Thing that Breen was talking to *Possible HL3 Spoiler*

I think you should all relax and let valve guide you into half life 3. Plus i dont think you will have to wait for five years for it.

Early 2006 maybe?

Gman is the key to it all. All of gordons actions have been carefully scripted. Breen is a pawn of the combine as you say and has been shown the true interdimensional reality of the universe. I am with the corrupted human gone mad theory.

I have an itchy feeling he will return in half life3. Gman is from a parent race that exists where time isnt a constant for them. In fact time dosent even exist for Gman.

Eventually time won't exist for Gordon.......

and he will ascend lol :rolling:

discuss fellow carbon units
(its not real you know)
Hmmm since the Metrocops are just volunteered humans, how come they wear the gasmask? (With the awesome voice changing thing, which i want one of) I mean I thought the Combine wore them as they were replacing the air with something they can breathe, but the humans dont need a gasmask unless its already been replaced, in which case shouldnt some of the unmasked Civilians cough or choke slightly? Or do they simply wear the masks to intimidate and make them look more like an army?
im quite late finding this.

as for the thing being the "benefactor" why is one of the chapters called "Our Benefactors"? I was under the impression that the benefactors were the people like Alyx's father in the little things inside teh citadel (I hoipe you understand my GREAT description).

Breen also talks about our benefactors in the beginning of the game while he is on the screen.
I think this was his benefactor cos Breen was asking him stuff (cant exactly remember what) it looked that way anyway...
It says in the guide what that is...but i forget as too i just looked at it in a store.
Yeah, this model was in the leaked build.

The name of it is .................."The Advisor" *gasp*
To Simonomis:
I think the "gasmask" is a combination of both. It allows "trans-humans" to be assigned offworld, and also serves as a means to differentiate those that have adopted the "Combine way" from those that have not. Ultimately, the Combine is about assimilation.
I've not read the rest of the thread, but according to the strat guide:

Combine advisor - Behold a face of the combine; a giant, green, sluglike entity with the gift of telekenisis appears for the briefest of moments on Breen's largest computer monitor. It blinks out of view a moment later.
Everyone should check out the model viewer. You get it when you install the source SDK. It has a buncha cool deleted and underused models in there too, like the chaingun toting synth (which i beleive you see at the end of the game during your pod ride), mortar synth, and the icthyosaur. You can check out the model animations too, its great stuff. Also when you look at the combine advisor in it, it looks like the same texture and color as the nililinth (or however u spell it)

Combine theory 1: However, I still don't think the nililith and the combine advisor (the big slug guy who talks to breen) are the acual combine. If you look closesly, they both look like they've been sewn together. I beleive they are both just powerful pawns of the combine, which we still haven't seen a real member of.

Combine theory 2: Or my other theory is that there is no pure member of the combine race. The advisor and nililinth were ancient creations of a now-extinct or conquered race (note the ruins on the advisor's neck). They overthrew their creators and kept building onto themselves (the stiches on the nililith and the advisor). I think there also might be a huge, biomechanical, combine leader or group of combine eldar creations. He, or they, would've been the first creation/s, or the strongest early creation/s, who keeps building onto himself/themselves and leading the combine.

Also, I think Earth might've just been a minor stop for resources for the combine. Although there are hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of combine war machines and soldiers on Earth, they all seem like minor forces when you think that the combine has conquered lots of other planets. Or maybe they used all their big guns during the seven hour war, then withdrew them to other planets where they were needed. They didn't beleive earth to be enough of a threat to keep they're big guns here, so They then transformed many of earth's citizens into their peace keeping forces (combine soldiers) to quell rebellions. They also left a small number of their minor war machines (striders, gunships, etc.) to help out until more could be made from the citidels all over the world.

To sum it all up, the Combine just conquered Earth to be another one of their troop building and resource absorbing factories to support a much larger war.

This is where the G-Man comes in.

