Theyre waiting for you Gordon...

Runteh said:
I played Doom3 for about five minutes, then uninstalled it and took it back to the shop. Just another FPS... Nice graphics though, and the physics are utterly pointless.

Can you do that?

Buy a game and take it back to the store? Oh! :X

I didn't know that... But is that ok? Do you have to pay some fee to do that?

Because if not, people would just buy a game that needs a cd-key, get the cd-key, install the game and return to the store :eek:

I did not know that you could do that! :/
Mountain Man said:
Doom 3 then stole (or at least was significantly "inspired" by) Half-Life's story./QUOTE]

Sooo...the next game that has the same story stole(was inspired by) Doom 3 then. And the next stole was inspired by) that game again. And the next game then etc.....

How can a game steal a story line?! HL dident have a copyright or something.
If people say oom 3 stole the story from HL, then HL stole it from some other game or book or movie or something! :hmph:

alehm said:
I can't believe so many people have missed the point of Half Life.
Think about it, the game starts off with Barney promising to buy Gordon a beer but things get in the way, first it is work, then an experiment goes wrong, then aliens and marines are trying to kill you, then the government drops a nuke on Black Mesa. The whole premise of Half Life was to show sometimes its just impossible to get a good, cold beer.

This is the entire framework for Half Life 2. Will Barney finally buy that beer?

nah...wait for that in HL3 :naughty:
And twhaen you get to drink it, your sight getts fuzzy and begins to sway.
And then the media will accuse HL3 of turning kids into alcoholics:P
Arggg.... I actually believed Barney... I THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO BUY ME A BEER... well thats 30 min wasted at the begining of HL1. BTW 500 post w00t!
alehm said:
I bought Doom 3 and placed it in my CD-ROM and started to install. I took it out at 85% and took it back to the store. It was your run of the mill installation experience.

I hear HL2's installation is going to be awesome I will wait for that.
i hear hl2's installation is going to have really bright flashy lights blinking rapidly and it is going to cause seizures like the old japanese cartoons
What I want to hear during the HL2 installation is the "testing sound ... click next if you hear the wav file being played" and there is an alarm going off.... that was off the chainizzle
HeAdAcHe_BR said:
Can you do that?

Buy a game and take it back to the store? Oh! :X

I didn't know that... But is that ok? Do you have to pay some fee to do that?

Because if not, people would just buy a game that needs a cd-key, get the cd-key, install the game and return to the store :eek:

I did not know that you could do that! :/

Not sure, the last game I ever try to take back was a Need for speed game back in the late 90's. They told me it was opened, but the book and CD were perfect mint ( just opened played for about 1 hour, didnt like it ). So I came back the next day with dad and he told them the game doesnt work on my computer and he wants his money back. They told him he could exchange it for another game, but he fought and in the end after 2 supervisor and 1 manager, I got my money back.

Not sure how it is today, due to auth keys for online play etc. Everquest was like that as well. There Cd-key method is similiar to steam. Once the cd-key is used, it ties into the account and cant ever be used again. Some stores have lists of games that are unreturnable I would assume. Probably in the database marked, so if scanned the clerk would be alerted. Imagine shelling out $60 hard earned dollars only to find out it was bought before, re-sealed and the online key didnt work? I had a friend who was jipped at a gaming store once by mistake. They thought he jacked the key and was trying to talk his way into getting his money back or exchange for another key and have two.
KingPing_NOR said:
And frankly, who cares. The HL and Doom 3 story's are great. Its not like HL has a patent or something. :|
I wanna make The Lord of the Donut whit Growdow saggins as the main character :D And its 100% legal

I dont think your right...
But I digress. Half-Life took the premise and turned it into a genuine story that was something quite distinct from Doom's paper-thin premise. Doom 3 then stole (or at least was significantly "inspired" by) Half-Life's story. As has been pointed out, there are even specific gameplay elements that are lifted almost whole cloth from Half-Life.

Anyone even play the original Doom recently? Half Life was built on what Doom tried, but couldn't exactly pull off, given the times (93). Half Life was what Doom could have been with the correct tools; Doom 3 IS what Doom should have been. Doom 3 ripped as much from HL as HL did from Doom 1. End of story, rabid fanboy discussion aside.
Varg|Hund said:
Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!

EDIT: Well...I..well...I was late :(
Our main weapon is surprise, surprise and fear.
There is a trick that I've used to return a lot of games they don't let you return after opening them (WarCraft III). They might've made a method to counter it by now, although I don't know.

