They Call Me Billy Bilo

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Like a fish on a lilo (bonus points for everyone who gets the reference)

Today I've said goodbye to everyone I've spent time with at uni, it's really wierd, people I haven't known that long, but I'm really close to, cos of all we've shared etc.. I've got to stay in the flat till Monday, due to certain stuff, by myself.. so here's to friends, who are there for you who when things go wrong, friends who've meant a lot to you, and you'll miss for the 3 week you're apart before Uni brings you together again.

I love you, University :D

:cheers: Boys and Girls

Songs of the moment:

Foo Fights - My Hero
Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up
Good luck, pal.

Time to enter the real world; hope your chosen career is fruitful and fulfilling.

Went to University myself it was great............oh to step back in time.
baxter said:
Good luck, pal.

Time to enter the real world; hope your chosen career is fruitful and fulfilling.

Went to University myself it was great............oh to step back in time.

Actually, if Stern was to step back in time, then rocks would be new!

...Sorry, CptStern.:angel: I kid.
I'm only in my first year, studying History :) it's fascinating, archive work is really interesting :D

I'm stuck here in my flat for 2 days with 70p to my name, and about 12 tins of carrot and ginger soup.. I bet I produce some of my best artwork during this period though :D

I thought I'll share this photo of me with you, that's just how vain i am :D

Okay, actually quick apologies all around. For some reason I thought it was CptStern posting this. That's what happens when vodka and quick glances at avatars (I thought it was a beefy man, for some reason) mix. *hem*

So, Badger, congrats on getting through another semester. Post the artwork!
Greatgat said:
Okay, actually quick apologies all around. For some reason I thought it was CptStern posting this. That's what happens when vodka and quick glances at avatars (I thought it was a beefy man, for some reason) mix. *hem*

So, Badger, congrats on getting through another semester. Post the artwork!

yea i was wondering why you kept saying stern. And badge, fix that picture
bryanf445 said:
yea i was wondering why you kept saying stern. And badge, fix that picture

Yes, apologies again.

But leave the pic. As already posted, so sechsay.
ComradeBadger said:
I'm only in my first year, studying History :) it's fascinating, archive work is really interesting :D

I'm stuck here in my flat for 2 days with 70p to my name, and about 12 tins of carrot and ginger soup.. I bet I produce some of my best artwork during this period though :D

I thought I'll share this photo of me with you, that's just how vain i am :D


Rest assured you will look back on these years with fondest memories.

My advise to you and anybody else at UNI...........enjoy every minute of it.
That pic of you is pretty sexy badger :D.

Good luck with the soup. Spend the 70p on a second hand condom perhaps?
I've actually got some spare condoms left :p

I need to go buy some beer tomorrow, I've still got my MasterCard, I'll be fine :D

They're from a night called 'Jelly Baby' at Po Na Na Lincoln

£1 drinks :D :D

I'm on VIP there as well, dunno why :E
Who's dick did you suck? OH SNAP! D:


Yeah, I thought the Jelly Babies were the confectionary. Crazy UK'ians.
ComradeBadger said:
Today I've said goodbye to everyone I've spent time with at uni, it's really wierd, people I haven't known that long, but I'm really close to, cos of all we've shared etc..
It's strange, innit? But on the other hand, it makes so much sense - you're all living together having this totally new experience, (I mean, it's not exactly like starting a new school, is it?) and having so much fun.
It's so exciting and fresh - they do say the friends you make at uni will be the ones that last longest, and I can totally understand why.
I've got friends I've known from before uni who I fully intend/expect to know for a long time to come (I've already called godfather to the first born), but uni's been damn important too.