The Unoffical Minecraft server 3.0

Is that river natural...? I've never seen a formation like that in a world.
Is that river natural...? I've never seen a formation like that in a world.

Which river? The one over by where a causeway runs up a hill from the back right corner of the city? No thats not natural. I made it. It would be nice if Notch added some sort of river feature.
Really liking the map. Thinking about doing something with that desert.
Sheepo: You mean the desert that is (on the map) to the right and down a bit from the city and across the lack/sea. If that is were you were thinking.. go for it. Just remember that the city will probably expand to the coast across the water from the site you mentioned. What did you have in mind?

The city is filling up VERY fast. We might wan't to either plan an expansion or chose a new city site. For those thinking about projects outside of the city, the farther you are the less likely you project will be swallowed/surrounded by the city walls.

I have three ideas for expansions. Pick your favorite and give your ideas for how it should look.

1: A fortress with a prison, armory and a spleef arena on the mountain where the causeway comes off the city walls.

2: Expand the city inland into that valley behind the back left corner (front being the side with the gazebo).

3: A good port/harbor with docks, warehouses, and shops around the lighthouse and along the coast in front of the city walls.
I have three ideas for expansions. Pick your favorite and give your ideas for how it should look.

1: A fortress with a prison, armory and a spleef arena on the mountain where the causeway comes off the city walls.

2: Expand the city inland into that valley behind the back left corner (front being the side with the gazebo).

3: A good port/harbor with docks, warehouses, and shops around the lighthouse and along the coast in front of the city walls.

I kinda like 2 & 3. I envision having a big medieval city behind our current one that has more stuff like courts, army grounds, shops, houses, sport places, etc. And I feel a good number 3 is required to have a good realistic city. I'd be up for building the lighthouse.
can i get whitelisted? I might not be on so often but i want to check it out username: darkcenturion
I logged in and I've begun a project way out west. No building has been done yet, only resource-gathering.
I'm going to vote for a city expansion! in the same style as the city we already have.
Expanding would be easy, just create new districts adjacent to the main one. All of the ideas Raken put forth sound decent, just depends who wants to do what.

So is the supply hut permanent or just to help starting out? Not going to speak for anyone else but I don't really like it, for the same reason I didn't like excessive mat spawning on the original server. But hey, not my server, just saying.
I'm probably going to stop using it now that my house has been built, but I think we should at least keep materials that are otherwise unobtainable there.
Yeah, that's true. Save people having to bug admins about it.
I built the supply depot, I kinda regret it now and I don't know why. I wanted to encourage creativity without having to grind, but grinding and then seeing the end result is what makes the game fun.

Aside from having to "bug admins" it wasn't a problem for Raken and I to supply the materials, I just know it's annoying when an admin isn't on and you need those last 2 leaves to finish your hedge.

I might just change it so that it only supplies wood, stone and sand. Anyone got any thoughts on that?

I added drawbridges and gates last night (see the main entrance to the city), pretty cool features!

I also have the plugin that allows enormous bits of land to be excavated with the click of the mouse. I don't know if I want to use it, but I would consider doing it if any mountains are in our way and need moving...

If anyone wants a plot in the current city, they can have mine. I don't really like my house and will be tearing it down later, can someone build me a bedroom in their house somewhere?

I also have a plugin called "vehicles", I will look at what it offers later and if it will fit into our world in any way.
Wood and stone are kind of the primary materials of most buildings and are easy enough to farm. I expressed a concern on the first server that people farming stone might "ruin" the area around spawn a bit by burrowing everywhere, but the reality was that never really happened, despite having a good amount of regulars and being fairly active. The sheer volume of stone (and dirt for that matter), even on a chunk-to-chunk basis, means that you're never really wanting for more, and at that you can always go further out and dig in some undisturbed area. As for wood, take a look out the south (I think, opposite the drawbridge) side of town. I planted all of those in about 15-20 minutes total, just by harvesting the wood and seeds from the few trees that were already there, replanting, and then doing the same thing twice more once they grew in. It's extremely sustainable, and I completely expect people to make more organised tree farms once we're better established.

