The Witcher - PC Review


Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Greetings all,

Is it really that hard for game developers to make & release a decent all around RPG?

Take the newest game from CDProjekt called ?The Witcher? for example. This game has great graphics, great audio, great in game cinematics, amazing intro video & a huge semi-open game world that while somewhat linear, still allows for a degree of exploration. Throw in blood & gibs from combat finishing moves & you have the making for a great game right? Well you would if the core game mechanics were not as somehow missing as they seem to be.

For instance my biggest grip about this game: The combat. As you progress you learn 3 different combat stances, which are;

1)Strong Attack (slower, but powerful)
2)Fast Attack (fast, but less damaging)
3)Group Attack (use when surrounded)

Each stance plays a huge role as you fight the many different enemy types that you'll come across while playing through the game. For example, you'll come across slower, dim(er) witted enemies that come at you with whatever weapon they happened to have, for these fools you'll want to use a strong attack to do as much damage, as fast as possible. Then other enemies you'll meet will be fleet footed & so it'll often require you to change combat stances mid-fight to be able to engage the faster opponents. You'll do less damage overall, but you'll attack faster & thus be able to engage the faster enemy. Now add into the mix a combination of several different enemy types all attacking you at once. What do you do? You'll need to once again change your combat tactics to that of one that enables you to engage more than one enemy at the same time & so for this you would activate the group attack stance. Sounds interesting & a creative way to engage in combat does it not?

Well it is, when the damn thing actually works. More times than not, I would engage one enemy, only for the time that it took for my char to actually swing at the enemy to be several seconds after I pressed the mouse button. Then add in the type of combat that the game employs, the same type found in games like Lucasarts ?Knight Of The Old Republic?. The type where there is a slight pause between each character attacking each other. Almost turn based, but not quite. So you'll first click on an enemy, wait a second for your char to start attacking & then wait for the animation to finish before clicking again. Now depending on the difficulty setting you chose, (Easy & Medium shows it, Hard does not) you will see the cursor change from a small sword to that of a flaming sword. This is the signal that tells you, that you have a split second to press the mouse button again to attack again, only this time linking your attacks together which enables your char to do more damage. Your char can link together several attacks, each one getting faster & faster, until it's all you can do to click the mouse button as fast as you can to keep the combo going. Again, while that sounds easy, it's in fact not, because if you don't click on the mouse button at EXACTLY the correct time, the combo is broken and you have a several second pause, while your char just stands there, not as though he is winded from the attack, but in a way that shows the game needs to catch up with your actions. Miss the timing & you'll wait a few seconds as your char just stands there, all the while your enemy is attacking you.

In the event that you manage to time all your attacks correctly, you'll get the chance to do a combo finishing move, a feature that almost makes the above tedious sequence worth while, because IMHO, the finishing moves are great. Several different factors lead up to enabling the finishing more, factors I have not yet figured out, but when you do them, you are treated to a pretty cool animation. That was animation, NOT cinematic, so don't get the 2 mixed up with one another. Just to give you an idea of a couple I have seen, one is where after timing my attacks just right, my character jumped up (there is no ?Jump? key to bind in the game) onto the enemies chest, drew back his claymore in both hands and while standing on the enemies chest, swung down with both hands on the sword, cutting off the guys head. He then jumped off as the body falls over & the head bounces on the ground. Of course blood splatters onto the ground in what I would think is a somewhat realistic manner, since it's more like a spray/dropplets than the typical ?globs & splatters? you see in most games. Another fatality my char performed, was when I knocked down an opponent, my char walked up to the guy, threw his sword into the air, grabbed it by the blade, then swinging it down cross guard first into the enemies face. I'll not get into fighting barehanded, but thats a hell of a lot of fun. So as you can see from reading the above, the games combat should be great, but once you get a chance to play it, you'll see that it's not THAT good. More frustrating than rewarding.

As you progress, you'll come across items in the game world that you can search, such as chests, & barrels among other items. The stuff you find, is then stored into your tiny inventory, that very hard to see once you open it. Each icon is about 2x2 pixels in size. So yeah, small. On top of the hard-to-see items in your inventory, there is no auto sort of any kind and since alchemy plays a massive role in the game, it's hard to know what you have at any given time without actually looking at each. Time consuming to say the least. Off to the right of the screen near the top you'll see SMALL icons that list your char, your inventory, your quests & other info. To make use of alchemy for example, you need to meditate & so you need to find a fire or a master to meditate with/at to be able to make potions. The same goes for leveling up your character.

