Theories: Who is the G-Man?

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G-Man is now a figment of Gordon's imagination. Everything after the resonance cascade is what he is seeing from the coma he's in. The suit helped him enough not to die. What he's seeing is a whole lotta De-JaVu, within his coma. His coma lasts long enuf to go through all the events really quik in his head, just slowed down so we can play them through, and he wakes up a couple hours after the cascade, and has to live thru his De-JaVu. G-man is a figment of Gordon's imagination. He really had nothing to do with Black Mesa, and when he was arguing with the scientist, it was actually Breen, distorted in Gordon's mind. Throughout the rest of the story, G-man appears in the oddest places because Gordon's imagination puts him there.
Good theory herbster. Actually, the G-Man might be closer with the Vorts than we think. Vorts have a hive mind and can communicate with each other through it and, possibly, they have limited ability to read human minds or something like that. The Vorts do mention the G-Man, quite possibly, in a few of their phrases. They do share strange speech patterns.

Although, I actually believe that the G-Man is a representative of some civilization that fights the Combine and he uses the best tools available (like Gordon) to do it. However, I also believe that G-Man is more than just an agent of that civilization, he's probably also playing his own game.
I say he is a human.
Maybe even a government fellow, who's rank falls somewhere way up.
It's fairly obvious to me that he has some pull with the army, at the very least in as much as he's not being shot at. The Vorts seem to like him, so there's another.
My guess is, when Uncle Sam caught wind of Xen, he was the one behind the going in, taking of crystals, etc. One or more unfortunate explorer found the civilization on Xen, and Gster set about finding a way to capture it. (There are plenty of things the Gummint could do with Xen.) Wisely deciding against an invasion, he instead put a large contingent of the USMC on hold outside Black Mesa, then caused a resonance cascade with the aim of drawing the creatures into a battle here. Caught off their home ground, the Xen-folk took heavy enough losses, as did the soldiers.
Forced into a sort of plan B, G-man sent in a black-ops cleanup crew, entering his trump card, Shephard, into play with the aim of taking on Nihlanth, now with a substantially weakened army at his back. But, as fate would have it, the other interesting fellow, Freeman, took the job in place of the corporal, and Shephard was placed on hold, while Freeman scored himself a job.
G-man had no knowledge of the combine, but after the Black Mesa affair thought it wise to create a contingency plan, involving the screwing with of time. Perhaps an indefinate slow warp at his own control. (I've not got all the answers.)
That's pretty much it.
I think he's a human from the future (perhaps a grandchild of Gordon or even himself), that tries to find a way do get rid of the combine...
To explain his extraordinary powers, i've invented a very simple theory:
just thing that Gordon also has some abilities, that most humans dont have (or do you know a scientist, that can shoot THIS good??), now think further what happened at the beginning of part 1... a giant cascade...
that would have created enourmous energetic waves and even with the HIV-suit it must have been like putting your head into the microwave...
and some pretty similar thing happened at the end of part 2.... (btw this time Alyx was there too)
so even if gordon didn't direcly mutate, his DNA would have been changed....
and if he and Alyx (or someone else ;-)) get to make children, these MUST have mutated,
so thats why the Gman (if he's related to Gordon) has this powers(freeze time; teleport; manipulate people of both sides; aso...)
Blackwing your theory makes no sense...How could the G-man be created by the mutation-fusion of Alyx and Gordon? If he's there but actually not because he did not exist. More info on this Father-son-paradox in Einsteins theory.
I think G-man is the Governator of the universe...angel Gabriel?
Or maybe indeed an android created by another anti-combine civilisation -he talks this creepy with a metallic accent.-
And the G-man is against the Combine because in HL1 in the beginning where he's discussing with a scientist. I think he's trying to convince the scientists not to continue with the experiment because he knows what will happen. They don't listen and Kaboum!!!!!!
End all theory

