The Village

benson said:
... by any chance? Man, I hate being right. I'll still probably see the film though, because Shyamalan at least has promise.. unlike Frakes. Has anyone actually seen Thunderbirds yet?

Nope. Second guess is pretty much wrong.
I think The Village is in the same boat as Unbreakable. You're gonna have to think about it, unlike Signs or the Sixth Sense which could just be enjoyed for their horror movie appeal. This makes it a much better movie, but its going to turn a lot of people off. And theres more than one twist. The latter half of the movie throws several of them at you.
Shuzer said:
Hmm. That was a good guess. But it goes a little further than that.
Still, relating the elders in that movie to GWB is just sad. This isn't a politcal thread :p

actually i saw an article on foxnews that mentioned its similarity to Fahrenheit 9/11. And it's not GWB would create fear to keep the US closed off, it's the use of fear to make us attack other countries(iraq). i'm just saying what the hypothesis is - i certainly don't believe it.
I thought it was good, wasnt uber great, but it was entertaining
I found it to be ubre ghey, a ending I saw coming a mile away along with the main character not being on screen all that much.
Here is a written spoiler.


Spoiler tagged, not a direct URL, spaces in the URL

http://www.the movies poiler(dot) com/ Spoilers/xl village(dot)html
remove spaces and replace (dot)s with '.' !
Signs sucked. Sixth Sense was clever with a twist at the end but overall that sucked as well. kthxbye :O
Shymalamadingdong should make a movie where the huge twist at the end is...

Village didn't really even have a twist in the end. It had a twist about 3/4 through, but it continues from there, and makes you question your beliefs about what is going on.
I personally thought the village was one of his best. Shyamalan is very complete in his writing, which I like, because there's no loose ends that make you question the movie's plot.

- Notice how a lot of the elders seem to speak the older language almost awkwardly? I noticed this during the movie (especially when Sigourney's character said "fortnight"), and then wondered if this was intentional sinse their characters essentially had to learn to speak this way.
- It was neat to be confused during the movie as to why they didn't want them to leave the village, only to learn later that they were imitating a whole other time and lifestyle. It wasn't real hard to see the twist with the monsters being the elders, but the fact that they were faking their lifestyle was a good "second" twist.
Real spoilers:

Took me a while to make the connection between the WALKER wildlife reserve and their last names being WALKER! the guys dad was rich, so when he died his son got the money, so he made the reserve to live in a perfect society, he also paid off the government not to have planes fly over.

It also took me a while to realise that chick was blind
this movie was entertaining :)
one thing it demonstrates really well is...
a good lie can go a long ways :thumbs:
I thought it was a great movie, and the ending was just fine.
I just saw the Village tonight, and I am now really sick of M. Night Shyamalan. He tries way too hard to make a "thinking" movie and it just ends up coming across as pretentious. While watching his movies, I think "well this is interesting, it makes you think..." ... and then comes the twist ... and it wouldn't be one of his movies without one ... and I'm left sitting there, thinking "this is the dumbest movie I've ever seen"

Oh yeah... enough with the symbolism with colors already, it's getting really old. And obvious.
I was planning on seeing it...But my friends are lazy bums and I have no ride. I'm screwed.
Letters said:
I got back from seeing it less than an hour ago. Quite good. :)

Oh, and I think I'm psychic! :eek:

I know exactly what you mean!!!!!

Like right when the movie started I though " oh, I bet this is what's gonna happen" and then I forgot about it till the end.....and that is what happend!!

So in a way, it was predictable. But not entierly.

I still thought it was good. Really nice suspence.

And as usual, M. Night makes his monsters scary untill you really really see them. But I thought they were cool in this.
Are the monsters little men who collect red to make rubies and sell them to giants who use them for jewellery? And they come into the human village for red, but because they are little men the 'normal' people think they will bite their ankles?