The Year 2012...

The release date for the End of the World is 'when it's done' people.
The idea of the world ending on that date is more ludicrous than a propsect of their being a God to an atheist.
What i find interesting is the amount of people that get really excited/obsessed about the idea of the apocalypse or something, a lot of people seem to want it to happen rather than them dieing and the world passing them by.

I guess it's the desire to see everything and not miss out.
What i find interesting is the amount of people that get really excited/obsessed about the idea of the apocalypse or something, a lot of people seem to want it to happen rather than them dieing and the world passing them by.

I guess it's the desire to see everything and not miss out.
I'd die happily knowing everyone who has been a moderator to me in my life time will kick it with me.
Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".
Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".
You reel us into til the end then **** us up the ass. :afro:

What interests me is "information doubling".
Only six years for the doubling of information between 1967 and 1973.

Even then, nobody I knew personally had a home computer. Today everybody I know has a home computer.
breakthroughs in internal linknanotechnology that will literally make the most advanced scientific gadgets "as cheap as dirt." Is this information-acceleration a Mandelbrot fractal, as internal linkTerrence McKenna claims? Will we reach a point in internal link2012 where information doubles a million times a second?
Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".

Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".

You are a god amongst men.
Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".
You've just shattered my balls of steel.
Actually, I saw an interesting documentary on 21-12-12 before. Some archaeologists were excavating Mayan ruins in southern Mexico. They came across a temple to the Mayan Sun god (Who was, by extent, the god that governed time). Anyway, they found a full room dedicated to the Mayan calendar and the last day. The inscriptions said that on the last day that a hero would be released from his sleep and restart the cycle of time. There was also a picture of the hero carved into the stone, and under the picture it said "I'm gonna kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum".

It's just a ploy so everybody buys the stuff they always wanted the day before, only to wake up the next in the "New Age" with a massive bill.
V-Man on the end of the world

Everybody says it's not going to end in 2011 but a new age wil happen, and I agree with them.
I know what will happen.
Dick Cheney will accidentally shoot George Bush in the heart, the bullet will go through him and into Hilary Clinton's head, and it will ricochet into Dick Cheney's balls, causing him to move to Alaska out of depression.

But in all seriousness I don't think it will end, we'll just all have something cool happen.
I have learned everything about 2012 from here.

It's really impressive to realize that Mayans were extremely savants when it came to astrological phenomenas.

the guy who wrote all that is wrong only because his last name is Jenkins making him the brother of Leeroy

Everyone freaked out the year 2000, at 11:30 everyone was like :o scared the shit out of everyone, but nothing happend so nothing is gona happen 2012 or ever...
i am the year 2012, fear me and my wrath. I shall make it rain Veal Stew.
Nothing will happen in 2012. The mayans never said it was the apcolypse, simply it was the end of their calander. Its no different from any other apcolypse, the only reason anyone gives a shit is because its so close.