Seriously, G-man is an alien. He went to Black Mesa and rushed to prevent the resonance cascade that was caused by Dr. Breen, facilitated through the sample of crystal of ELW Gordon was testing. Breen did so because he brokered a deal with the combine to make the portal storms occur and allow the Combine to take over Earth. You can see in Half LIfe 1 that G-man arrives at the Anomalous matrials lab before Gordon (Somehow), I reason that he carries a portable teleportation manipulator device of some sort in his briefcase because he never parts with it, and always stays a ten steps ahead of everyone. When he was unable to prevent the resonance cascade, he simply destrpyed the facility (Noted in Opposing Force) thinking it would end the threat, and didn't prevent the Government from killing Gordon because he wanted to test him (That actually proved alot. Rogue Phycicist indeed). He then 'hires' Gordon and seems to contract out his "limitless potential" whether to other parties or for himself is still unclear until Half Life 3 (Although I hear it has another Cliffhanger).
Although I think that G-man is probably an alien in human form, somehow doing his best to fight the Combine with gifted people like Gordon and Barney and Adrian (Whether or not Adrian returns is up to Gearbox in allowing their character to be used again).
So that's it for me. I'm going to go read another chapter from a Brief History of Time. Black holes ain't so black....My a**. Damn you Hawking. Aww but seriously, I love it.
Please reply, seriously. I'm lonely.
Oh yeah, I don't think Gordon and Alyx(or anyone else for that matter) ever get together and make a G-man Black Wing Angel. Valve justs want to pull at your heartstrings and she won't even be mentioned in the next game (not an expansion, the next Half Life). It will probably take place somewhere far from this galaxy, on the frontlines of the Combine expansion. Gordon will be pulled from all the people he loved, his child, his friends. The fact is, that G-man will hold onto Gordon as a tool as long as he needs him. Although with the introduction of slow time warps in the game, it is possible that Gordon will eventually travel back in time or his family will travel forward and G-man will act as the ultimate Oprah, reunitin' people and stuff *sniff*. sighhhh... read my other post.
Now after several hundred years of research I have found who he is.....
Eminem..yes Gman is Eminem in the future.

I think of it like this with Breen mentioned contracts and stuff..
G-Man is like a "Slave Merchant"
Gordon is like the "Slave"
People pay for Gordons services, and thus get to use gordon ^_^.
Now I can only think of what the rebels payed the G-Man(Alyx prob had somtin to do with it.)

Anyway remember people, Klieners picture in his lab..well the G-Man is in it... The G-Man certainly did some science at Black Mesa.
He's an ethereal being of the univers that is a mere pawn placed to start a domino effect.

for example: he sets gordon up, gordon inspires humans, humans fight combine, combine are driven back, humans gain power and take over the universe in about 300 000 years, instead of the combine. Just an idea...

The idea that he's any relation to gordon is very unlikely, unless he has a business fling with an alien (eeew!)

Maybe he's a being of the universe, like in 2001 & 2010 a space odessey?
It says that he's a human.
I notice that he speaks frequently of his superiors in 1, and in two they seem to have gone the way of most world governments.
He's the man!

Really people, noone knows so shut the hell up.
Im sure Valve (or someone close to Valve....or someone) said he was just there for intrigue, therefore the most likely solution is, he is Human.

Shape Shifting Aliens are so incredibly crappy and cliched ;) .
I bet when the humans opened the portal the g-man was sent to keep blance betwen eveything, cuas if he didnt show the portal and the things it let thru would of destroyed earth and earth will be need'd some time in the future.Like the Q or temprial agenst in Star treck.
Rennmniscant said:
Barney and the G-man have the same voice actor...
What does that say?

It says that Mike Shapiro is talented enough to do different voice styles?
eatbugs said:
He's the man!

Really people, noone knows so shut the hell up.

this whole threat is just 4 fun we exchange theories and if somehow anyone that has something to do with the development of HL will take some of these ideas who knows....
g-man, he's an alien already

yeah, g-man is definatley an alien. like many of you have said before. he's probably part of some intergalactic organization trying to rid the universe of the combine. i don't see how anyone could think he is gordon from the future, there's no connections there really. and i don't see how he could be a human at all. just listen to the way he talks, and the way he manipulates time. Yeah, he's a freakin alien. ;)
Just look at people with speech problems, they talk funny so there aliens? No

Manipulates time? Well, he puts Gordon in a slow time warp, he never travels through time though.
After this you might say wtf but oh well,

I think he's a scientest, in the picture in dr.klieners office that shows the lab team you see gman on the right. He has dark undereyes. He was probaly working on somthing that allows you to travel with time space continuem.
It malfuncioned and it cloned him, the clone is the one with the breifcase and the other 1 is probaly dead... :rolling:
specialmax said:
After this you might say wtf but oh well,

I think he's a scientest, in the picture in dr.klieners office that shows the lab team you see gman on the right. He has dark undereyes. He was probaly working on somthing that allows you to travel with time space continuem.
It malfuncioned and it cloned him, the clone is the one with the breifcase and the other 1 is probaly dead... :rolling:

Thats not him, thats another scientist from hl1 (model)
The G-Man is secretly a monkey who was bathed in radiation which happened to turn him into a supermonkey. He then used mystical powers to take the form of a human. But the monks from the mountains could sense the evil within him. So they sealed him away within a blue suit which prevented him from throwing his own crap at us. But a sad side effect of the sealing became known: people would now start making crappy theories about the G-Man and why he exists. Thus the world faced a new terror which exists to this day. That my friends is the truth.
The G-man is the cigarette smoking man off the X-files, with new face and vocal cords. He is able to morph, and assumes the role of Breen, Barney and one of the Striders during your adventures.

