The Vatican's latest houseguest: SATAN!!!


May 5, 2004
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sigh ..the devil made them do it

Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican

Sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church are proof that that "the Devil is at work inside the Vatican", according to the Holy See's chief exorcist.

Father Gabriele Amorth, 85, who has been the Vatican's chief exorcist for 25 years and says he has dealt with 70,000 cases of demonic possession, said that the consequences of satanic infiltration included power struggles at the Vatican as well as "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus, and bishops who are linked to the Demon".

He added: "When one speaks of 'the smoke of Satan' [a phrase coined by Pope Paul VI in 1972] in the holy rooms, it is all true – including these latest stories of violence and paedophilia."

ya they've been smoking alright. holy whacky-tabbacy

and then they wonder why people ridicule them
oh, so the church isn't corrupt after all? you must feel like an idiot now stern...
Instead of blaming all of your vices on somebody else, the devil... how about you own up to your own faults and crimes. YOU'RE the one who causes you to molest children, not the devil.

The Devil Made Me Do It is the stupidest excuse ever. I don't care if you are religious.
If he's such a great exorcist, why didn't he notice the Devil in the Vatican before all the scandals happened?
Sometimes I really wish the Rapture would happen and leave the rest of us in peace.
Or, it's the years of living in a sexually repressed culture. I'm just sayin'.
Come on, PvtRyan. Be a little more open-minded. God works in mysterious ways, you know.
That's just like that one website claiming the 365-day year is a conspiracy.
If they are possessed we could just burn the whole place and let god sort 'em out, just like in the good old days.

It's really unbelievable what people do, based on an ancient made up fairytale.
Fun fact: at 85 years of age and 70k cases solved, that'd equal to 2 demons exorcised per day since his birth. However, since he wasn't an exorcist from the beginning, let's assume he became one at the age of 30 (all the necessary internships at local parishes etc.). That leaves us with 55 years of service and 70,000 cases.

55 years = 55 * 365 days = 20075 days

70 000 demon cases / 20 075 days = 3.5 demon case per day, rounding down to 3 demon cases per day

So, for the last 55 years he'd have to be exorcising a human for breakfast, dinner and lunch, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year, with no pause.

Catholics are retarded.
"the smoke of Satan"