Anyway, not sure if you were actually concerned about those things, but uhh... now I've gone and addressed them anyway! Sand I'd be a bit more easy about, if only because it so often means ruining perfectly good biomes/coastlines/seabeds to harvest, and people really really love their glass. Seriously, it's obscene, what's wrong with you people. One thing though: is it possible to set a daily limit on these things? Not suggesting it straight away, but as a precaution if it gets out of hand.

Also, I spotted the drawbridge, it's really neat. Is that something you made with a plugin, or is that some native function I'm not aware of? Can you use it to make other things?
Wood and stone are kind of the primary materials of most buildings and are easy enough to farm. I expressed a concern on the first server that people farming stone might "ruin" the area around spawn a bit by burrowing everywhere, but the reality was that never really happened, despite having a good amount of regulars and being fairly active. The sheer volume of stone (and dirt for that matter), even on a chunk-to-chunk basis, means that you're never really wanting for more, and at that you can always go further out and dig in some undisturbed area. As for wood, take a look out the south (I think, opposite the drawbridge) side of town. I planted all of those in about 15-20 minutes total, just by harvesting the wood and seeds from the few trees that were already there, replanting, and then doing the same thing twice more once they grew in. It's extremely sustainable, and I completely expect people to make more organised tree farms once we're better established.

Anyway, not sure if you were actually concerned about those things, but uhh... now I've gone and addressed them anyway! Sand I'd be a bit more easy about, if only because it so often means ruining perfectly good biomes/coastlines/seabeds to harvest, and people really really love their glass. Seriously, it's obscene, what's wrong with you people. One thing though: is it possible to set a daily limit on these things? Not suggesting it straight away, but as a precaution if it gets out of hand.

Also, I spotted the drawbridge, it's really neat. Is that something you made with a plugin, or is that some native function I'm not aware of? Can you use it to make other things?

All good points, I don't want the server to become like MC Classic. Whilst we are focused on building a world, I don't want it to become a building only server where all we do is build skyscrapers and then admire our handywork. I personally think that only sand should be supplied at the supply hut. Purely because it ruins coastlines etc.

Yeah, the drawbridge functionality was added with a plugin, there are a lot of other uses included in it too but I haven't played with it too much (apart from staying up till 3am to build the gate + drawbridge).

Study it and the area around it (don't break it though) and you should be able to work out exactly how it works, or I can show you when I'm on. I was planning to add the rear drawbridge too.
I agree that we should limit the depot. If there is a way to limit the amount per day or limit when it can accessed that would help. Or. we could keep the following materials available: diamond tools (not armor), sand, neatherrack, glowstone, and soulsand, leaves (for shrubs). There might be a few others that we would want to make available. If you think of a block we should add to the depot, let us know. Even these might be limited to a certain amount per day.

If we go with the city expansion we should do some planning. Mark where the walls will go line up the main streets, identify different districts, and set locations for certain buildings.

The docks would extend from the gazebo and out into the water. Mostly is would center around the land that the lighthouse is on.

Kazsy: could you send me a link or something with some instructions on how to use these cool new tools?
I think we need to get a community quarry. Something hidden, yet impressive enough when you look at it. Something like a giant mined-out cube hidden under a mountain.
I could create a huge crater in the earth, then that become the quarry. It could be part of the world, the reason we are there maybe?!
I kinda figured it'd be something the community would work on together, and have it be like a hidden monstrosity. Back on Pi's server I had a 50x50x50 cube hidden next to my tower/pit thing.
I'm actually doing that right now. I did have some help from kazy but there is still alot of work. Jump in on the server if you want to help.
That's awesome. I like how you can talk to the heads you see moving around down there.
No other chunks besides the ones near spawn are loading for me, and when I zoom in it doesn't load higher resolution images.