Although maybe he used to be someone like Breen (an administrator of a Race) but he broke free of the combine, and now tries to help others break free. If that doesn't sound like a good theory, I only thought of it 30 mins ago.
kirovman- that actually sounds brilliant. I mean, really really brilliant. Sure no one else has toyed with that idea before?

Although I'm not too sure what his agenda really is, it does, for some reason, appear to involve Earth. Possibly he merely aims to disrupt the Combine at every turn and it's merely coincidence that you've been able to foil them on (mostly) home soil.

I still wonder if he's a sort of one-entity "employment agency" (as Breen's remarks might hint) which sells the contracts of his prime operatives (or pawns) to whatever side warrants them.

And here's something which actualy suits the ever-more-popular Combine-weren't-on-Xen theory:

G-man talks of mentioning your abilities to his "employers". Now, this says to me that there's a distinct possibility that Half-Life WAS a test of some sort- sure, it was also a horrible catastrophy that set humanity's downfall in motion, but it also ensured that Gordon caught the G-man's eye, allowing his services to be offered up to parties who'll be even more interested because of his past successes...
oh my

yeah i agree that isn't g-man in the picture. there's no resemblance.
DieHard said:
how do you KNOW its not the same man?

Valve mentioned it in an email once, and its obviously that scientist model. I mean seriously its overly obvious.
Gordon is g-man from the future, Valve never said he wasn't.
The common theory is that G-Man is Gordon from the future, not the other way round ;) .
if g-man was the future freeman, at the end of hl1, why would g-man give freeman the choice to work for him or DIE, when freeman dying would mean g-man would cease to exist? one of the many reasons why g-man can't be gordon from the future.
read the following a few times in order to get it right...

no problem its very easy... he knew gordon will work for him.. one thing that is sure when you do timetravel is that you cant change anything because this means that whatever happens allready had happened in the time youre from.. the Gman had to discover this as he wasn't able to prevent the happenings in HL1 ...
so i think he's someone who already did the timetravel the time hes from is somewhere between part 1 and 2
OR he is from the furture just insuring that gordon doesnt change the future..and his bosses are part of somekind of intergalaktic-time-police....

that does not make any change on who he is, it just shows that whatever u do wont change anything... (just read "the timemachine" for further information/ if u cant read the film serves this matter too)

I'm sorry 4 spelling errors im not from an english-speaking country (in fact im from germany) so all the errors are my teachers fault
exactly. so since you can't change the future whatever you do, then why would gman have make sure gordon doesn't change the future, if you cant change it anyway? but i see why my earlier point is invalid. gman said something about free will being an illusion anyway. god! this is why half-life is so great.
I believe what G-man was talking about in 'free will is an illusion' is that Gordon has no choice or say in his line of "work". But I would really like to know how only a single human is in charge of warping a rogue physicist through time to battle an alien threat. I recognize that, as a valid theory at this point and respect that, but in all likelyhood, is that as plausible an explanation as just simply saying that G-man is an alien who will not let you know anything about him, or his origins, or these "employers" unless he wants you to know. Humans are fallible. G-man is seemingly not. Although you have to wonder what kind of government agency can stop time like the end of Half Life 2, yet cannot fend off a threat that Gordon subverted in a few days time.
Thus I will state that G-man is an alien. Not a human.
i agree, he is an alien. it seems like the only real logical answer.

someone should post a poll or something asking

who is g-man?
* Alien
* Government Agent
* Gordon from the future (..ugh i hate this one the most)

i would post a poll but i'm too lazy. it would be interesting to think what most people think.
Done by me

Gordon 9 6.67%
Gordon's dad 5 3.70%
Human 19 14.07%
Robot 3 2.22%
Vortigaunt 6 4.44%
Combine 2 1.48%
Other Alien 62 45.93%
Your mama 29 21.48%
id take this one.... Your mama 29 21.48%

no serious i'll say hes a human until valve says somethin else...
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