The VALVe appreciation thread

The Mullinator said:
Like Lans said I am really unsure why you are here. Could it be you want to try and give this forum a bad reputation or you just want to turn people off of it simply because you don't agree with what the opinion of people here is?

yeah, the sole reason i read this board is to give it a bad rep. duh. if you had read my here because this is the only place to get any kind of up-to-date info on hl2. also, i doubt anyone is 'turned off' of this place by anything i say.

ill say it again...if this was any game other than hl2, valve would have been looking for a new publisher a loooong time ago.

im a realist, youre a fanboy. get over it and embrace it.
freeorangeshoes said:
yeah, the sole reason i read this board is to give it a bad rep. duh. if you had read my here because this is the only place to get any kind of up-to-date info on hl2. also, i doubt anyone is 'turned off' of this place by anything i say.

ill say it again...if this was any game other than hl2, valve would have been looking for a new publisher a loooong time ago.

im a realist, youre a fanboy. get over it and embrace it.
I am sorry but when read someone calling these boards " fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board" its hard to tell why they are even bothering to post. You can get all the information you need without posting a single word.

You may be a realist but I don't see why "fanboys" can't have the freedom to show their support for the company. It sure won't hurt you will it?

Leave them be, if they want to show their support then why do you feel the need to insult them?
hate to be a stickler...but valve do not deserve my appreciation from all the crappy things they've done. but when they release the game they will get 110% from me.
Black-Falcon said:
hate to be a stickler...but valve do not deserve my appreciation from all the crappy things they've done. but when they release the game they will get 110% from me.

You make it sound like they owe you something, as though you saved their asses in Vietnam.

They don't owe you anything.

Only thing you're doing for them, is going to buy the effing game. If you think VALVe doesnt deserve your appreciation, maybe you should go ****ing climb a tree, and play with some bird shit.

Especially since they've worked 6 years of their life on this game, trying to make it good for us. Valve is among the top 3 (heck, top 1 :p) that spends time listening to us, replying to us, and can still work on a game.

Like the thread starter said, "Sure its their job, but they still spend all day on game, for the community."
oh no no no they dont owe us a thing, but if they want my money, I think they should try to make one date out of oh lets say 5

While I'm still eager to play the game, I'm not going around blaming it on VALVe and holding grudges on them..
After the latest news at don't think I am going to be thankfull to valve.
How about this:

If you like Valve and wish to show them that you care about their games and appreciate their hard work, go ahead, tell them.

If you don't care about Valve and only want to buy the game, don't say anything.

Don't go flaming other people for their opinions (Everyone's got a right to an opinion).
eth8686 said:
How about this:

If you like Valve and wish to show them that you care about their games and appreciate their hard work, go ahead, tell them.

If you don't care about Valve and only want to buy the game, don't say anything.

Don't go flaming other people for their opinions (Everyone's got a right to an opinion).

flaming is an option, you know that? right?

Oh yea the dude with "Valve doesnt own us anything" man just stop it you sound girly!
ValveBULGE said:
flaming is an option, you know that? right?

Munro said:
Flaming, Bashing, and Trolling

Hate posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Talking trash about another user is a quick way to earn a banning, as is posting topics specifically to provoke a negative response from an individual, a group or an entire community.

Have a nice day! :)
Omg, THANK YOU Valve for admitting the delay in september 2003 so late so i wasted my $$$ on a vidcard. THANK YOU!

-err, sorry, this threat just pissed me off.
haha big surprise, its been pushed back _again_

you guys treat valve like 13 year old girls treat nsync.
freeorangeshoes said:
haha big surprise, its been pushed back _again_

you guys treat valve like 13 year old girls treat nsync.

Great... just great Freeorangshoes! That is a visual I did NOT need, lol.
The Mullinator said:
I am sorry but when read someone calling these boards " fanboy-ridden, gestapo-run message board" its hard to tell why they are even bothering to post. You can get all the information you need without posting a single word.

You may be a realist but I don't see why "fanboys" can't have the freedom to show their support for the company. It sure won't hurt you will it?

Leave them be, if they want to show their support then why do you feel the need to insult them?

sure i can get by with just reading, but even i have a breaking point.

fanboys have their freedom to join the valve-love-orgy and i have my freedom to find it completely disgusting. and tell them so.
Beast206 said:
Great... just great Freeorangshoes! That is a visual I did NOT need, lol.

it would not surprise me to learn that some of these people get it off to gabe newell eating a jelly filled doughnut.
*Beast covers his ears while spamming snarks at freeorangeshoes.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I love valve and I want to marry Gabe, sue me. :P

haha i got no problem with that. to each his own. tell me, is the jelly grape or strawberry? ;)
It's definately strawberry. :D

ah yes, my "gabe" folder

*fap* *fap* *fap*
freeorangeshoes said:
sure i can get by with just reading, but even i have a breaking point.

fanboys have their freedom to join the valve-love-orgy and i have my freedom to find it completely disgusting. and tell them so.
lol, a breaking point? You do know you can ignore these posts right? Go ahead flame people because of their opinions, go ahead call people "fanboys" just because they like something you don't and express it. Go ahead and make yourself look like an ass for doing it. Its funny how you seem to try so hard at getting people to stop liking Valve simply because it makes you uncomfortable.


