The VALVe appreciation thread

I for one will not give a game devloper my deepest gratitude and thanks. I can live without video games. They are simply a luxury. My money can go to a much more deserving organization. I don't think any of us send letters of thanks to the farmers that provide for food for us. SO why thank a game developer (however good they may be) when all they do is provide a few hours of entertainment for you? I just doesn;t make sense.
/7PiBET BCEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RESPECT BALLIy MATb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KADA Gabe Newell HL2 TO 3AMyTiT ? :devil: :farmer:
At least all this attitude says one thing about Valve. That people care.

Thats why when another game dev misses 3 dates, noone makes an issue out of it. Because noone cares what happens.

The whiners care, but are to immature to express themselve in a sensible manner, or cant figure that they need to just plain repress any feelings of ... i dunno ... hurt.

Good job Valve. You create and support wonderful games.
Drizz said:
I for one will not give a game devloper my deepest gratitude and thanks. I can live without video games. They are simply a luxury. My money can go to a much more deserving organization. I don't think any of us send letters of thanks to the farmers that provide for food for us. SO why thank a game developer (however good they may be) when all they do is provide a few hours of entertainment for you? I just doesn;t make sense.

Saying thankyou isnt hard to do. Swallow your guilt and do it! Kidding.
freeorangeshoes, of course theres truth in what you say, we participate in a capitalist world.

But common you cant truely beleive that money is their sole motive.

It must suck to be a complete cynic.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Most people here are acting as if VALVe owes them HL2. VALVe doesn't owe any of us ANYTHING! They have spent the past 6 years making this game, 6 years of their lives![/i]
Oh For ****s sake, where do you "valve owe you nothing" people keep coming from!!

So very nauseating!!
freeorangeshoes said:
no. first of all, no one buys a game because of the support.

what do you consider support...steam? updates? the only reason valve continued to update hl for as long as they have is simply because they have a sequel in the works. it would be commercially stupid to abandon that product.

congratulations, gunzablazin, you put capitalism to work! this isnt meant to be an attack on you in specific...the blind devotion to this company is just sickening.

if you look at what theyve done with this game (hl2) from an unbiased standpoint, its laughable. along the way, theyve managed to let it get stolen off the lead programmers computer, utilize some of the worst PR ever, continuously miss dates, etc. etc.

if they worked for me, they would have been fired. if the game was anything other than hl2, they would have been looking for a new publisher a long time ago.

I know what you're saying, but VALVe isn't making this PURELY for the money, EA made BF1942 purely for the money. I'm saying that you get WAY more than what you pay for. I never had imagined I could get so much replayability from a mere $60. They are simply playing their cards right, they know that the happier we are, the more money they get, isn't that what we are paying for? Happiness? I wasn't at all happy when I bought BF1942 and it took ages for EA to even start fixing the glaring bugs, this was, mind you after an uproar in the community. If you wanna play their game (which you will actually be satisfied with), then you have to pay them for their work, but you're paying the same price as other games yet you will recieve so much more through long-time support and tons of mods. I can list a ton of games that became unsupported by their developers years before their sequels came out. VALVe knows that if they make a great game and listen to the community, they will continue to get paid. Are you not satisfied that after you bough HL, you got so many FREE updates and mods for years and years?

@Deadly RUSSIA
No1 creates anything purely for money. Ripping something off is a completely different subject, but creatuing something from scratch!?

Common people time to take a break.
Coolpot said:
all respect for valve is now gone, how many times have things be delayed, and no its nothing to do with bugs or working on things imo, its about stringing things along and making HL2 delay until christmas for christmas sales
stfu. When it come out your new god will be gabe newell.

Thanks VALVe for supporting and making the half-life (and mod) community grow!

And to the people who think they just do it for the money your most likely wrong. You can tell VALVe loves to make games just by looking at their articals, websites, etc.
I can't stand this BS about giving your gratitude to a company. They make the product. I pay hard earned money for the product. Our hard earned money keeps them in business. Their product entertains us. It's not a hard concept to grasp. It's a co-existence. They work hard to make the game I work hard to buy the game. We all win. Its that simple. Im not gonna kiss their butts because they made a good game. My hard earned cash is thanks enough. And I can garuntee Valve is very thankful when you buy their product.
I'm in a band. I don't expect people to write me letters about how awesome we are. We are thankful enough when someone simply buys a cd and keeps us goin.
Head_Crab_04 said:
I think Valve should thank me for buying their game.

seriously though, developers do it for the money.

/me agrees
Mr-Fusion said:
Oh For ****s sake, where do you "valve owe you nothing" people keep coming from!!

So very nauseating!!

Yeah, I payed for half life, and after years and years of free patches and support, as well as mod communities (that are helped by valve) that supply me with countless hours of multiplayer goodness, I figure valve better give me half life 2.

After all the things ive done for them, I can't beleve they havn't repaid me with a sequel yet.

Drizz has a point. Valve are making a product for consumers and Valve are reliant on the consumer to succeed. However...

