The VALVe website

Gabe's planning a murder! And he wants to know the most efficient way!
it's about kinematics. That's something you need to know if you want to have a realistic looking behaviour of hit/shot/stabbed humanoid objects (like those marines and scientistst in HL2). Just basic researche.
:) we can be sure that stabbing things in Half-life 2 is going to be ultra realistic - and a sick bit of fun!
Good work lads... that was exciting :)

Back to being bored again :(
So THATS the kind of work environment they keep, 'eh?

"right... a little birdy told me that someone had gabbed abit about the multiplayer..." *schwing* pulls out knife and looks at it meaninfully "I suspect we won't be having any more problems like THIS, now shall we?"

"uuh..uh... no Gabe... it wasn't me!! it wasn't me gabe I SWEAAARR!!!"

"gooood, now BACK TO WORK!!!" throws knife at picture of John Carmack mounted on a dartboard.

Oh snap, the links don't work for me. So, could someone tell me what was in them?
KNives Rasmoth, lots of knives! Too, an article about the kinematics of stabbing.... VERY WTF!
Originally posted by Athlon7
KNives Rasmoth, lots of knives! Too, an article about the kinematics of stabbing.... VERY WTF!
Hehe, sounds cool :)

hahahahah what did I start!!! I just wanted to know about the lack of stuff on Valve.... hmmmm it seems my Gabe-Xen conspiracy theory turned into a murder.... but that last knife's blade looked kinda weird.. like it was an ALIEN blade!! well maybe not... but for some reason i don't imagine there being a knife in HL2... but CS2 on the other hand.....

gj guys
i cant see any of these images, can someone post them as attatch
Most of it seems VERY VERY old : )

Hey, and this press kit is old, but!!21-EBOOK.pdf

Scroll down to the article on Steam! Page 8 on the PDF!

Paraphrased: Valve can get a profit of $30.00 per game sold via Steam vs. 7.50/game via a retail channel.

maybe valve just has tons of unused space and they can just keep all of their old websites up forever... oh and about the knife thing.. it could also be for TF2.. like if a SPY was sneaking up on you to BACKSTAB you... hmmmm just food for thought
EDIT: i just noticed that Vivendi Universal isn't in that press kit... Sierra online is... hmmm

I wonder if anyone actually READS anything here or just impulsively posts like a fat ass buying a candy bar at the cash register of a Walmart?
are you making fun of gabe's weight?!?!? cause if you are NO HL2 FOR YOU!!!
I posted that directly after seeing a thread titled "Valve site" that was about Valve's site having the password protected page cited in this thread.

There are so many "impulse posts" where folks seem to think they stumbled onto something that no one else has....without even checking first.

This is one of the most active forums I've seen in a long time, and it's all due to HL2's truely incredible, and it seems like there are alot of people here that have never experienced ANTICIPATION before.

I'd swear that it 'twas the night before XMAS!

Originally posted by poseyjmac
yeah hope they fix that
I heard that the animation problem seen in the videos is the reason for the delay :( :( :(
I remember shitting myself when I saw those movies, they took so long to download at 28.8k but they were worth it, a graphical revolution. I watched the grunt one over and over. The graphics were amazing.

I like how the grunts dont even have animations yet... they just kinda slide like they are wearing ice on their shoes and their being pulled accross the floors.
While this thread lay forgotten, I've been plunging around a bit, and discovered two more files in dear old Gabe's directory. I have to say, these are a lot odder than the other knive pictures.

Knife Machine
Knife Stump

Note the dates, these are recent sketches. What for, I have no idea. Absolutely none.

EDIT: Almost forgot, I also found the pdf of the full stabbing study that the two html files were about.
Well, I gave up the search for more files. At the rate it was going, it would take more than two months.

However, that was running off my 128kbps connection, on a machine with only a 200mhz processor. If anyone with a faster connection wants to try running the script I made to search for more files, they're welcome...
Did anyone save the Press kit? And, what script Syphoon!! ? I have 1-2mbps connection.
What I did was write a python script that could generate all the possible strings of a specified length, and then plop different possible extensions on the end (like .jpf, .pdf)

ie, for two characters, it generated

and so on. That's how I found the km.jpg, ks.jpg and 3.pdf . Unfortuneately, for every additional character you want to search for, the running times increase ~ x 40. I started the search for 4 letter file names (which included 3 lettered ones and below), but found that it had only moved from the aaaa's to the **ba's after 12 hours.

Now if someone on a fast connection (and its not so much bandwidth that's the issue as also latency... oh wait. I could thread it...) Plus I'm guessing most of you are running windows and not a *nix, so it might take me a little while to rewrite the script...
come on.. who's got a T3 line?

Theres blatantly gonna be some hl2 stuff on there somewhere!!! :D
We could also try searching for other directories besides tf2 and gabe (gabe was a random guess, so its quiet possible there's others)....
oh god.. thats beautiful.

trying usernames / passwords helps kill time before release! :D
Syphoon, cool :)

The in the hoc-opus page, look at the original links-
haha, hack hack!!

I think they got the idea for the website from black mesa :p Look at how the simple got so many websites in it, that noone ever heard of. leet.

some other stuff: