The Walking Dead Season 2

Yep. So far the best actor in it is the boondock saints guy, and he's just average.

Also, anybody know if that black guy and his kid are coming back into the story, or were they just cut? They were in it from the pilot and then vanished, with mr. cop talking to them on the radio for forever with no response. On of the main reasons I'm still watching is because I want to know wtf happened to them.

they come back later in the comics

Oh man that was golden, thanks for linking that :D

knut, when do the black dude and his kid come back in the comics? Is it sometime VERY recent (e.g. issue 70 or higher?)... I don't remember seeing them again but I haven't read the last several issues. Also I could have forgotten.
mario is pretty funny:

for a show about zombies, that episode sure had one zombie in it. :|
youre right stern its about a bunch of shitty characters that suck and have to deal with zombies. this time they dealt with one zombie that was trapped in a hole. EXCITING


side note: ive discovered that complaining about the show every week is more fun than watching it, woo masochism.
Oh man that was golden, thanks for linking that :D

knut, when do the black dude and his kid come back in the comics? Is it sometime VERY recent (e.g. issue 70 or higher?)... I don't remember seeing them again but I haven't read the last several issues. Also I could have forgotten.

don't remember the exact issue, think it's before 70 though, as the latest issue is like 80-something or so. it's not something you would easily forget, it's a good arc to the story.
Ok, I've been defending the show up until now, but...

The spontaneous sex scene was ridiculous.

Also I hope the blonde chick dies
youre right stern its about a bunch of shitty characters that suck and have to deal with zombies. this time they dealt with one zombie that was trapped in a hole. EXCITING


side note: ive discovered that complaining about the show every week is more fun than watching it, woo masochism.

nah it's just shows that you're a complaining bitch; you've gone beyond simple masochism and into bleeding vagina territory ;)

also I expect write ups on every other show you dont like but for some reason feel compelled to watch week after week. life's too short to watch something you enjoy when you can watch 20 shows that you dont enjoy
Ok, I've been defending the show up until now, but...

The spontaneous sex scene was ridiculous.

Also I hope the blonde chick dies

Asian boy gettin' dat white country booty.
i wish i could be as cool as stern, that guy is so f*cking cool :(
Jesus Christ, I think Shane just might be the only person with a brain in that group.
I'm about ready to give up on this show but I'm curious to see how they handle the barn situation.

And they almost killed off Daryl, I don't think I would've cared if he died but whatever
This show has hilariously bad writing. I just watched last week's episode for 10 minutes and the Glenn/whatsherface sex scene was hilariously bad. Then there's Shane's terribly forced "you gotta do what you gotta do" monologue.

I watched the first couple episodes of last season and was wildly unimpressed, it shows no signs of improving.
For a show you guys say has no redeeming qualities, you guys sure do keep expecting it to pull off a miracle with redeeming qualities. If you haven't liked anything thus far, you probably won't like anything continuing on.

Give it up already! It's getting tiring. Every week, same bitching. We get it. You don't like it. Go watch something else. Stop torturing yourself.

When and if they get to the prison(I only mention it because it was referenced), you guys won't like that either. I am a seer, I see the future.
Thanks Raz that really needed to be said.

(not sarcasm)
No, I must continually subject myself to this drivel for the greater good!
i never got why people have such a problem with other folk who watch it and have something negative to say. there are allowed to be negative comments, guys. some people who watch this are likely invested in the universe as fans of the comic, and really, anyone who thinks that sitting down to spend forty minutes to watch television is self-inflicted torture then get a grip... it's bad but at the end of the day it's taking a break from work, putting some food on and staring at a screen. it's hardly pulling teeth.
i never got why people have such a problem with other folk who watch it and have something negative to say.

people are perfectly entitled to post about things they dont like. but when they post the same thing over and over again week after week it kinda begs the question as to why they're still watching it if they hate it so much. how many of you watch "Say Yes to the Dress"? - this is the most inane shit on tv and I'd rather eat glass than watch it. so I dont watch it. if I watched it week after week it would be reasonable to ask whether I'm insane or a masochist. at some point it would be reasonable to ask whether the only reason why I watch Say Yes to the Dress" is give me reason to troll people who actually like the show. so here we are
people are perfectly entitled to post about things they dont like. but when they post the same thing over and over again week after week it kinda begs the question as to why they're still watching it if they hate it so much. how many of you watch "Say Yes to the Dress"? - this is the most inane shit on tv and I'd rather eat glass than watch it. so I dont watch it. if I watched it week after week it would be reasonable to ask whether I'm insane or a masochist. at some point it would be reasonable to ask whether the only reason why I watch Say Yes to the Dress" is give me reason to troll people who actually like the show. so here we are

see i get what you are saying re: say yes to the dress, but as far as i am aware that doesn't have a 80+ issue comic as source material. like i said, people like me are still going to invest time in this because we're fans of the comic and where is the harm in not watching it every week? perhaps one day it'll perk up, and i'll be there to see it perk up and perhaps be proven wrong about the show.

