the worst game ever made

its kind of a letdown. i enjoy the multiplayer, the rest is garbage.

Maybe, but it wasn't the worst game ever made
I liked Jedi Outcast, I liked it a lot...but I lost it because some asshole barrowed it and never returned it and then I moved and the last time I met him, he almost had all this high school 'back-up' and wanted to kick my ass.
But the combat system in both games want to make me puke, this is why I love Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, no stupid pussy combat system and more awesome moves and the Prince is as powerful as a Jedi.
Jedi Academy was short and annoying. I beat it in 2 days and that was when I was playing all the missions and didn't skip any.
Anyways, about the combat system, there was no real action of parries, block, counter-parries and etc... All you did was strike at the enemy ad hope he didn't block the attack...and that reminds me, you can't decide when to block-what if you didn't want to block (for reasons such as: you wanted to get damaged so you can pick up health so that your enemy didn't) and when you wanted to block, you didn't. However, I did think some of the moves looked pretty awesome.
I hated Black & White. I really wanted to like it, but I just didn't.
Shakermaker said:
I hated Black & White. I really wanted to like it, but I just didn't.
I was exactly the same way. I pretended I liked it for a few months before I finally realized that it was boring as balls. It also got really good reviews. I guess everyone had the same issue.

I hope to God that Fable won't end up like that. It's getting good reviews, but so did Black and White.
I think Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast is the greatest game ever made. I love the modability and the single player game. The game has a lot of atmosphere of a kind not seen in alot of games, not even alot of star wars games.

The lightsaber is perfect. The variety of styles and the jedi powers are amazing. The level design, especially in imperial stations and the city levels, is extremely detailed for a Q3 game in my opinion.
The Sims: Repetetive, Censored, Characters Mumble and the AI is shite.

I just hope the sims2 corrects those problems
yeah Black and White. what a boring game. looked cool, but it sucked. hard. B&W2 is still going to suck. How can they make it cool?
I have played a game that is even worse than all games listed here: Klomanager (engl.: Toilet Manager). It's basically a manager game where you manage public toilets. To make the game even worse, the publisher released an "Anti Patch" that put in some new bugs and removed some of the features. It's almost as bad as Microsoft Windows.
Adidajs said:
yeah Black and White. what a boring game. looked cool, but it sucked. hard. B&W2 is still going to suck. How can they make it cool?
I take serious offense to that. Black and White is a true masterpiece, but it certainly isn't for those without a lot of patience or who do not like to micromanage. Raising a creature and a huge empire can be one of the most rewarding experiences in any game. The entire game just exuded so much style and craftsmanship. It makes me mad everytime I hear someone talk about how overrated it is. Sure, maybe it's not the best ever, but it is still a masterpiece.

Black and White 2 is probably second to Half-Life 2 on my most-wanted list.
The Sims: Repetetive, Censored, Characters Mumble and the AI is shite.
I just hope the sims2 corrects those problems
I really liked The Sims for ages until I suddenly realised what I was doing. It was so mundane but oddly addictive until you realised how boring the process was. Christ knows how it managed to sell so well.

B&W was so over-rated it was insane. It was an interesting concept and quite fun in a way, but the idea of them taking away your creature was the stupidest piece of crap ever. And you couldn't be nearly as malevolent or omnipotent as you wanted to be. You were a GOD, but you were limited at every step.
noouch said:
I have played a game that is even worse than all games listed here: Klomanager (engl.: Toilet Manager). It's basically a manager game where you manage public toilets. To make the game even worse, the publisher released an "Anti Patch" that put in some new bugs and removed some of the features. It's almost as bad as Microsoft Windows.

I give it the award. Definitly.
Narcolepsy said:
I take serious offense to that. Black and White is a true masterpiece, but it certainly isn't for those without a lot of patience or who do not like to micromanage. Raising a creature and a huge empire can be one of the most rewarding experiences in any game. The entire game just exuded so much style and craftsmanship. It makes me mad everytime I hear someone talk about how overrated it is. Sure, maybe it's not the best ever, but it is still a masterpiece.

Black and White 2 is probably second to Half-Life 2 on my most-wanted list.

i enjoyed it as well, though it gets boring quick. to me. i just... eh the creatures ruin it for me.
Hmmm. I thought the creatures were the best bit, although not used to their full potential. B&W2 looks better, but I couldn't care less anymore. Evil Genius - that's where it's at.
Black & White perhaps wasn't really that great, but it certainly isn't the worst game ever made.

I liked the game alot to start with, but the game just went way too slow and you had to wait for your creature to grow big and play around with him forever and ever at some points. The first time I played, my tiger was still a younglin' when I came to the third island. :D
el Chi said:
I really liked The Sims for ages until I suddenly realised what I was doing. It was so mundane but oddly addictive until you realised how boring the process was. Christ knows how it managed to sell so well.
But you liked it! Are you saying that one day, you realized that although you had the sensation of pleasure while playing it, it was simply an illusion, and you actually hated it all that time? But if you liked it at the time, wasn't it a worthwhile experience? Wasn't it a good game?
The Sims was never and never will be a 'good game'.