Now I will admit that I am not the smartest man on earth, but it should not have taken as long as it did to figure out how the hell you level up, once you do manage to find a fire to meditate at. While at the correct screen, I pressed every single button & looked at all the skills on the skill tree & STILL was unable to level up, even though the game told me I needed to level up. After several minutes of looking, I at long last figured it out. Perhaps thats just because I leveled up around 5:00am after having played for several hours & was a little tired. Perhaps not. As you progress through the game, you'll come across magical stones that grant you a special ?spell?. For the most part, they look great and do play a huge role in the game. One such spell blows items out of your way & is great for knocking down enemies, because a knocked down enemy is killed in one hit with a fatality animation.

As you progress, you'll get different weapons, some Steel & some silver. Keep in mind that many monsters are not harmed by steel, only silver. You also get to use smaller weapons like daggers & heavy weapons like axes & maces, but for a few token uses, they were IMHO, useless. The game mostly revolves around The Witcher weapon style. Like most other RPG's, you'll get armor & rings of different sorts to equip which in turn makes your char look different.

I found the game to be a system hog with possible bad memory leaks. At times the game would run flawless & then at other time at the exact same place in game, it would crawl along at around 10fps. I read this game crashed a lot, but I did not have that problem once while playing it. There is a 1.1a patch that has been released that fixes a few bugs, but I feel it is a BIG patch away from being the game it COULD be.

There is a lot more to this game, than I am going to get into now. I do strongly advise you to read a few reviews on this game first & not to just look at the scores it got. I made the mistake of doing that & wish I now had not gotten it, good reviews it got or not. I also strongly advise you to read through the manual before playing this game, as a lot of my questions were answered there.

Final Score: 2.5/5

Official Website:

I just recently got really hyped about the game too.

I thought the combat would be more like Jade Empire or any other game that requires you to hold down the mouse button or tap it while moving in a certain direction to do different attacks.

The combat is really what I was interested in.

Sounds like I'll definitely be awaiting a demo.
Same, got hyped as well. A couple of people I know from a dutch forum are raving about it, but I kept my reservations. I'll prolly get this when it's patched better and, more importantly, cheaper.
I've seen the poor inventory management as a criticism in some other reviews. Frankly I was suspicious of the buzz around this game when I'd yet to see a hint of anything spectacular about it... I'll wait and watch a bit more, but I think I've been put off buying.
I have the game and it's a definite 10/10 for me. Combat does play an important role, but is only a half of the game, the other made up by excellent writing (mind you, I have the original, polish, uncensored version), interesting and well defined plot, complex characters, meaningful choices that REALLY impact the world, simple, but deep character evolution, loads of backstory (books, glossary in the journal etc.), collectible art cards for sexin' pretty women...

Simply put, it's an awesome RPG, as it has all the elements one should have, well, except for the free roaming, but the focused narrative with a branching storyline and difficult choices makes up for the lacking.

The combat system? Yes, it is awkward at first, but one you understand how to use it, it's very easy to use, not to mention visually impressive.

Overall, 10/10 and a "must have" for fans of hardcore, gritty fantasy.
I have the game and it's a definite 10/10 for me. Combat does play an important role, but is only a half of the game, the other made up by excellent writing (mind you, I have the original, polish, uncensored version), interesting and well defined plot, complex characters, meaningful choices that REALLY impact the world, simple, but deep character evolution, loads of backstory (books, glossary in the journal etc.), collectible art cards for sexin' pretty women...

Simply put, it's an awesome RPG, as it has all the elements one should have, well, except for the free roaming, but the focused narrative with a branching storyline and difficult choices makes up for the lacking.

The combat system? Yes, it is awkward at first, but one you understand how to use it, it's very easy to use, not to mention visually impressive.

Overall, 10/10 and a "must have" for fans of hardcore, gritty fantasy.

Then perhaps you can clue me in to as what I seem to be doing wrong. Since I have the damn game, I want to get the most out of it. In my above post I neglected to mention that the game has multiple endings & that like Mikael Grizzly said, your decisions do make a large impact on the game. The whole game is great, except for like I said the combat, which for me, is the sole reason I gave the game such a low score. I have thought of possible reinstalling the game on a fresh install of WinXP, since I am going to be reinstalling here in a few hours.

As for the combat, which difficulty setting are you playing at? As you know, on hard the flame on the cursor is gone and so you have to time your attacks just by the dull orange color of your attack swings. Tricky IMHO. I spent more time looking at the swings, trying to time the combo's than watching the game unfold.

I play on medium, as always, since I assume that normal difficulty settings are the intended experience.

