There is MP in Half-Life2! Just no maps yet!

check this out, someone made a mod to make this easier, dont know of any servers up though... someone make a server please? :(
ok, if i started a server, how many people would join ? if i get 2 answers then i'll do it and post the IP
I would not be surprised if Valve has MP for HL2.

Think about it... hype dies down for Halo 2 and other new uber games, and Valve releases a full-fledged MP component that they were working on.

Do you know how much sales will sky-rocket? Greatest sales technique ever if it's true.
I want to play! Someone start a server and tell me if it works!
SubKamran said:
I would not be surprised if Valve has MP for HL2.

Think about it... hype dies down for Halo 2 and other new uber games, and Valve releases a full-fledged MP component that they were working on.

Do you know how much sales will sky-rocket? Greatest sales technique ever if it's true.

I think that they pulled the Hl2 component, so that it wouldn't compete with TF2... hopefully now that HL2 is out, they will reveal some more TF2 details.
So, does noone have a MP server up?
sv_lan 0
deathmatch 1
maxplayers (whatever you want)
map (mapname)
Isn't it possible for someone to make this compatible with All seeing eye?
Any chance of someone putting up a server? I'd really like to give this HL2 Multiplayer a try. :D

I'd put up a server myself but I can't get past my stupid router.
fine, looks like im creating then, IP is ill be up in a minute

well, cant do this, overflowed with errors and game crashed

CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer
CAI_BaseNPC::UpdateSleepState called with NULL pLocalPlayer

non stop
alright, i guess im going to make a server, ip is

Please join!
Do physics work well online? I'd bet they create some serious lag?! Is there a physics oniline support at all? :sniper:
m00b said:
Do physics work well online? I'd bet they create some serious lag?! Is there a physics oniline support at all? :sniper:

they seem to work pretty damn good...
Just played HL2MP 1.1 alpha.
The MP doesnt work that well. You can't see players holding weapons, there aren't working animated playermodels, player collision doesn't work. This all has to be modded and there's a lot to do too. But it's a good start. :thumbs:
I have heard on good authority that valve is going to be releasing a hl2 mp soon...
smeesh said:
I have heard on good authority that valve is going to be releasing a hl2 mp soon...

Pshhh yeah right...

What is YOUR definition of "Good Authority..."?