The Urge


Jan 25, 2009
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WTF, went like 4 years without pot and now all of a sudden I really want some. I think its because some kids came into work smelling like the good ole stuff and it brought me back. I smoked for 3-4 years straight and quit cold turkey when I got poor. Any suggestions?? also I think it would help me relax a bit when I'm super stressed
Can you afford it? Will starting again make you broke? Are you drug-tested by your employer?

If no, then I say go for it.
I know pot would help me out with my anxiety that I've been experiencing lately but I don't want to rely on it. I know it's not addictive but I feel that if I start smoking regularly, I'll become a pothead which won't help my situation at all.

You seem to have things under control though so I say go for it, but in moderation.
we are drug tested if lets say we fall off a ladder and get hurt. but in my life, I never once fell out of a tree, deer stand, or fort. And when I did, its because the entire tree came with me on my way down, then it just bent back up

but yeah I could afford it because I may be moving in with my friend and he smokes too.
That's... a kind of unusual testing regimen, but it makes sense. Even so, there are ways to, ah, circumvent the testing. But that's neither here nor there. You used to smoke, and you're moving in with someone who smokes. You are going to smoke. It's just a question of how much, and how often :p
Don't f*cking do it dude.

There should be a social convention that makes Pot not cool, then no one would be doing it.
/wannabe straight edge.
You know, I never understood this fascination with narcotics. I mean, isn't "Pot" illegal?

Besides, smoking kills.
You know, I never understood this fascination with narcotics. I mean, isn't "Pot" illegal?

Besides, smoking kills.

Just wondering.. have you tried it? Do people sell it in Korea? It's illegal here but from what I've heard (in Canada) if you are caught with less than 20grams of weed then they can't charge you, worst they'll do is just confiscate it.

You should try it at least once...not addictive and doesn't really mess up your body unless you smoke it chronically.
I thought this thread was about homo erotic urges and encounters at the Gas Station.

I am disapoint
Just wondering.. have you tried it? Do people sell it in Korea? It's illegal here but from what I've heard (in Canada) if you are caught with less than 20grams of weed then they can't charge you, worst they'll do is just confiscate it.

You should try it at least once...not addictive and doesn't really mess up your body unless you smoke it chronically.

Uh, I dunno. I've heard of people getting arrested, but perhaps the social group I hang around with aren't those type of people. :p

I mean, sure, they prolly sell it somewhere. But it's illegal nevertheless, and I really don't want to jeopardize my future (a conviction in a criminal case would seriously **** up stuff for me... including expulsion from my uni, etc. etc. :p).
For the record: Smoking != smoking weed (at least chemically), illegal != bad, and weed != a narcotic. And you'll never understand the fascination until you experience it yourself. Your government is hiding wonderful things from you.

That being said, if being caught means losing your uni placement and a future that you've built up for yourself, then tread carefully my son.
For the record: Smoking != smoking weed (at least chemically), illegal != bad, and weed != a narcotic. And you'll never understand the fascination until you experience it yourself. Your government is hiding wonderful things from you.

That being said, if being caught means losing your uni placement and a future that you've built up for yourself, then tread carefully my son.

Aren't you like depressed or something?
It can't be helping you too much then.
For the record: Smoking != smoking weed (at least chemically), illegal != bad, and weed != a narcotic. And you'll never understand the fascination until you experience it yourself. Your government is hiding wonderful things from you.

That being said, if being caught means losing your uni placement and a future that you've built up for yourself, then tread carefully my son.

Korean Law =! Canadian Law. They get killed for taking pictures in ****ing Tienanmen square (In a big group, the photographer got arrested in my school's band trip) (to china)

It's illegal here but from what I've heard (in Canada) if you are caught with less than 20grams of weed then they can't charge you, worst they'll do is just confiscate it.
I can safely say that I didn't know that. Now if my MOTHER caught me with ANY amount of weed, I'd probably be sent to boarding school in Saskatchewan...
You should try it at least once...not addictive and doesn't really mess up your body unless you smoke it chronically.
It's fun (in moderation), I agree, but it can **** you up if you do it too often (a lot a day all summer last summer, really ****ed me up attention and intelligence wise)
Aren't you like depressed or something?
It can't be helping you too much then.

