The VALVe website times out, I think it was where the beta program for steam used to be.
haha.. well done mate! :)

whats your steam name?
Steam name: syphoon
I think. Should be. If not, try adding the !!, but I'm pretty sure its syphoon :)
hey, look
© 1995-2003 Valve Corporation, all rights reserved.

now thats more like it.
Gabe's probably a knife collector based on some of the pics. Send him a nice knife and ask for a pre-release copy of HL2 in return ;^)
I'm an ant lion for a month now :/

Oh and my friend collects knives and sawrds, he puts them on a wall near his bed ;]
And he told me he can't fall asleep without having a small knife under his pillow.
Yeah he scares me sometimes.
What if I told you that I sleep with a loaded Glock 19C under my pillow?
I don't sleep with anything under my pillow but I have rather easy access to a large machete, a pistol, a couple of rifles, a shotgun, and various other weapons... though, the knives I collect are stored away somewhere else.
Yeah, I don't sleep with a loaded Glock 19C under my pillow. It's not loaded.

Just kidding. I don't sleep with any weapons under my pillow so if my house were broken into I (and I would most definently wake up, if I were even sleeping of course) would become armed, grab my cell phone, and hide with my back to a dark corner. Call the 911 peoples and tell them they better shoot the sucker before I do :p
Awesome, all you need now is the power to jump up in corners of the roof and wall hide like a ninja. Then we can have you break into Valve's site to get precious info! Go ninja!
i just looked at all the pages of this thread here. i have to say: pretty intersting stuff. :)

i would mostly like to know the username and password for! :naughty: it would be so damn cool to get access to this page.
I would rather break into their e-mail system and send out a bunch of rumors coming straight from Gabe's address.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
I would rather break into their e-mail system and send out a bunch of rumors coming straight from Gabe's address.

I would rather hope that's what someone did with the delay email and has sent confirmation emails as such but the real Valve guys are .. nah, wouldn't work.. damnit.
Okay, who's in favor of hiring a few brutes to rough em up? I want legs slightly fractured and nothing more. Remember, we have a game to be made here!
The mailserver only needs one pass, no name :)
Would be easy to try brute-force hacking it, like, wha, 8 million years for all the possibilities?
Originally posted by Nuclear_Gerber
The mailserver only needs one pass, no name :)

It does? You sure?

Brute forcing depends entirely upon the password length. If we were smart and distributed the task amongst ourselves, we could get at it a lot quicker. Ie, less than a week.

The only prob is Valve's likely to have a systems admin who'd notice several billion repeated failed access attempts. They could just block our ips :-\.
damn, I checked it again, after you type in the "alias" name, you need a regular name and pass :/