But the chat feature is ****ing great.
No other chunks besides the ones near spawn are loading for me, and when I zoom in it doesn't load higher resolution images.

But the chat feature is ****ing great.

Do you know how to fix it dude? I have the config file, but it makes little sense to me. Off to the wiki I go...
I think we need to get a community quarry. Something hidden, yet impressive enough when you look at it. Something like a giant mined-out cube hidden under a mountain.

I've already been digging a quarry for about 3 or 4 days now and I've hit bedrock on both ends. I would appreciate it if people continue on that one rather than starting their own so all my work hasn't gone to waste. There are ladders on both ends that go all the way to bedrock, and there is a tunnel that connects the two sides. Eventually I was planning on running a rail system from my quarry to the city to allow people to use the mined materials in their projects.

Here it is in relation to the city:


Just go left out of the main gates and you'll see the tree house. It's directly behind that. Granted its not hidden in a mountain but its narrow enough right now where it could be easily covered. And for the rail system I was going to put it underground anyway which could also be used as a tunnel for getting from the city to the quarry.

More screenies:




I have my mountain base area plotted out.
Here it is:

That mountain and area around it is within jurisdiction of communal projects. Server guidelines instruct people to keep private projects a good distance from the city to avoid conflicting with the city's expansion.

If you are planning a HUGE base, I suggest you move it out further unless you want it to become a communal project.
Hay, can you add Robbo35 to the whitelist.

Man I'm so happy theres another community server up. Hopefully it gets as good as the last one!!
Hey, Kazsy. I think maybe you should edit your original post to include the server, server name, list of rules, map link ECT. That way anytime there is a change in the mods used, a rule update or something people can see it all on one place. (look on the minecraft forums under Beta servers to see what I mean)
Hay, can you add Robbo35 to the whitelist.

Man I'm so happy theres another community server up. Hopefully it gets as good as the last one!!

Sorry Robbo, I noticed you've tried to connect a few times and couldn't.

I've added you to the whitelist, you should be able to join now.
Would I be able to ask for a setback to 1pm GMT.

I kinda set my Forrest alight...
Would I be able to ask for a setback to 1pm GMT.

I kinda set my Forrest alight...

Sorry dude, backups were only once every 24hrs today.

From today onward they will be taken once every 6 hours.

I can help you rebuild? (I have some tools that may help...)

Mellish - Added, sorry for the delay (I see you tried to get on).
Its not the re-build, just the replanting of the forest, I'll do it when I get back from work today. I'll just hope an admin is on so I could maybe grab some saplings.
That mountain and area around it is within jurisdiction of communal projects. Server guidelines instruct people to keep private projects a good distance from the city to avoid conflicting with the city's expansion.

If you are planning a HUGE base, I suggest you move it out further unless you want it to become a communal project.

I'm planning it to be almost entirely underground.
I'm planning it to be almost entirely underground.

That sounds cool, just try to keep everything above ground reasonably medieval / neutral (as it's in eyesight of the city).

Just be aware that the city may creep up on you at some point!
I could use some creative help. I just caught myself using my admin powers to turn a mountain into a rectangle in order to build a fortress. First of all this isn't very creative, and I think a short break and a new mind would do wonders for the project.

I basically have the idea of an acropolis like fortress with a great hall flanked by towers on a plateau upon the mountain top. I need help adding some creativity to the walls (bends and patters) and defining the ultimate boundaries of the fortress (the mountain is very wide). Go and take a look, fiddle with it if you feel like.
Personally I think it would be better if we didn't use cheats or anything to change land, and maybe ditch the supply hut. But that's just me.
Personally I think it would be better if we didn't use cheats or anything to change land, and maybe ditch the supply hut. But that's just me.

The supply hut is ditched, only sand, tools and a few flowers are available there, as those are the items that I would rather are not removed from the map.