Grow up, accept that people like Valve and enjoy expressing it and move on. Nobody likes a flamer and a troll, sure you have the right to be one but just don't expect many people to take you seriously.
I dont even say thanks when i get a BJ, let alone thank a developer for doing their job..


Though im sure the game will be fun.
Congrats GuNzABlaZiN for starting a thread on this subject that actually makes sense and has thought behind it. The less lamers the better. Why sit around and flame people on a bloody FORUM? Isn't a forum to discuss topics, learn new information, not to GET ANGRY AND ARGUE with people? Image how much nicer this forum would be if people went to the park and flamed and argued there.
freeorangeshoes said:
fanboys have their freedom to join the valve-love-orgy and i have my freedom to find it completely disgusting. and tell them so.

You also have the right to remain silent. Please.

Since you hate Valve so much, why come to a fansite devoted to them?

Anyways, from a purely artistic standpoint, I think Valve are geniuses. Simple as that.
You can mock me for saying so (SITTING IN A TREE LOL) but the fact remains that they've done better than anyone when it comes to a final product. Supporting Valve is supporting games that don't suck.

In around one month, everyone will forget this delay bullshit.
But long before then, they'll have forgotten you and your misplaced attempt at outrage.
freeorangeshoes said:
sure i can get by with just reading, but even i have a breaking point.

fanboys have their freedom to join the valve-love-orgy and i have my freedom to find it completely disgusting. and tell them so.

You have the freedom to find it disgusting, but you do not have the freedom to trash over other people and call them names or whatnot in a public place. That's called slander and is illegal. Look it up if you want.
Woohoo go VALVe thank you Gabe for going out of your way and starting up a video game company from scratch (well, you had the money to do it) and making a great experience for me, the gamer, and then supporting that game and making new ones, thank you all of VALVe.
I will say whit all the true this:

VAlve, I trully like them for make one of the best games ever
and I know that people are mad whit them for the delays
but lets think that they are making the best they can, for example I hear about games that the developers dont hav enough time to finish theyr games and whem release them are not soo good,I even heard in webpages that in this cases the webpages say "if the developers will dedicate more time the game will be great" so think about the delays hav a good reazon,cuz when I see all they say I say myself "wow they really love make games and make then better posibles, they are not a company that just want win money they trully want make a good game"
also they are very open whit the comunity and I truly like that, for example people that send them mails and they answer it

soo I had to say that be patient whit valve cuz they trully deserve appreciation

but in my opinion one thing that valve can do to keep the comunity whiout stress and umpatience is releases news stuff
for example Greg that release that news screenshots, but I will like to see something trully new,also see something truully new will bring excitation here in the forums
1. do not lecture me on the definition of slander. its nice that you now know what that word means, but it isnt relevant to any of this.
2. im not trying to get any of you all to change your feelings for valve (god-forbid).
3. this isnt flaming, this is more like a structured argument. aka debate. eth8686, please go look that one up for us.

quit with the lame 'you dont have to post/read/fart if you dont like it' shit. what would be the point in having an opinion if one didnt voice it? why is it that everyone around here immediately ridicules a person just for having a slightly different viewpoint? like a bunch of ****ing republicans.

anyway, i suspect this thread will now die, as any hope of returning to our 'structured argument' (which is what, eth8686...) is absolutely gone.
So you've successfully shown up, repeatedly insulted everyone here, killed the thread, and now it's everyone else's fault?

If showing respect for a company is a "valve-love-orgy", then your appearance here could best be described as the rape of our minds with a self-serving brand of useless hate.

And structured argument my ass. Let's look at your first post:
im really sick of these fanboy threads. honestly, get over yourselves. you act like valve is working the line down at your local soup kitchen. they may not owe us anything, but we dont owe them anything either.

bottom line is, they didnt make this game for you. they made this game because it will make them lots and lots of money.

In your first sentences, you managed to call us sickening, fanboys and self-involved. Then, you proceeded to criticize the fact that the site that you are posting on even exists, and followed it up by telling us what we should believe. And the best part is, it was all off-topic.

This is a 'support for valve thread', not a 'whine that others are supporting valve' thread.

You're a flaming troll and you're not welcome here. That should have been obvious by now.

You would have been welcome had you used some modicum of civility. But, as it stands, your social skills are severely lacking.

Edit: And for god's sake, use capital letters to start your sentences.
*runs in..... spams 13 snarks and runs back out.

Come on guys.... let's all lighten up. :)

See signature
The importance of every opinion on this forum (or any forum) is so tiny and insignificant to the community it represents that how anyone can acctully get upset about it is beyond me, a million people actively play half-life on a a regular basis, and this place has 15'000 registered names, the majority of which are dorment, if everyone hear flamed and hated valve it wouldnt change a thing, so why should anyone give a toss about anyone elses comments?

My personal opinion is the fact there are some people making death threats and other such attacks on a company cause they wont release a video game is pretty pathetic, and anyone who can get so upset because a 50 buck preorder (at the most) is gonna be delayed slightly, really needs to grow up, Valve have shitty marketting, get over it.
Mechagodzilla, I couldn't have said it better myself. You read my mind.
I think my issues lie with the marketing of the game rather then the developers or the game itself. If they had just kept their big mouths closed until it went gold (ala John Carmack). Lets all face it, this business seems to be very inconsistent, almost every day when I read the news on ve3d, one more game gets added to the delayed list.
Why does one of these threads have to start up every time valve delays HL2