And if you want to know what it is, don't bother asking. I've bought plenty of games only to find the cd-key doesn't work, and it pisses me off when my friends (I use the term loosely (one stole a computer from our school, another stole my PSX (he admitted it, but I didn't get it back))) do it. So many thieves in my town.
I just finished Doom 3 today and I thought it was a incredible gaming exerpince, yes i'm more excited for half-life 2 because im a major fan, but both games are incredible and both deserve praise.

note to Gabe: we don't need steam, we need two swallows to carry the HL2 box games to player's homes by a piece of tree bark.
Mountain Man said:
Nope. Doom had a premise. In fact, the premise was a mainstay of science fiction and horror literature long before Carmack and Romero were even born, so Doom can't even claim the premise as its own. Seriously, "creatures from another dimension coming to take over the earth" is a well worn cliché.

But I digress. Half-Life took the premise and turned it into a genuine story that was something quite distinct from Doom's paper-thin premise. Doom 3 then stole (or at least was significantly "inspired" by) Half-Life's story. As has been pointed out, there are even specific gameplay elements that are lifted almost whole cloth from Half-Life.

Doesn't make Doom 3 a bad game. In fact, it's quite fun and the graphics are amazing. But anybody who doesn't recognize the obvious and significant Half-Life influence is just a blinded id fanboy.

There are definately similarities, but what im saying is that is'nt enough to start flaming id saying they ripped half-life off. As you said, it is a well worn cliche, and i never said that it was id's "idea" to have aliens invading etc, im just saying that it was the first game to do that. My arguement to the previous people is that Doom3 is not ripping the story from half-life but there are certain aspects that do seem very half-life influenced.

So we are joint lol, and im not an id fanboy. I prefer HL 10x more.

One thing i dont get is when you say that Half-Life has a better story, i dont really think it has, certainly the places you go to do certain things is more intricate, but this game was made in 199, and it was a revolutionary graphical game which was far more advanced than Doom, where as Doom was made years before where graphical excellence was poor certainly compared to the engine of half life, so Doom had a very limited level of how much they could do to show their ideas and the intricate parts of the story line. I think its unfair to say that Half-Life's story is so much better, because to be honest i dont think it is, think of it, there is some mysterious guy following you around, a science experiment goes wrong opening a dimension letting monsters into the world, and you have to kill them and escape. Its exactly the same as the original doom imo.

But anyway, HL2 is going to kill Doom3 like a fall swoop from an Ealge into the hind of a rather small fluffy baby rabbit.


Edit: Spelling mishtakes :P
alehm said:
I can't believe so many people have missed the point of Half Life.
Think about it, the game starts off with Barney promising to buy Gordon a beer but things get in the way, first it is work, then an experiment goes wrong, then aliens and marines are trying to kill you, then the government drops a nuke on Black Mesa. The whole premise of Half Life was to show sometimes its just impossible to get a good, cold beer.

This is the entire framework for Half Life 2. Will Barney finally buy that beer?

ROFLMAO!!! :laugh:

Thanks for that!
Made my day!
Sorry to dredge this old fossil up, but doom3 was only released in this country like 3 days ago and I want to add my 2 cents to this argument - if only to take the attention off leaked gossip and goodbye threads.

Having played D3 for the last 2 nights and not been under any preconception that it would blow me away, it blew me away. And i'm pretty hard to please when it comes to games.

I was expecting doom with pretty graphics. Instead I got Half-life with pretty graphics - there is no similarity whatsoever (except the weapon array) between this game and the original it claims to be based on. The Doom3 name tag actually seems pointless, it could be a standalone in it's own right.
Visually, it is stunning - and despite worries about my ATI card not cutting it, it runs fine (rad 9800 pro) at 1280 res with high detail. Apart from the annoying stuttering for the first 5 minutes of every load that is, while my old PIO running invalid of a harddrive tries to catch up.

The storyline is solid, albeit halflife-esque so far (which really doesn't damage either game), atmosphere can be cut with a knife. Rather than scary, the game is intense and has already stiffened up my shoulders and neck from sheer wired tension.