until then, it's just another 40 minutes to spend my day whilst i wait for the new episode of boardwalk empire of breaking bad to air. the more tv, the better!
see i get what you are saying re: say yes to the dress, but as far as i am aware that doesn't have a 80+ issue comic as source material.

what adaptation of a comic/book has been as good as it's source material?

like i said, people like me are still going to invest time in this because we're fans of the comic and where is the harm in not watching it every week? perhaps one day it'll perk up, and i'll be there to see it perk up and perhaps be proven wrong about the show.

this is as good as it gets. they will never follow the comic book series because they're two different disparate mediums, each with it's own strengths and weaknesses. that said the show wasnt made for you; it was made for people who havent read the comics which is pretty much the overwhelming majority of tv viewers. TWD comic circulation is probably a tiny fraction of the 7 million + viewers who watch TWD every week. so the producers are wisely tailoring the show to tv audiences in general not the comic book fans
i'm not going down this avenue of conversation again: i was merely saying that fans of the comic should rightly so be invested in the television show, like i am. it has it's name on it, why ignore it if - again, ferchristssake - it's just sitting down and watching 40 minutes of television. it's not like sitting down to do algebra homework!
ya but some people are not content to just let it continue to do what it's doing. an example that illustrates this: I grew up reading Conan the Barbarian; from the original pulp fiction short stories written almost 100 years ago to the comics. When ah-nolds Conan the barbarian came out I knew it was going to be a shitastic take on Conan and as a long time fan I was right; it was shitastic. however that doesnt mean I couldnt enjoy the movie for what it was instead of dwelling on what it wasnt. Conan the barbarian as a movie was enjoyable but as an adaptation of the source material it was horrible; but that didnt stop me from enjoying it for what it was. life is too short to for constant bitching
welp actually the thing i dislike about this show is far more than what i previously disliked regarding how little it is like the comics, now it's more so about just how badly acted and written the whole show is. you're right, life is too short, but that doesn't mean it should get a free pass. in the grand scheme of things, this is just a couple of dudes and myself being negative, it's hardly the end of the world. it's a forum. if people here want to enjoy it then go ahead, keep on truckin'
it's not just a handful of dudes. it all over the interwebs in gaming communities everywhere (oddly enough nowhere else, all my non gaming friends love the show). I dont know if gamers are just "special" but we seem to be very vocal about things we dont like often idiotically so
perhaps they just expected more from the show? gamers are subject to a whole manner of sci-fi fantasy, the bar is perhaps a little higher for them.

who knows? i know plenty of non-gamers who dislike the show for the same reason i do - it sucks because it's just bad, and that has nothing to do with it's source content or the fact it's about zombies.
perhaps they just expected more from the show? gamers are subject to a whole manner of sci-fi fantasy, the bar is perhaps a little higher for them.

lol that doesnt explain why gamers like all kinds of really crappy media; transformers, firefly, babylon 5 etc etc etc etc

who knows? i know plenty of non-gamers who dislike the show for the same reason i do - it sucks because it's just bad, and that has nothing to do with it's source content or the fact it's about zombies.

it sucks, for you, compared to the comic; or that's what you led me to believe. have your friends also read the comic? most people I know who havent read the comic or are a gamer like the show because it's a show about zombies. I mean it cant be all that bad (outside of comparing it to the comic or every other zombie tv show that doesnt exist) if millions of people watch it week after week; there's certainly a limit to the amount of people who like shows about zombies in comparison to say So You Think You Can dance" which has a much wider appeal built in to the audience
well, that's for neither me or you to judge. i don't really care what people do or don't like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest how peoples minds work when it comes to enjoying certain aspects of entertainment. for every mindless sci-fi fantasy fan who enjoys transformers or babylon five there is another who enjoys half-life 2, portal, dues ex, amnesia and so forth.

but no, did you not read my other post? i used to think it sucked because it wasn't like the comic, now i just think it sucks as far as acting, pacing and writing goes. and yes, they've read the comic.
Stern, are you calling Firefly and Babylon 5... crappy media? :flame:
B actors hamming it up with B level writers writing smarmy dialogue that sounds like it came from a lost episode of ally mcbeal. there's no accounting for taste ;)

knut said:
but no, did you not read my other post? i used to think it sucked because it wasn't like the comic, now i just think it sucks as far as acting, pacing and writing goes. and yes, they've read the comic.

THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU/THEY STILL WATCHING IT? and you prove my pint by admitting they've watched; they're already biased before even watching the show; how can it possibly live up to the comic?

for the sake of hammering in a point I'm going to make a little confession; I really really like Sex in the City when the first episode aired. thought it was fookin brilliant but then after the 3rd or 4th show I started to loath it and stopped watching it (cuz that's what people do when they dislike something) because it was annoying and not going in the direction I thought it was going. I guess I'm different because I like myself and wouldnt subject myself to watching something I dont like week after week

knut said:
i don't really care what people do or don't like, it doesn't bother me in the slightest how peoples minds work when it comes to enjoying certain aspects of entertainment

you miss my point. it's popular because they didnt adapt the comic book. it's just based on the comic book; they tweaked the direction of the show to make it more appealing to a mainstream audience; even people who dont like horror/zombies can get into this show; that was their demographic NOT the comic audience. why do you think Robert Kirkman dioesnt bust a gasket that the show isnt beign faithful to his comic? because when he signed the deal he knew they would be retooling the concept to fit a weekly 60 minute show. you guys gotta stop looking at media as if it exists in a contextless vacuum
Meh, Merle was just a dream. Kinda wanted to see more of him. Great scene regardless though.

Also, dat barn ... Cliffhangers in this series are really cliffhangers.
THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU/THEY STILL WATCHING IT? and you prove my pint by admitting they've watched; they're already biased before even watching the show; how can it possibly live up to the comic?

why aren't you reading my posts? because i, and i presume like so other many people, do not find sitting down to watch television a strenous or agonizing experience. it's 40 freakin' minutes of television that has a attachment to a universe i am very much personally attached to - it's just like you being a conan fan and sitting down to watch the conan rehash, only except i didn't go into it with no hope. i still sit through this relatively easy task of watching the show because i've still got some hope for redemption and - once again, stern - because i enjoy sitting down to watch television; the experience of it, the storytelling and the pacing watching characters play out parts and roles and tasks and whatever else. sadly, this has all been disappointing but you know what? whatever, i'll just keep posting negativity about it because it's a ****ing internet forum designed for that kind of talk. it's not even like i'm getting up on anyone about it for enjoying it, it's just my thoughts.

honestly, would you rather i watched the show and criticized it, or if i didn't watch the show and still criticized it? think about it - at least i'm being somewhat fair.

I guess I'm different because I like myself and wouldnt subject myself to watching something I dont like week after week

and i guess you might of missed a point where the show might of got better AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STERN DO NOT come back saying how sex in the city never did get better, i am being hypothetical and speaking more ''what if...''. case in point: before season two premiered, we were told both the writing staff and darabont were out. that's a hook right there, and who knows what will happen come season 3? next summer we could be hearing that danny boyle is going to take over and all the actors are going to be fired, and i'm going to keep waiting till it gets better. i don't agree with your point about millions of people not being wrong, but at the very least it's a silver lining that this show is going to keep on having third and fourth and fifth chances to be good. you know why i'm going to keep waiting and watching? because 40 minutes out of my day to watch something that has the walking dead attached to it is something i'm going to keep an eye on.

you miss my point. it's popular because they didnt adapt the comic book. it's just based on the comic book; they tweaked the direction of the show to make it more appealing to a mainstream audience; even people who dont like horror/zombies can get into this show; that was their demographic NOT the comic audience. why do you think Robert Kirkman dioesnt bust a gasket that the show isnt beign faithful to his comic? because when he signed the deal he knew they would be retooling the concept to fit a weekly 60 minute show. you guys gotta stop looking at media as if it exists in a contextless vacuum

that wasn't anything to do with my point - i've said time and time again today that i no longer give a shit about whether it's faithful.
ya the only other redneck only appears in flashbacks but I liked him too but for different reasons

he's playing against type but they'll probably **** up daryl anyways
Ugh, you're all ****ing stupid and this argument is stupid.