The Worst Feeling

The moment you realize you forgot something important... ADGAHAGADHANABNANAVANIZDFEP!
Regret, about things I've done. Mostly about things I should have done, then anger. Anger at myself really, for not doing those things I should have done. Then theres always that little voice in the back of your head, pointing towards a quick way to end it all.
Letters said:
The moment you realize you forgot something important... ADGAHAGADHANABNANAVANIZDFEP!
Interesting...I didn't know there was a word for it...and that it was Klingon.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Standing on razorblades and sliding. verticley.

Can't you just feel that one?

Aaaahhh, that makes me shiver every time I think about it.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Standing on razorblades and sliding. verticley.

Can't you just feel that one?

**** you and your painfull imagery. Im still thinking about it... its bad. its badwrong... badong.
Knowing that something VERY bad is about to go down and you can't do ANYTHING about it.
burnzie said:
**** you and your painfull imagery. Im still thinking about it... its bad. its badwrong... badong.
Badong...couldn't help but snicker at that one...nice.
Its better to know something bad happened that you couldn't do anything about, than one that happened that you knew you could have donne something about....
Suspecting you've taken the wrong bus, or falling asleep on a bus and suddenly waking up, suspecting you've missed your stop and are about to pay a town miles away a visit.. This happens often when you live outside the city and have to travel via bus..
Panic and anxiety. The other feelings aren't so bad because I always know I will recover from them, plus I know that I can overcome them as I am experiencing the problem that is causing them.

Panic and anxiety though usually stem from something that I can't really stop and it is just made worse when you realize how bad something could become if the source of your panic is allowed to keep on going. Panic is a positive feed back loop, the more you panic the less you can do, the less you can do the worse the situation gets, and the worse the situation gets the more you panic.
Panic. Panic that you're helpless to do something about the source of your panic.
Bah, everyday I get panic to an extent im used to it by now there are worse feelings. I dont know what doom feels like, the feeling that you are going to die soon and there is nothing you can do about it, im not sure if that would be a general feeling of acceptance or complete misery, Id imagine it would depend on the person. Anticipation of something bad about to happen which is not death is simular and most defainly a bad feeling.
the worst feeling is when you stub your toe and look down only to realize your toenail is hanging by a shred of skin ..I hate when that happens ...or when you're shaving with a straight razor and you hit the main artery, man that smarts ..especially if you put on after shave
Thinking about getting too old to look after myself some day.

Not the worst feeling, but most have been given already, but thinking you're forgetting something is pretty bad too. I carry a laptop around all day and every time I get out of a train/bus/car I shortly panic before I realize that I've stil got it with me.

Or leaving the house with a feeling that there was still one critical more thing to do that you forgot.
Betrayal(sp..I suck at spelling), someone that I thought was a friend just got me fired from my job...that hurts.
oh i forgot one that sucked:

when you're really nervous or embarassed and you feel your skin prickle and it feels REALLY itchy on your face, hands, etc