Theories: Who is the G-Man?

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Looks like Alien is the current leader. I am proud of myself. Making him a human just makes him a pansy. An alien that can manipulate Gordon using technology no one else possesses is cooler. And he does not have a lisp. My mother is a Speech and Language pathologist and she tells me that his speech can't really classify as a lisp as his tempo changes too. Its more than just a stutter and the elongated s's. He can't seem to speak at a steady pace. While that may be evidence of brain damage in a human. I think he just hasn't adjusted to Human speech. Oh, and w(hy)tf does he still wear the same suit when everyone else is in tattered rags and Combine issue coveralls? This guy was not on Earth during the Portal Storms. And remember what he said to Adrian: "I take an interest in those that learn to survive and adapt, they rather remind me of myself." I'm going to throw this out there, but maybe G-man is the (Cliche) last of an alien race. He managed to survive some cataclysmic event like a Combine invasion and managed to find his way to Earth and immerse himself into the Black Mesa and become a powerful government figure. Someone decyphered a little of his speech from Half Life when he was speaking with the other scientist behind the glass. He apparently mentions something about a sponsor and an associate. While its possible that G-man could be speaking of human benefactors(Government), humans are not able to bid for Gordon's aide after he was "hired". What Breen says about having considered Gordon's services seems like a lie. Perhaps the Overlords knew about him by some means, as G-man probably advertised his services. But G-man seems to want to defeat the Combine. Or maybe he just wants to pit everyone against each other and become a more powerful figure. Maybe we'll know in Half LIfe 4. But right now I'm going to leave it at alien. Man I'm tired.... Maybe I'll just close my eyes and...zzzzz
yeah alien. working to stop the combine from spreading.
Since he turns up out of nowhere, walks through doors into white space and everything goes phycodelic when he does, i think hes just a result of gordons secret acid abuse.
Supposing he's an alien and a goverment fellow?
Supposing he and his compatriots considered teleportation and things to be old hat by the time Gordon runs across them?
Supposing the rest of his co-workers met their fates during the war, and he sits and wages a silent war against the combine?
Stupidsmartarse said:
Since he turns up out of nowhere, walks through doors into white space and everything goes phycodelic when he does, i think hes just a result of gordons secret acid abuse.

could be, could be.....
Here's my theory on g-man. Somebody, i think it was sufferinrebel said something about G-man working to free worlds from combine control. Somebody else, who i can't remember or find but i think they posted this post on this thread, said something about G-man being the combined thoughts of the vortiguants.

I think, based of those two theories, that G-man is a form of mind control used by the vortiguants "hive" type minds. I think that when they were enslaved by the combine and the Nihilanth they subconsicously attempted to free themselves, using G-man as sort of a distress call, since they couldn't control themselves consiously. They used the image of g-man to act as some sort of High up brass in black mesa (thus the black mesa brief case) and coaxed the scientists into unwittingly causing the resonance cascade. Then with uneven portal occurences everywhere in black mesa, they attempted to get themselves off xen and somebody outside of the Nihilanths control onto xen to destroy the Nihilanth for them. Enter Gordon Freeman. They use G-man to help and guide him to the lambda center where he goes to xen and destroys the Nihilanth. They put gordon in a stasis and then hl 2 happens. This time the vortiguants attempt to free earth from the combine and again use gordon freeman by using the image of g-man to help him along the way. At the end of Hl2 g-man talks about offers for gordons services that he wouldn't normally contemplate. I think these offers are by other enslaved worlds that want Gordon to fight the combine their too.

Their are a couple of problems with this theory i know. One of which is G-man tampering with the nuclear bomb in op force. one, why would g-man do that? Two if he is just a manifestation of Vortiguant hive thinking how can he physically enteract with the world.

i'm probably wrong but oh well.

oh yeah and this theory withstanding the employers he always refers to would obviously be the vortiguants

oh and another thing before i forget, him being a vortiguant thought would acount for his weird stuttering and what not.
Not bad, especially for a first post. Welcome :)
I would love it, but... vorts are aliens. Maybe their 'hive mind' can have a physical manifestation? Or maybe everyone thinks it looks different to them (like, in HL1 Gordon thought he looked like a guy wiht a paper bag on his head, but in HL2 Gordon gets the unpleasant shock of this weirdo thrusting his eye into his eye... i think... bah.)
I think he was an important person in the government of his homeworld,(hence the name G-Man) and the Combine destroyed it to expand thier empire. Now he is working together with the survivors of his world to destroy the Combine, and Gordon just happened to be good enough to help. There are probably other agents like him on other worlds finding people like Gordon to aid them in thier own rebellion against the combine. G-Man's world might also have been a long time enemy of the Combine, so that's why they were the only ones to do anything about it, and they also had useful powers to fight with, so that could be another reason that they were not as afraid to fight the Combine as some of the other worlds.
I think he's working for some power that is above the wars of the combine, humans, and Xen. I think his employers are starting these wars for thier own experiments, and he just deals with Freeman.
I think he was a human government agent who was asimilated bya race who manipulated Earth as they wanted and realy don't like the Combine.
I haven't read this entire post to check if someone already said this but I am pretty sure that the Gman isn't Gordan from the future on the fact that they have different color eyes. Gordan's eyes are green (I am looking at my HL2 box now) and I am pretty sure the Gman has blue eyes. So unless the Gman is into those eye changing color contacs I think that kinda proves he isn't Gordan from the Future.
G-man is barney from the future. Gordon gets killed in the future and the resistance is crushed. Barney comes back to try to keep gordon alive so that the alliance can win
Ok, this is my crackpot theory. In the beginning, when you first see the G-man, he was an actual human. After the resonance cascade some lifeform either takes on the mental projection of that person, or takes over the physical person's brain kinda like the headcrabs do.


the G-man is either a mental projection induced by some intelligent alien lifeform.


The G-man is an alien disguised in a human form, ala Edgar in Men in Black.

...but like I said, that's my crackpot theory. And I will bet $1000 that we'll never really know for sure what the hell the G-man is. And really, finding that out would probably take all the fun out of it. :p
Well, that's my theory: the gman could be the ex-chief of the combine, when he was sacked he planned to bring the combines from Xen to Earth, to destroy them(or a part of'em). He is seen in arguing with a scientist in a locked room at the begging of HL1, so he could have planned the resonance cascade disaster to open the portal between Xen and Earth. I think that for him Gordon Freeman is just a pawn used to accomplish the goal to destroy Nihilanth(maybe it was the leader of Xenians and a slave of the Combine). Why he gives Freeman the choice at the end of HL to die or to continue working for him? Because he knows what Gordon will choose and for a confirmation of their "alliance". Then, in HL2, he brings Freeman in City 17 to destroy the Citadel and dr Wallace Breen so he can complete his reverenge. He stops the time and saves Freeman to continue this mission. It could make sense. I think that he is from an extraterrestrial race (gman could come from Ghost MAN, but we don't know... it's just the name used for the model). I think that the truth will be revealed in HL3.
The Big G has made reference to Gordon's contract being up for sale and so does Breen could G be just an agent in the showbiz sense. Also what are the terms of this contract? Could HL3 see you working for the Combine (how does "HL3: Rise of The Headcrabs" sound??).
[LP] DeaDSwiTcH said:
The Big G has made reference to Gordon's contract being up for sale and so does Breen could G be just an agent in the showbiz sense. Also what are the terms of this contract? Could HL3 see you working for the Combine (how does "HL3: Rise of The Headcrabs" sound??).

October 2003 huh? Could you please stay there, bumping a thread from about 4 month ago is not a step into the present.
Someone says he's Gordon Freeman cause of this: G(ordon) (Free)man
Someone says he's father of Gordon Freeman.

But,i think,they are all wrong.Lets see:
Gman is evil scientist. (U can see the picture when g-man tries to destroy some blue crystal in half life 2).
Maybe he made Black Mesa accident.
I think he want to save Gordon & world cause he want Gordon to become evil.
Maybe in Half life 3 at end u fight with g-man and when game need to end,he hit u near death and then travel with u to some vortigaunt lab or combine lab and then u become combine or something.Then the game ends.

Yeah,i know i suck at thinking about games,but thats the life... :D
well iv done the math, Run the tests, reserched and i found that hes just some bloke.
sory about the pselling

Achievement unlocked!
Read four retarded posts in a row.
Guys. What do you think you're doing in this thread from 2005? Are we going to have to have a little talk?

Darkside, your silly pictures will never intimidate us, no matter how large and pixelated they get!
I looked for you through this thread, Darkside, and seeing you only now makes me sad. :(
First post is a 3 month old thread bump? Look if you're gonna bump a thread at least make it worthwhile and find one that's from '03 or '04.
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