How many games come out every year? Quite a few.
How many games are actually any good? Very few.

So I am thanking Valve for putting in the effort to make the game as good as they can rather than just squatting out a poor, half-formed-log of a game.
Admittedly until I actually play the game I don't know if this is true of HL2 but I have great hopes and confidence that it will be nothing less than an exquisite gaming experience.

I am thanking Valve for the extra yards they are putting in, like when you thank your waiter/waitress for good service or having particularly luscious knockers by tipping them.

Edit: Tipping the staff, not the aforementioned knockers. You can get put away for doing that...
coleslawjoe said:
Yeah, I payed for half life, and after years and years of free patches and support, as well as mod communities (that are helped by valve) to supply me with countless hours of multiplayer goodness, I figure valve better give me half life 2.

After all the things ive done for them, I can't beleve they havn't repaid me with a sequel yet.

Yes, yay for Valve yadada.

The thing is these "valve owe us nothing" people always appear every month to say THE EXACT SAME THING. It's not that i disagree it's just that i'm sick of hearing it. We know! Your not saying anything original or new, your saying something unoriginal and old!!

No matter how many times you say it, there will still be people that just won't understand... I think Drizz said it perfectly, it's a cycle, everybody wins just that you get more than what you (as an individual) pay for.
Mr-Fusion said:
Yes, yay for Valve yadada.

The thing is these "valve owe us nothing" people always appear every month to say THE EXACT SAME THING. It's not that i disagree it's just that i'm sick of hearing it. We know! Your not saying anything original or new, your saying something unoriginal and old!!

Maybe they would stop if people would actually act like they understand that. Alot of people really do walk around like game companies owe them a game, so as long as people act like that then you are going to get people giving the same argument. The argument itself is sound, its just become cliche. There isn't an infinite number of arguments to be given about a single debate and thats why it has remained unchanged since it first started being used.
Drizz said:
I can't stand this BS about giving your gratitude to a company. They make the product. I pay hard earned money for the product. Our hard earned money keeps them in business. Their product entertains us. It's not a hard concept to grasp. It's a co-existence. They work hard to make the game I work hard to buy the game. We all win. Its that simple. Im not gonna kiss their butts because they made a good game. My hard earned cash is thanks enough. And I can garuntee Valve is very thankful when you buy their product.
I'm in a band. I don't expect people to write me letters about how awesome we are. We are thankful enough when someone simply buys a cd and keeps us goin.
I don't see the problem with sticking up for a company or group of people though. Everybody has role models, everybody has people that they like. Does it matter if we have to pay those people for the entertainment they provide? It doesn't to me and it obviously doesn't matter to most of the people in this thread.

Everybody likes to recieve gratitude. Simply paying for the product doesn't show gratitude, it just shows you like the product. You are just a faceless statistic then. People like to give thanks (to select people) just as much as they like to recieve thanks, so to satisfy that desire they are going to have to do a little more than buy the product since that really doesn't satisfy most peoples desire to give thanks. The result is they create threads like this one.

On top of that you have to realize that this thread was mainly created to counter the hate that people have been expressing to Valve in many other threads in many other forums. You have to admit that if you like a company or a group that it is only natural that you are going to want to defend them. Buying the product may do that but it sure as hell doesn't feel like you are doing much, on top of that the more hatred against Valve means the fewer customers, the fewer customers means the smaller the community and the fewer people involved in the modding scene and for playing multiplayer.

Whether you like it or not people are not meant to be completely logical beings, we follow our feelings and we will never feel comfortable if we don't try to satisfy them. Simply buying the product won't satisfy those feelings so they are going to have to express their thanks to Valve in other ways. Leave them be, it isn't hurting anything or anyone. Heck it probably gives the Valve team more confidence which could result in a better product.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, I was expecting someone would post something in here before I was done typing this one. :o
Agreed, Mullinator! When I think of Valve i think of high quality games. I just don't think I have become as attatched to them as many others on this site. I just don't see why it is NECESSARY to give a company thanks when I already do my part to support them. I will continue to buy HL games as long as they are around. I understand that Valve is bustin their asses to get this game flawless and released asap. But I believe they know the extra effort is going to pay off in the long run. The game will be higher quality and that will result in higher sales.
The Mullinator said:
Heck it probably gives the Valve team more confidence which could result in a better product.

please tell me you dont believe that. i wish hl2 would come out simply because i wouldnt need to come to this fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board for info on this damn game.
freeorangeshoes said:
please tell me you dont believe that. i wish hl2 would come out simply because i wouldnt need to come to this fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board for info on this damn game.

No offence, but you can leave anytime and no one would care about you. Trust me, you'll be fogotten before they even find out your name.
Why I love Valve:
1) Half-Life is one of the best games of all-time.
2) Valve has heavily and vigorously encouraged and supported the mod community.
3) Valve cares about putting forth a quality product(something a lot of companies don't do).