EDIT: You may want to consider breaking the rating into several parts, it doesn't do the game proper justice now, me thinks.
I'm a bit tempted to get this. The Witcher books were great (not that it says much about the game though) and I've heard rather good things about this game. Combat looks fun.
The slow zoning/loading kills the game completely.
On the other hand,it's a masterpiece compared to other eastern european games.
Do you know if you can change the language settings in the game? I've heard that dialogue in the English version is really bad. Since i speak and understand Polish i was wondering if i could change the language if i bought a copy in England?
Import a copy from Poland, it has the game, bonus materials (documentary etc.), soundtrack, printed manual, game guide and a softcover copy of the orignal Sapkowski novel The Witcher.

It's around 100 - 120 zl I think.
Import a copy from Poland, it has the game, bonus materials (documentary etc.), soundtrack, printed manual, game guide and a softcover copy of the orignal Sapkowski novel The Witcher.

It's around 100 - 120 zl I think.

Do you know any reliable Polish websites i can order from that deliver to the UK?
Man, love the review, I bought the game for 50 FUKEN EUROS and uninstaled it 5 minutes later, the reaso : The combat, just like you said its freaking retarded, way to slow, I rather have a button smachig game than to wait for te cursor.
I first thought it was my mouse that was bugging since my char wasn't moving.
Man, love the review, I bought the game for 50 FUKEN EUROS and uninstaled it 5 minutes later, the reaso : The combat, just like you said its freaking retarded, way to slow, I rather have a button smachig game than to wait for te cursor.
I first thought it was my mouse that was bugging since my char wasn't moving.

You bought it for 50 euro and played for only 5 minutes? Wow.
Man, love the review, I bought the game for 50 FUKEN EUROS and uninstaled it 5 minutes later, the reaso : The combat, just like you said its freaking retarded, way to slow, I rather have a button smachig game than to wait for te cursor.
I first thought it was my mouse that was bugging since my char wasn't moving.

Wait you buy games?
Modern gamers apparently prefer button mashing in Oblivion to stat-based combat in Witcher.

I enjoyed Oblivion until I got to the first Oblivion Gate. Lost interest from then on. For me, Oblivion was only enjoyable when I had several dozen choice mods all activated at the same time. A few of which filled up the otherwise empty game world with all manner of creatures both great & small.

The witcher is a masterful RPG. Not the height of combat sims, but it's fun to look at.

The story and conversations (after the prologue) are ace.
I'm hearing a lot of positives on this game, will probably get it later in the month :)
I could sort of tell that this was a game to skip by the preview movies out a few months back.

It looked almost turn based (ZZZ), and the game was hitching even on the development PC they made the game on. (powerful as ****).

I'm sure it would be cool to give it a shot, but for $50, I'll pass.

Should have been called 'The Hitcher'. for the game keeps hitching up (freezing momentarily).
I could sort of tell that this was a game to skip by the preview movies out a few months back.

It looked almost turn based (ZZZ), and the game was hitching even on the development PC they made the game on. (powerful as ****).

what? completely inaccurate ..the game runs/looks fine on my 7800gt at medium/high. It's not turn based at all ..sure you can pause combat but it's only for changing fight stances/cueing up spells

I'm sure it would be cool to give it a shot, but for $50, I'll pass.

the game is minimum 40 hours, gamers pay as much for 8 hours of single player without complaint

Should have been called 'The Hitcher'. for the game keeps hitching up (freezing momentarily).

i thought it's quite polished, the game hasnt crashed once on me
Why is turn based absolutely boring? And please don't give me the retarded "old" and "get on with the times" argument.
Why is turn based absolutely boring? And please don't give me the retarded "old" and "get on with the times" argument.

For me, I associate "Turn Based" games with playing Chess. I find chess too slow of a game to get into. No matter how good or how poor your opponent is, you still take turns attacking each other. This allows you to develop a strategy for your next one or several moves. While in theory that is a great idea, but in practice or rather should I say in combat, it's impractical. It takes the "unknown" out of combat.

I guess it all comes down to patience. When I game, I have very little patience when an enemy ingame attacks me & proceeds to kick my ass. I want retribution & I want it now! If I wait until the end of the turn, "All my bases may belong to him"

Why is turn based absolutely boring? And please don't give me the retarded "old" and "get on with the times" argument.

Actually, I prefer turn based strategy games over real-time strategy. TBH, real-time strategy is really the only game genre that I can't stand. I know they are quite popular, so I won't be surprised if you are surprised. So it depends on the genre. I really like games where for example, take turns moving your units like tanks, choppers, jets, and troops around It rocks.

That's why I made sure I specifically said I don't like Turn based RPG's.