Audio is a let down though, majorly flaky sound (many MANY posts about that subject on various doom forums, none with a cure-all solution) that will need to be a patch fix. Stuttering and repeating sounds can be stopped by disabling HDD write cache but that's a feeble workaround, and it doesn't stop the sound cutting out altogether periodically or the jumpy and choppy graphics.
The sound quality and balance is also poor, pistol shots are quieter than footsteps, yet voiceovers can barely be heard over ambient machinery noise. Maybe this is just my audio setup, but I doubt it as the onboard nvidia soundstorm runs all other games just fine.

Apart from the set-up options being very limited and the screens amateurish - almost like an afterthought, those are my only gripes. This game is one of the best fps i've played and should be owned by every serious gamer. Although i'd rather not have to, i've become used to the stutters and having to go into options every 10 minutes to switch the sound back on. It's worth the effort.

So to the crux of the matter - is it a halflife rip off?
Story wise, they are the same (as far as i've played to Alpha labs 4) but I wouldn't say one has stolen anything from the other. More like borrowed, or been inspired by. Everything is based on something else, can't get away from that.

Half-life2 has a lot to match up to, but if it is as polished graphically as D3, plays as fluidly and doesn't have the bugs, I think it will certainly be a better game.
God dammit, id is such a rip-off company.

Like, you're in a research facility, right? Ripped straight from Half-Life.

And then stuff teleports in? That's copyrighted by Valve.

And there's this female voice on the monorail that says stuff. Guess what other game that was from!

Oh my god, and then they had the balls to put scientists in their game. Scientists! HALF-LIFE CREATED SCIENTISTS, YOU CHEAPSKATES!

I'm not even gonna get into the fact that they both have *gasp* weapons and character interaction. Nuh-uh. I think it's quite clear by now that id obviously took Half-Life and ported it over to their new engine and only changed the most minor of details. Those scumbags. I hope Valve sues them for all their money. They're such rip-offs!
hasan said:
lol hl2 is 3.5 GB uncompressed .. I bet installing it from 6 CD's is gonna be some cool experience :/

It's already confirmed that HL2 will be 4CDs or 1 DVD. Not bad for a modern game.
john121 said:

note to Gabe: we don't need steam, we need two swallows to carry the HL2 box games to player's homes by a piece of tree bark.

African or European? :P
They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamburrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
ItchyFish said:
All the people from the first 6is posts are making yourselves sound a bit foolish imo, seeing how Doom came out before HalfLife by a considerable amount of years, and the story for Doom3 is basically the same for Doom, so infact it is HalfLife who copied Doom dont you think?

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. iD stated that DOOM3 takes place as though DOOM1 & 2 never happened.

So we can still complain about originality.
I'm a die hard FPS junkie. Can't get enough of them.
Doom was an awesome experience.
HL1 was an awesome experience
Doom3 was a great experience - very nicely done.
I can't wait to get my hands on HL2. At the end of the day each company is producing something special. Sure D3 has the eye candy and tense atmosphere just as HL2 will have eye candy, engaging storyline and amazing gameplay. All in all you have to admire the developers for producing such quality products. OK, they're not as groundbreaking as say Doom was all those years ago but hopefully HL2 will fill this hole and truly raise the bar for future games.

Here's to the next 10 years!
Star WARS ripped out Doom 3!!!!111 Low blow
Ok since this has sort of been a back and forth battle of D3 vs HL2 blah blah blah...I will decide the final blow that will determine which one is better. The verdict goes to HL2. Why?? because D3 has 3 disks and HL2 will have 4 disks, need I say more??? :)
what do you expect... it's doom 3. a mindless shooter. thats what doom is. it's fun to shoot things.
Runteh said:
I played Doom3 for about five minutes, then uninstalled it and took it back to the shop. Just another FPS... Nice graphics though, and the physics are utterly pointless.
you're lieing
Xenome said:
Doom 3 steals ALOT of things from half-life 1, not only the story, but also things people say, and stuff like that ..

for example the women-voice in the monorail ride also says "in the event of an emergency", and a scientist says "dont go there, im not going with you, its hell out there" ( something like that)

Just all small things 'stolen' from hl, i expected more from Id software..

but furthermore doom 3 is a great game :)

Not that it took anything from Doom, Doom II, or Final Doom.
Pitbul said:
you have those screenshots on low detail, i can run Doom 3 on high detail at 1024x768 on my 9600XT.
Sorry but WTF does that have to do with what we are talking about!?

I frankly don't care who's storyline is better or who stole what, as long as HL2 has a good storyline and I enjoy it!

And the same thing with Half-Life.
But was that same plot used in Doom? I never played it so I don't know...