Why I hate Valve:
1) Piss-poor PR especially related to missed dates or long overdue projects(CS:CZ, TF2, HL2, SDK).
2) Steam really isn't that great a boon for gamers no matter what people say. Auto-updating, IM, and server browsers were available before Steam and less intrusive and less resource hungry. Not being able to play a single-player game because something is wrong with the Steam authentication server is going to be a pisser. However Steam is much more advantageous to the companies using it.
3) People that crow about Valve's tremendous support for the mod community forget that the mod community has more than returned that support. Can anyone say Counterstrike? How about(to a lesser extent) Day of Defeat? It's a two-way street and Valve has benefitted easily as much as the mod community, probably more if you're talking purely about how much money Valve has put into mod support versus what they've made from CS sales.

With Valve it's a love-hate relationship. If HL was a crap game people wouldn't even care, so I guess even the whining is a sign that Valve has done something right.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Most people here are acting as if VALVe owes them HL2. VALVe doesn't owe any of us ANYTHING! They have spent the past 6 years making this game, 6 years of their lives! Sure, it's their job and it sure as hell pays well, but what makes them different than other developers? A lot actually. They actually communicate with us, the community. They answer our emails! Not many devs do that these days. They have also released a lot of info and content yet they have not spoiled any parts of the story line.

A lot of people are whining that VALVe can't get their release dates right, the only time they missed the release date was back in 2003. And the delay was for a good reason (the leak wasn't the reason of the delay). They didn't delay because "they are evil and want you to suffer". CS:S was supposed to be preloaded today but you wouldn't even get to play it until the end of the month so what are you all whining about? And funny thing is, that some of the people whining about the CS:S delay probably aren't even eligible to be in the beta, they just want to bash VALVe! People are saying "omfg, valv3 sUx, it sumer and HL2 not out, omfg i haet u valev!!!11". There are still TWO months of summer left (September is actually considered a summer month for releases and such).

Another thing, all these HL2 vs. Doom 3 threads gotta stop, you just can't compare the two when one of them isn't even out. It's like comparing Die Another Day to the next unreleased James Bond movie. Also, all the Doom 3 bashing has got to stop. This is an HL2 forum, if you wanna bash Doom 3, go do it at a Doom 3 forum.

We should be greatful for what we have, I'm sure that VALVe are busting their balls right now getting this game out to us, and we should appreciate them for that, because once it's released, we will be quite "refreshed" by it.

Be patient, find something to do apart from visiting these forums and twindling your thumbs, the game will be out and it will be glorious!

Stop kissing ass moron
ValveBULGE said:
Stop kissing ass moron
Read my post and stop insulting people, you only make yourself look bad when you insult someone like that.

freeorangeshoes said:
please tell me you dont believe that. i wish hl2 would come out simply because i wouldnt need to come to this fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board for info on this damn game.
Like Lans said I am really unsure why you are here. Could it be you want to try and give this forum a bad reputation or you just want to turn people off of it simply because you don't agree with what the opinion of people here is?

Oh and why do you say it isn't believable? The Valve team isn't a bunch of robots whos sole purpose in life to make games. They have feelings and as a result the quality of their work is often determined by their moral. The lower their moral the lower the quality of the game, the higher it is (often raised from threads like this one) the better the game can be.
Go valve! We love you! Will you have my baby?
... J/k... Of coarse, heh...
Thanks a ton to everyone at VALVe! Truly great games you guys.
freeorangeshoes said:
please tell me you dont believe that. i wish hl2 would come out simply because i wouldnt need to come to this fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board for info on this damn game.

WORD! So true. Let's all read that post a couple more times. Sig that.
Is it really that bad to be a social person with other people who have similar interests?
This thread makes me puke. If you were in prison and got shanked repeatedly by Bubba, would you start a thread to thank him?
Valve are in this for the money. They supported the mod community so as to ensure bigger buzz and sales for the next products. Cue CS. Cue HL2.

However, you've been held over a barrel so many times and you still can't remember? HL1 delays, TF2 delays, CS:CZ delays, countless stuffups with HL2, and outright lying? WTH is wrong with you people?
*At valve, we don't believe in calendars*

I still love them... Haha, I'm a consumer WHORE!
Should hope not. Otherwise communties wouldn't exist, like this one.

RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Is it really that bad to be a social person with other people who have similar interests?

Should hope not. otherwise communties wouldn't exist, like this one. Valve reasons for supporting the MOD communtity may have been cash-based, but those MODs have still given Half-Life an extra life that it would never had otherwise. The money from those MODs has gone towards Half-Life 2, so don't knock it.
I'm not knocking valve for making money off the mods. More power to them.
What I won't stand for is the incredible arrogance with which they treat their fans. And what annoys me is how the fans keep lapping it up, thus encouraging valve to do the same kind of crap PR wise they've been pulling for years. In the light of how Valve have treated fans, and the history of their product development, this thread's title epitomises everything thats wrong about fanboyism.
Get off your butt Mr.Reak and start adding people to that list. :)