Yeah. But I was depressed before I started smoking, and I'm still depressed now, though arguably with a better idea of what my problems are. No harm, no foul? :p

@Morgan: You're thinking of North Korea (and also China?). You have to think of South Korea, because it is Best Korea!
Heavens forbid this was the urge to pirate games. Maybe the Mods would have stepped in, glad it's not; I don't want a shitstorm.
pot used to cure my many ailments like sad face and boredom. but it also made me a lot slower, nicer and dumber. all in all, it was great in moderation. i've also been watching the show the Weeds and it kinda brings me back to the good old days when life was more fun and adventurous.
Smoke weed if you want. Chances are if you're this neurotic over it you're projecting a larger life anxiety, I suggest holding off, lest you want to get paranoid. In large amounts smoking can induce apathy and sluggishness, it is, contrary to what your average pothead will say, an indulgence.

If you're in any kind of financial woes definitely don't waste your money on pot.
Goddamnit, now I want to smoke pot again. I hate you all.

It's so fun when you do it with a good friend on a summer night while listening to music and having a good ol heart to heart. Nothing beats that.
You should treat it like alcohol, assuming you're not an alcoholic. As in, have a reason to actually do it.

So you worked all day, you finally get home, and you just want to chill the **** out.

You have a cold one.


You have a joint!

You wouldn't drink before or during work.

Get it?

Just don't abuse it like I do.

Holy **** I am so baked right now.
So you worked all day, you finally get home, and you just want to chill the **** out.

I play video games, or fool around with my girlfriend. *shrugs* To each their own I guess.
This is a really cool documentary about weed, I suggest you all watch it :p It really is worth the watch and very informative.
I've been smoking weed for years... never before work or school, but in massive amounts when I don't have anything to do, it's relaxing and stimulates me creatively. I've never had any problems with it, it apperantly isnt harmfull to the lungs (doesnt cause cancer) and it counter's my ADD, making me be able to concentrate for hours on end.
It's great for not too serious discussions, and amazing for sex. I love the weed.
I wish humanity wouldn't have its head up its ass and just legalize this amazing plant worldwide.
TL;DR: Watch the documentary.
Because i posted a link to that documentary? : /
Threads like these are usually closed when people get too serious about the whole 'illegal drug advocacy' thing (not to imply you're wrong, of course).

Could be wrong though, not telling the mods what to do or anything. Actually that post was kind of pointless in hindsight, so I'll just get me coat.
... it's relaxing and stimulates me creatively. I've never had any problems with it, it apperantly isnt harmfull to the lungs (doesnt cause cancer) and it counter's my ADD, making me be able to concentrate for hours on end.

Really? The two or so times I've tried it, I haven't even been able to be able to "choose" any one train of thought that may be competing for my attention. E.g. I'm barefoot and I feel the carpet under my feet, feeling all its carpety goodness. Suddenly I wanna do something else, like listen to music... and when I try to get myself up and put on some music, I get distracted by some other stimulus like the clouds, or the simple fact that I'm moving around - and this continues until I'm hugging the toilet or some shit.

In essence, it's difficult to even concentrate. You say you can actually focus on something? I can't focus on anything :p
Really? The two or so times I've tried it, I haven't even been able to be able to "choose" any one train of thought that may be competing for my attention. E.g. I'm barefoot and I feel the carpet under my feet, feeling all its carpety goodness. Suddenly I wanna do something else, like listen to music... and when I try to get myself up and put on some music, I get distracted by some other stimulus like the clouds, or the simple fact that I'm moving around - and this continues until I'm hugging the toilet or some shit.

In essence, it's difficult to even concentrate. You say you can actually focus on something? I can't focus on anything :p
Well, I guess it takes some practice :D And I'm always easily distracted (when sober) ...when im doing something stoned i still get distracted but i keep it on-topic.
I'll be doodling in photoshop, listening to music, and feeling the goodness of the carpet under me feet. But I'll get distracted by unfinished parts of my drawing. Or I'll randomly look for reference/inspirational stuff for my drawing on the internet, get distracted by more inspirational stuff and realize half an hour later im still googling and not drawing..
Trust me - it won't. It'll do the opposite.
Dunno about this. Yes, in my own experience, you keep what you take into it, so if you're anxious or sad before you start smoking then the weed will only make it worse. But other people report that it puts their mind at ease and helps them forget anxiety. Seems like only an individual can know how it works for them. I guess that means: be very cautious about using it as a therapeutic tool.
I smoke, but only when I know I have the money and time to spare.

(so basically, as soon as I get home from work when I can't be bothered)