Worst Ever... one has to be Discworld Noir.. a great concept from the books, but awfully made game, with stupid things you have to do to get past points in the story, liking putting two items together which dont even make sense.
My word! Comparing Master of Orion to Star Wars Rebellion. That's like saying "Jennifer Lopez a musician? Oh yeh, like the Beatles or Pink Floyd! They're all the same!" Master of Orion was a masterpiece, the second one was awesome, and the third one was a pile of junk.

I really didn't care for Morrowind.... Never has a game made me feel more that I was playing a spreadsheet as opposed to a game as did Morrowind. But I can admit to its polish and scope.

Hmm... I can't remember ever playing a game that didn't give me some measure of enjoyment. Maybe I'm lucky?

Oh! *edit* Worms 3D. I hated it with a passion - it seemed to suck every ounce of fun out of the Worms franchise that I know and love. I still play Worms World Party quite frequently - but Worms 3D seemed to me like a horribly controlled, "we have 3d! We are so l337 and kewl! teeny bopper version of a good game. Blech! Give me the 2D goodness anyday.
worstest game ever has to be equal to the sum of daikatana to the billionth power and then some, with the ET game thrown in for good measure as a required minigame that you have to play fifty billions of times - yeah, that game would suck ass, oh wait, there is a game like that, it's called "geeks with lack of a sex life"..... how suxorz
hmm...*breaks out large folder full of games bought off the $4.99 rack at walmart to play on that old P2 i used to have*

normandy WWII elete forces: no ai whatsoever, bad clipping problems, horrible weapon selection, can't remember much more
Vietnam - black ops: same developers and engine as normandy -ick-
ExtremePaintbrawl - think this one was mentioned already
MetalGearSolid2 - PC port - far worse than halo, any gta's, or any other port i can think of
Delta Force 2 - a bad tom clancy rip-off :p
Incoming Forces - posibly the worst 3d graphics ever - wretched flight-sim gameplay - nice storyline tho...i think
Daikatana - need i say more...
The Thing - may have been a really great game, but i'll never know because THERE IS NO WAY TO MAP YOUR CONTROL KEYS!!!
Icarusintel said:
worstest game ever has to be equal to the sum of daikatana to the billionth power and then some, with the ET game thrown in for good measure as a required minigame that you have to play fifty billions of times - yeah, that game would suck ass, oh wait, there is a game like that, it's called "geeks with lack of a sex life"..... how suxorz
Methinks your head would explode if you even began to know what you were talking about. :LOL:
gh0st said:
i think i just played it :( it starts with "s" and ends with "tar wars: rebellion". has anyone else played this piece of crap?

edit: worst of all i wasted a cdr on it

Narcolepsy said:
But you liked it! Are you saying that one day, you realized that although you had the sensation of pleasure while playing it, it was simply an illusion, and you actually hated it all that time? But if you liked it at the time, wasn't it a worthwhile experience? Wasn't it a good game?
No it was more like I was playing it and realised how boring the play mechanics were and that I was playing it because it was there. After that I suddenly realised what a hollow experience those lost hours had provided. I enjoyed it at the start, sure but now I look back on that piece of arse with nothing but purest scorn.
Star Wars Jedi Knight... No wonder i got it free from Future Shop when I bought Doom 3
Soldner: Secret Wars. Wost game I've ever played. Thats all I'm gonna say.
I remember a game on the PSX, some platformer called "iznogoud". Yes, it was actually called that.
Brian Damage said:
Worst game ever... worst game ever...


"Custer's Revenge"...

Haha, it was made by a swedish small developer company! :D
Sea Dragon said:
I really didn't care for Morrowind.... Never has a game made me feel more that I was playing a spreadsheet as opposed to a game as did Morrowind. But I can admit to its polish and scope.

You've obviously never play Championship Manager then. That is just a spreadsheet with lots of stats.

Still a class game though.
I really liked The Sims for ages until I suddenly realised what I was doing. It was so mundane but oddly addictive until you realised how boring the process was. Christ knows how it managed to sell so well.

women... lots and lots of women
Direwolf said:
But what puts that over the top is GTA3. This is an example of exactly how you SHOULD do a port. The computer version of the game is preferable over the PS2 for its graphics, ease of use, and extra abilities (such as the MP3 channel).

Agreed. Never bothered finishing it but I still arse around defying the law/blowing shit up/punching over whores with shopping bags occasionally. For MP3s I just run Winamp in the background on shuffle and set hotkeys for skipping past songs I don't like :p

noouch said:
It's almost as bad as Microsoft Windows.

Though not nearly as moddable.

Icarusintel said:
worstest game ever has to be equal to the sum of daikatana to the billionth power and then some, with the ET game thrown in for good measure as a required minigame that you have to play fifty billions of times - yeah, that game would suck ass, oh wait, there is a game like that, it's called "geeks with lack of a sex life"..... how suxorz