When it comes to RPG's, and swinging a weapon, I'd rather something like hack and slash, like Condemned, or Oblivion, or (a 3rd person hack and slash game).

Everquest and WoW was fun, but I'm over it. I still like them, and games like the Final Fantasy series somewhat, but I'm just not really interested.

I'd rather time my various moves that I decide to use (like thrust, slash, block, and power attack, and at the correct timing, rather than where in a turn based RPG, you rely on stats and let the computer roll the dice for you.
Actually, I prefer turn based strategy games over real-time strategy. TBH, real-time strategy is really the only game genre that I can't stand. I know they are quite popular, so I won't be surprised if you are surprised. So it depends on the genre. I really like games where for example, take turns moving your units like tanks, choppers, jets, and troops around It rocks.

That's why I made sure I specifically said I don't like Turn based RPG's.

When it comes to RPG's, and swinging a weapon, I'd rather something like hack and slash, like Condemned, or Oblivion, or (a 3rd person hack and slash game).

Everquest and WoW was fun, but I'm over it. I still like them, and games like the Final Fantasy series somewhat, but I'm just not really interested.

I'd rather time my various moves that I decide to use (like thrust, slash, block, and power attack, and at the correct timing, rather than where in a turn based RPG, you rely on stats and let the computer roll the dice for you.

stop already one of the reviews ..combat is all about timed clicks of your mouse, it is not turn based, you dont control a team
For me, I associate "Turn Based" games with playing Chess. I find chess too slow of a game to get into. No matter how good or how poor your opponent is, you still take turns attacking each other. This allows you to develop a strategy for your next one or several moves. While in theory that is a great idea, but in practice or rather should I say in combat, it's impractical. It takes the "unknown" out of combat.

I guess it all comes down to patience. When I game, I have very little patience when an enemy ingame attacks me & proceeds to kick my ass. I want retribution & I want it now! If I wait until the end of the turn, "All my bases may belong to him"


Three words.

Jagged Alliance 2.
Three words.

Jagged Alliance 2.

Jagged Alliance is an awesome game. That kept me sane during the final year at Uni. The Steam version seems to crash out every so often though (however that may have been fixed now).
Jagged Alliance is an awesome game. That kept me sane during the final year at Uni. The Steam version seems to crash out every so often though (however that may have been fixed now).

I assume you love your SV Dragunov to death?
I assume you love your SV Dragunov to death?

Indeed and strangely enough SV is one of my many names...:O

Anyhows bought the Witcher and have to say I'm loving it so far. There are some minor quibbles (occasional spelling mistakes in the dialog), and the combat was a touch confusing initially, but it's more engaging than Oblivion so far. I'm having a hard time beating 'the Beast' atm, so if anyone has any sage advice as to a viable strategy I'm all ears. Certainly a very adult game so far in terms of content.
Why is turn based absolutely boring? And please don't give me the retarded "old" and "get on with the times" argument.

I'd really like to see some good turn based combat RPG. Turn based is not old at all, it simply is a different approach that rely on brain and strategy rather than mouse-clicks (as it should always be, in my humble opinion). Every RPG coming out in recent times is a bloody "action"-RPG.
Because action role playing games are fun? I more than welcome the move to real time combat RPGs, makes for a more fun experience. Someone mentioned RTS before and I agree there real time RTS sucks arse in my own humble opinion. I much prefer the strategic game play to wtf spam units. Really though real time RPGs are turn based RPGs. In a real time game you can only swing your swords so many times per minute or cast so many spells or use so many items. Whether or not it's apparent your still stuck in a computer dice roll situation.
Last week, almost exactly a week ago today, I reformatted my HDD & reinstalled a clean copy of WinxP. After updating all the drivers to my system, I decided to reinstall "The Witcher". I also updated the game with the 1.1a patch before I started the game for the first time.

"The Witcher" was the only game I had installed on my PC.

For the record, I would like to state that I now believe that I may have given the game an unfair, even harsh score. One that did not correctly give the game the justice, that I feel it was due.

I officially rescind the score of 2.5/5 that I gave it.

I have come to this conclusion due to the fact that the game runs & performs in a manner that greatly exceeds the way it ran the last time I played it, which was when I reviewed it. I am not sure the cause for the performance boost, only that perhaps it is caused in part to the recent re-installation of WinXP & the updated drivers that may have been applied. While I still feel the game itself still suffers from it's share of problems, that have not at this time been addressed, I now feel that some of the cause of my problems, were perhaps on my end.

I now give the game a new score of 3.5/5 Stars.

I now feel that some of the cause of my problems, were perhaps on my end.