G-Man theory 1: I beleive the G-Man is part of an interdimensional company or race much larger than the Combine or whoever their opponents are. The G-Man's company or race bascially screws around wherever they can by giving instant saviors to whoever needs them, but I'm still not quite sure what the G-Man's race would get out of this though, but it all probably effects something bigger that is within their best interests. Or maybe its just for intertainment, who knows?

G-Man theory 2: The G-Man is part of an advanced race that is having a huge war with the combine. The G-Man's race is powerful, but few in number. The G-Man is a lone agent of this race that is assigned to mess up the combine's plans for Earth. His human form is not what he really looks like. His real form may be something humans cannot comprehend, or maybe he's just a robot or some kind of advanced projection. The G-Man being a robot or projection could explain his indestructibility and his strange form of talking that is probably pieced together by an adaptation device that allows him to speak the language of any race he comes in contact with. This also explains why he always seems to be everywhere you are: He either has internal mechanisms that allow him to teleport (robot) or he has multible projections of himself around the world.
The combine are a lot like a mix between the borg from startrek and the aliens that attack earth in indipendence day. They "assimilate" any alien races they conquer, (the striders and other synths, are most likely alien lifeformes modified by the combine for combat use), and rape the conquered words of their natural resources.

I acualy love this model, because it makes perfect sense. If you think about it its exactly what the white man was doing during colonial times, establishing colonies, taking their natural resources and enslaving the people. So in a way the combine are much like us.

Its thiese details that make the story of hl so believable, and the reason i am convinced the writer is a genious.
The animations for the advisor make it look like it's being held up by a bag and the blue things on top are hover generators, it hangs in midair.

I kinda hope valve releases all those "cut" models at some point.
Hmm... I wonder wat year Gordon Freeman will return... maybe in another 10 years.
Seen that already lol.

its a combine advisor, the combines real form imo
As true as can be, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Here's mine.

Ever wondered how G-man seems to know absolutely every step and action our friend Gordon takes? My theory is - that in some way the G is ... well, the answer. The G-Man is Gordon himself. Not as a spit image from the future, but as an oposite of himself, a twisted mirror. I believe G-Man deliberately makes himself into somwhat of a nemisis for Gordon, as an insurance - An isurance that Gordon won't forget, nor rest. Who better to lure you through hell and back, than yourself?

Pretty sure a whole lot of ppl already thought of this, but I did just now. I couldn't care less what sceptics think, for the time being - I found an answer that suits me perfect :D
The Alien might not be modeled completly, it could just be the head of something much larger
Samon said:
Its modelled completley

how can u really know. It really just looks like a slug. It is possible that it is the head connected to the neck of something much larger.
To me it looks like it doesn't conect to anything. The other end is a bit dark though, so you can't really see
The model of the Combine Advisor shown in the first post of this thread matches the picture and description in HL2: Raising The Bar(pg. 83) of what a Combine Advisor is: a highly developed intellect in a feeble, slug-like body, kept alive and mobile by the advanced technology that encases it. There is no body model that it attaches to; that IS its whole body. It relies on the rest of the Combine to shield it from any direct confrontation, which probably explains why the only times you ever see one in-game is on the far side of a cross-dimentional communication link.

As for the Advisor model animations I can only imagine that Valve, at some point earlier in the design, placed an Advisor on Earth, but later decided that it just didn't fit with the kind of position and tactics that the Advisors would take, and so moved the "brain slug" off-world. However, by the time that change was made they already had some animations for the model, so Valve just left them in (perhaps for us to play with and speculate over.)
Seppo said:
To me it looks like it doesn't conect to anything. The other end is a bit dark though, so you can't really see
it is really connected... it a slug with some wires and cords that help it to suspend from the air. :smoking:
the alien is the combine "benefactors"

he looks so scary!!! like when i fill a sleeping bag with pillows and strap it with a few belts!! ooohhh im shaking!

this is just like final fantasy x when sin the final boss is a tiny litte bug.
the alien is the combine "benefactors"

Yes, it was confirmed back in the thread awhile ago...but hey i don't really except you to read through all 7 pages, although might be of some help