got a polkadot wallpaper! I am doomed
lame.... all of the bionades joke. just plan..... Lame. with a capital L. Just tell us already!
SLickz said:
lame.... all of the bionades joke. just plan..... Lame. with a capital L. Just tell us already!
Member: SLickz
The veracity of Biozeminades is beyond your clearance
Hey guys, i'm a Biozeminade. They keep me imprisoned. I'm holding a newspaper with todays date for mommy to know i'm alive but other than that i want to play HL2 on my Laptop but all i get is this friggin steam activation crap. Oh and the sound is stuttering...
Cpl_Facehugger said:
It was funny the first few times, but you're just beating a dead horse now.

Excuse me, could you hand me that crowbar? I'm quite sure I saw that damn horse move again...




That should take care of THAT!

*Whinny!* :hmph:
Well give me the Crowbar in HLDM and i stfu :)

until then: Biozeminade Biozeminade Biozeminade Biozeminade Bio...
Well its time to take care of you Bing_Oh...
*clicks on ip tracking program*

**** IP TRACKER 125.3/Developed by Biozeminade Corparation****
login successful///////////////////////////////////////
tracking ip////////////////////////////////////////////
50% done////////////////////////////////////////////
100% done//////////////////////////////////////////
ip tracked successful//////////////////////////////
sending data to Biozeminade Corp///////////////
re-sending data to PC324.21#98//////////////
deleting data//////////////////////////////////

****IP TRACKER 125.3 closing****

Well now lets send team to take care about you....
u guys never DO get tired of that joke, do you? :dozey: If ur not being paid by valve to keep on doing this lame coverup/dumb joke, I'd say that ur just oh-so-farking........... sigh...... words fail me.... :rolleyes:
Ha! I'm not afraid of the biozeminades, TheMtR. I've escaped their notice for quite a while now. They have no chance of finding...

Hang on, there's somebody at the door.

To whom it may concern,

Bing_Oh's internet privileges have been restricted while he is enrolled in a "re-education" program. He will return when he has learned to love Big Brother.

Thank you.
The first rule of is you dont talk about the Biozeminades. The second rule of is that you not talk about Biozeminades!

no but seriosly didint the Biozeminades thing evolved from that stupid fake eBay review of HL2 a really long time ago..? Some idiot that wrote a ridicilous fake review of HL2.. :)
(why was the other biozeminade thread locked? goverment conspiracy? want to hide the truth?)

:rolleyes: Everyone's making such a big deal about the biozeminades. Those government conspiracy jokes aren't even funny any more. The moderators seem to like locking threads concerning biozeminades.

Oh no, I might be abducted by aliens, or assasinated, or banned for speaking of the biozeminades. :rolleyes: Jees, I better grow a beard, buy an AK47 and go hide in a cave somewhere.
Here the biozeminades where Stalkers, with Chain saws for hand and also had laser vision. Sadly in play testing they would just fall over from the weight of the chain saws and laser vision. Valve looking at there product (Fallen over stalkers, Flying headcrabs every where, and a hydra around every corner) Wisely they hire a hacker to get into there system and destroy all there work on Half life 2. and they started a new. here is a screen shot from the Alpha.
Speedkills said:
I'm not really that bothered about these stupid things because I'm guessing they probably never existed...but you all should try and be a bit more original with your jokes. Stop making the same joke over and over, it's not funny, it's embarassing and tedious. Some people actually want to know what the in-joke is here, so rather than making them feel even more left out, why don't you actually tell them rather than making some "witty" remark?

heheheheh... cluless :p

Domenico (Im alive!!)
lordoftheroot said:
Here the biozeminades where Stalkers, with Chain saws for hand and also had laser vision. Sadly in play testing they would just fall over from the weight of the chain saws and laser vision. Valve looking at there product (Fallen over stalkers, Flying headcrabs every where, and a hydra around every corner) Wisely they hire a hacker to get into there system and destroy all there work on Half life 2. and they started a new. here is a screen shot from the Alpha.

lmao @ pic,

ROFL @ sig... give me your bank account, i swear i will give you $5bux to eat it :p

I think the Biozeminade is on the table of Eli Vance in Black Mesa East.
Its mayby theese green mysterious organism in glass. But im going slowly mad ....Uahhaahha bio hhaha bio...
I think the Nihilanth sums up Biozeminades the best.

'You can never...know...the truth...'

Or something to that effect.

Besides, wasn't the real Biozeminade that motion video of someone who 'just happened' to have clothes/a gas mask that him look just like a metrocop, and he just stood there, hosing down his har with a jet hose/laser blaster thing? That's what comes to mind when I hear Biozeminade.

-Angry Lawyer
SilentGunz, that's a Cremator. Not quite good enough to be a Biozeminade.

Random fact: One of the songs on the HL2 music disc you get with gold edition or something is called 'Biozeminade fragment' or something. Not sure what it sounds like, though.

-Angry Lawyer
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