XP nuff said. Doesn't matter what you do in terms of registry clean ups, defrags etc the machine gets bloated after a while and everything runs like shit.
Because action role playing games are fun? I more than welcome the move to real time combat RPGs, makes for a more fun experience. Someone mentioned RTS before and I agree there real time RTS sucks arse in my own humble opinion. I much prefer the strategic game play to wtf spam units. Really though real time RPGs are turn based RPGs. In a real time game you can only swing your swords so many times per minute or cast so many spells or use so many items. Whether or not it's apparent your still stuck in a computer dice roll situation.

About RT RPGs, Roshambo's post from his FanAQ sums it all pretty much (read it, Rosh knows more about Fallout than the whole Bethesda combined):

Roshambo said:
Sixty-four kilobytes, baby!

4 is spent already on your main loop, to keep program integrity and scheduling. "The heart of the program."
10 is spent upon the back-end of the engine, keeping events running based upon the heartbeat's scheduling. "The brains of the program."
10 is spent upon graphics if it is a middle complexity game. A LOT more if it is graphically intensive. "This is your face, make it as large and vain as you dare."
5 - Networking operations and multiplayer design capabilities. "You can add a foot...or two, and like feet a good number makes a program versatile and efficient - too many and it will stumble over itself. Or make it sit in place and wave its hands for you."
5 - Player input. "The back, make it whippable as you like." We have always been firm believers of program slavery. Sorry, it's been a bit of a family code of ethics.

From this point on, you can decide to make it into what you wish.

Anything you have left - AI calculations and operations. "A single hand can only hold a rope, two or more hands on the same rope pulls the boat in."

I thought it was funny that I later put the parallel of a LOT of online games proverbially "hold the rope and walk around with it", meaning that they rely on superficial mass online gameplay in order to sell their rather weak gameplay/AI.

Now to apply the metaphor a little clearer.

The remaining Kilobytes are then spent pretty much however you wish. As a game developer, do you decide to use all of this on ONE character at a time (TB), or multiple characters ALL at the same time (RT)? The more characters you decide to have function at the same time, you have to DIVIDE your remaining Kilobytes between them.

So, you would have in effect...

(Using 40 remaining as a base.)
1 40 Kilobyte character (TB, because after you make your move, it takes its time deciding upon the next character's action/move/etc.)
2 20 Kilobyte characters (RT, though really limited actor RT)
3 13 Kilobyte characters
4 10 Kilobyte characters
5 "I saw a mudcrab yesterday. I love staring at this wall for eight hours!" characters

I think this should sufficiently illustrate why RT AI, inherently, sucks ass compared to TB. With each actor you add into the AI to run at the same time, it dramatically cuts down on your AI depth, because you cannot ever hope to run an RT AI in the same resource and depth expectations as an optimized TB script. If you make a 40 Kilobyte TB script, there's no way you're going to have two or more running at the same depth without pulling a few lies out from your ass.

Ask Todd and Pete Hines about that and the AI in Oblivion - proud jokes of YouTubers everywhere! They make their AI beyond stupid in order to release it Nice and Shiny™ to the X-Brick retards, and is hoping nobody notices by making the PC version ****ing Retarded? as well.
I prefer turn based rpgs personally, although far to many of them boils down to just watching two guys hitting each other. If they cannot add tactics to it, then realtime is superior.
I prefer turn based rpgs personally, although far to many of them boils down to just watching two guys hitting each other. If they cannot add tactics to it, then realtime is superior.

Lmao. Yeh they must add guud tactics to make turn based any fun. otherwise it's so lame to watch them take turns bludgeoning eachother one time each

XP nuff said. Doesn't matter what you do in terms of registry clean ups, defrags etc the machine gets bloated after a while and everything runs like shit..
Werd? As apposed to Vista running like shit from go? Not that we were comparing them, I just thought it was funny. :)

I haven't noticed anything running worse over time with XP before - short of a need to defrag the drive.

Werd? As apposed to Vista running like shit from go?

I haven't noticed anything running worse over time with XP before - short of a need to defrag the drive.


I find Vista works absolutely fine for me (I use HP 64 version), I much prefer it to XP. XP worked great when it initially launched, but in a matter of months the response time visibly slowed (esp boot up) and even with deep registry cleaning never reached it's former standards. It's a bloaty operating system that gets worse over time, and pretty much requires you to completely reformat & reinstall every 6 months if you want to keep your machines performance level optimal if you're a heavy PC user. That's an opinion of XP I have based upon personal experience and is one pretty much unanimously shared by my friends, IT or otherwise. I'm not sure what evidence needs to be provided or how. :dozey: