There's now only one spider in my bathroom.


Jan 15, 2004
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Seeing as I'm incredibly bored (I'm waiting for my FMA download to finish and Het seems to be down, grr) I'll post this here. In I know, I know, it's crazy.

Anyway. Lately I've adopted two new pets; Spider Far and Spider Near, named so because one's got his web on the far side of my bathroom and the other is right next to you when you enter the room. The other family of insects which find shelter in my house - moths - I don't find so appealing. If I leave my window open at night, which I have to do because it's hot, they flock to my lightbulb like... moths to a lightbulb. So I've been hitting two birds with one stone by capturing the bloody annoying moths in my bedroom and feeding the buggers to Spider Near and Spider Far.

However, events took a turn for the worse this night, as while I was releasing a moth into Spider Far's web I accidentally broke it. Cursing, I stumbled back into my room to catch another moth, got one, and swiftly returned to find Spider Far scurrying right into Spider Near's web!

There was nothing I could do. Spider Near, who was far bigger than his distant roommate, leapt upon Far with the speed of a drug abusing cheeta with a jack daniel's bottle stuck up its arse. It only took a minute or so for Near to devour the poor thing.

As I released a remorseful sigh, I elevated the captive moth to Near's web (after-dinner snack?), turned off the light, and watched another episode of FMA with Yellowcard groaning in the background.
If it werent for your sig... I would have cried.
Feeding moths to spiders that live in your house...good times... :P
This one time I fed like 20 flying termites to a spider, he got tired of winding them up in his web (which was a really messy net inside a bucket) and stopped and just sat there thinking wtf...
Aww dear, thats quite sad. I do try to help spiders too. There is one on my window which as many eggs in the corner of its web, and it hadn't eaten in ages, so i check behind the lamp and found a small dead fly, and i put it in the thread and poked it with my finger. The spider thought it was alive and came out and ate it. And i was happy. But anyway, its back up Jim.
Personally, I hate wasps, and I am aware that females can be evil and visious. Spiders and I have a lot in common.

Edit - Still want a pet spider?

It's because the heating equipment near the spider's tank exploded. Pretty stupid, really. Mind you, letting pet reptiles roam your house is pretty cool.

Which episode? :p

Just watched three - downloading four. I really like the central themes of scientific alchemism conflicting with (or existing alongside?) spirituality, and the two brothers are great characters, but the storylines seem pretty weak and cliche'd. Good so far though.
So your spiders nicley secure in its tank is it? eh? eh? You never know. I know we don't have black widows over here, but some of the ones we do get can give pretty bad evils. You think about that whilst you try to get to sleep tonight... *Wags finger*
It's because the heating equipment near the spider's tank exploded. Pretty stupid, really. Mind you, letting pet reptiles roam your house is pretty cool.

Just watched three - downloading four. I really like the central themes of scientific alchemism conflicting with (or existing alongside?) spirituality, and the two brothers are great characters, but the storylines seem pretty weak and cliche'd. Good so far though.

I loved the whole alchemy vs guns type setting, as well as the politics inside. Public service worker = military was an extremely intriguing idea for me.

Just wait till you get to Ep. 37. Best Episode Evar.

The two brothers don't even come out. :p
“He had spiders so aggressive they are the equivalent of a pit-bull in the animal world.”

Um, pitbulls are already animals.
Um, pitbulls are already animals.

Um, but spiders aren't, and that's the point.

[Edit] Maybe you read it wrong. to rephrase it:

"in the animal world, they would be a pit-bull."
When you say something is *blank* of the animal world, you're saying the something is an animal. Like... rhinos are the bulldozer of the animal world or whatever. What they said was like, the animal is the animal of the animal world.
And now for my heart breaking story of love.

Anyhow, it was around the summer back in Russia and I was still a kid at the time. At the time I found grasshopper hunting amusing. Grass hoppers are easy to catch because there is a crap load of them, but there were better, bigger grass hoppers that made a ton of noise. These are called Sarancha in Russia, Locusts in English.
After lots of efforts to capture locusts I caught 2 and put them in my bottle thinking they would behave well with my 16+ other grasshoppers. Little did I know.. Within an hour two locusts had eaten the grasshoppers and were wanting more. By the end of the day they had eaten around 23 grass hoppers to add on to the initial meal.
So I left them on my porch with small holes in the lid for them to breathe through, that was when I found out that locusts make even more noise at night than they make in day. By the end of the morning I found that one locust had turned from a healthy green to a dark purple, the other one was missing both of his back legs and wings, surprisingly he was still alive. Apparently after sexual contact the male would fly off before this would happen.
The story ended up that I set the mutilated one free and kept the purple one. After a while I threw her out into the forest and forgot about it, because I found cooler grass hoppers and didn't want them eaten.

The end.
The last "pet" I had in my bathroom was hugeass-spider-on-floor. Unfortunately he met with the business end of my trash bucket before we could get aquainted.

But for the record, the f*cker was coming right at me :O
Aw.. I feel sad for Far.. Hey, could you keep a internet journal of the spider's experiences? thatd be aweshome... I once had an unseen spider friend.. I called him Mr. Spider. Unfortunately, he died when my mom cleaned behind my bed... sigh.. the unseen conversations we had.. the laughs and the joy.. and so on..
I hate getting attached to small creatures. There was once a little gecko in the bathroom who roamed around and ate insects. Anyway one day while I was having a shower it was stupid enough to get caught in the flow and went down the drainhole. So me feeling real bad turned off the shower, quickly put on some jocks and went back in to find the little guy. After pulling up some disgusting hair "ugh" looking stuff I found him hanging by his tail on one of the drain metal bar things. I put him outside and I lived happily ever after :)
And thats where i come in, i pop out with a rpg and blow the shit out of Zephos!
Last week, a frog (pretty large) got its leg stuck between the door when I closed it. I heard this awful crack. It didn't really move much, he jumped a bit but not convincingly. I didn't have the heart to kill it so I brought him outside near some water hoping he'd recover ;(
We have several nests of spiders in my house.. they're only little, and were in the house when we started renting it.

Me and my housemate tried to get them to leave by hairspraying the nests.. but to no avail.

There was one big one who I named Tedward who lived in the bath.. until one day I trod on him my accident ;(

i'm such a wuss. I dont like spiders, I killed the last one in my room with my badminton racket.

For shaaame!!! D:

Well, me and my dad once pulled a wasp nest out of a cavity in the wall, threw it out the window, then went outside and set it on fire.

Well, me and my dad once pulled a wasp nest out of a cavity in the wall, threw it out the window, then went outside and set it on fire.

:D I'd love to do that. I broke a wasp's nest by throwing a brick at it when I was young.

Did the wasps fly out whilst on fire?
A couple flew out of it, but I think most of them were already dead for some reason. :(

It was fun, though.
Ah yes, the beauty of fire and flammable liquids........ *sigh*
Once, i had a wasp on my window, it was freaking huge, so i smacked it with a book, its been stuck on the window for nearly a month now.

i'm such a wuss. I dont like spiders, I killed the last one in my room

For shaaame!!! D:
hehe same

I killed a spider this morning actually, i was looking through my backpack and managed to find one in there. it met its end with a nice pair of scissors

on a related note, i think theres a wasps nest somewhere in my garden, there's hundreds of the bastards, and quite a few have been getting into the house... they now know the joy of raid ;)
hehe same

I killed a spider this morning actually, i was looking through my backpack and managed to find one in there. it met its end with a nice pair of scissors

on a related note, i think theres a wasps nest somewhere in my garden, there's hundreds of the bastards, and quite a few have been getting into the house... they now know the joy of raid ;)

Oh praise the raid! It shall bring us to a happier place! Save us, oh great raid, save us, like you have for countless others!
i'm such a wuss. I dont like spiders, I killed the last one in my room with my badminton racket.
Not the CHAOS GRID :(

Oh praise the raid! It shall bring us to a happier place! Save us, oh great raid, save us, like you have for countless others!
Sucks how they don't scream "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID!" and explode like in the ad though...