Things People Do That Annoy You

--People who cannot put their cell phones down for one second are really annoying. It's a phone, get over it and get over yourself.

--Girls that take self portraits with a scrunched up face and peace sign while looking out of frame. Not sexy, not edgy, not cool, just makes me wish you were dead.

--Bros. Anyone from California will know what I'm talking about. These people are the scum of the earth. If you're from England, think Chav and that's basically it. Just replace tracksuits with all black shirt and shorts and ricer cars with lifted trucks.

--People that talk non-stop about how wasted they got last night.

--People that take photos at parties and hold up their alcohol in the photos as if it's some kind of evidence that they were at a party and having a good time.

--People who really suck at motocross and think it's okay to get on the track with a bunch of skilled riders.

--Girls that wear those ridiculously huge sunglasses. They're not cute, they don't make you look cool, they're just ugly as sin and the only reason you wear them is because you're an idiot that does whatever MTV says is cool. Every time I see someone wearing these, I want to grab the glasses, throw them on the ground, and repeatedly stomp on them.

--People who are obsessed with Apple products and think that everything Apple comes out with is underground and edgy. It's mass-marketed, mass-produced edginess, you idiots. It's like Hollister clothing. I have a Macbook, but it's nothing to get too excited about. It's a nice computer that does everyday computer tasks with a few neat features, nothing more. Chill out.

--People who wear nothing but Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. Wow, you're cool with your $100 T-shirt. Actually, you're a retard who laps up anything trendy and you have no idea what you actually like. You just want a status symbol to wear. Except instead of being a status indicator, these products are really just a warning label that says "Stay away from me, I'm a trendy, tasteless idiot."

--People who leave the sticker on their baseball hats just because some douchebag rapper did it and now it's trendy. If they lose the sticker, the hat is no good. **** New Era. Leaving the sticker on your hat is retarded. Please reevaluate your right to breathe if you do this.

--Die-hard "conservatives" that think that being a conservative means doing the opposite of whatever the democrats want to do. Wrong, asshole.

--The phrase "same difference." What does that even mean?

The worst! You are driving down the street, or the highway, and some retard waiting to get on looks right AT you, then pulls out in front of you just as you get there. That REALLY steams me. Makes me want a 1970 rusted out Ford F-150 with a snow plow on the front, and just let em' have it. Ooooppsss, I just didn't see you there.....
--People who cannot put their cell phones down for one second are really annoying. It's a phone, get over it and get over yourself.

--Girls that take self portraits with a scrunched up face and peace sign while looking out of frame. Not sexy, not edgy, not cool, just makes me wish you were dead.

--Bros. Anyone from California will know what I'm talking about. These people are the scum of the earth. If you're from England, think Chav and that's basically it. Just replace tracksuits with all black shirt and shorts and ricer cars with lifted trucks.

--People that talk non-stop about how wasted they got last night.

--People that take photos at parties and hold up their alcohol in the photos as if it's some kind of evidence that they were at a party and having a good time.

--People who really suck at motocross and think it's okay to get on the track with a bunch of skilled riders.

--Girls that wear those ridiculously huge sunglasses. They're not cute, they don't make you look cool, they're just ugly as sin and the only reason you wear them is because you're an idiot that does whatever MTV says is cool. Every time I see someone wearing these, I want to grab the glasses, throw them on the ground, and repeatedly stomp on them.

--People who are obsessed with Apple products and think that everything Apple comes out with is underground and edgy. It's mass-marketed, mass-produced edginess, you idiots. It's like Hollister clothing. I have a Macbook, but it's nothing to get too excited about. It's a nice computer that does everyday computer tasks with a few neat features, nothing more. Chill out.

--People who wear nothing but Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. Wow, you're cool with your $100 T-shirt. Actually, you're a retard who laps up anything trendy and you have no idea what you actually like. You just want a status symbol to wear. Except instead of being a status indicator, these products are really just a warning label that says "Stay away from me, I'm a trendy, tasteless idiot."

--People who leave the sticker on their baseball hats just because some douchebag rapper did it and now it's trendy. If they lose the sticker, the hat is no good. **** New Era. Leaving the sticker on your hat is retarded. Please reevaluate your right to breathe if you do this.

--Die-hard "conservatives" that think that being a conservative means doing the opposite of whatever the democrats want to do. Wrong, asshole.

--The phrase "same difference." What does that even mean?

We must be related. Or... oh just do me.
People who are obsessed with Japan to the point where they start learning the language.
People who are obsessed with Japan to the point where they start learning the language.

Huh? If they're obsessed with Japan then learning the language is of use to them. How does that annoy you? Here let me rephrase what you wrote.

People who are obsessed with a topic and won't shut up about it.
- People who go into movies and half way through decide to have a text-a-thon to their friends. You're there to watch the movie dickwad, not obsess over your phone.

- People sneezing when you're trying to talk to them. I know they can't help it, but it's a pet peeve.

- People who boast about pirating music, videos and such and then chastise and ridicule those who purchase the products.
People who are obsessed with Japan to the point where they start learning the language.

Meh, most of them don't really learn it, they just drop 'sugoi' or 'kawaii' into conversation.

I don't mind some Japanese culture - I enjoy the food and the history - but the ****ing 80's cute revolution drives me nuts. My girlfriend just bought a Korean doll for over 350 pounds :sleep: BUY A CONSOLE! OR ANYTHING! ANYTHING ELSE!
"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to apologise"

'nuff said really.

Who the hell says that? Stupid and obnoxious.... weird.


#1. Communists. Enough said. :p

#2. The people who visit your house to preach about jesus. No thanks lady, don't come again or I'll call the police.

#3. When people repeat what they've said again and again and again.

#4. Girls who think they're pretty and should be treated like queens.

#5.... well, there should be more...

East Asians, brownies would be 10x better.


Meh, most of them don't really learn it, they just drop 'sugoi' or 'kawaii' into conversation.

Heh. If someone did that here, we'd be stomping on him. :p Hatred runs deep.
- Bunny Boilers, girls who call you after you just been out together, ''so what are you doing now?'' /facepalms.

- People who don't have the money ready when waiting in a long queue to get something, wtf are you doing while waiting?

- That Abercrombie thing we have over here, its ridiculous, their clothes aren't even nice or stylish, a normal hoody with a big logo on it? wtf. That whole MTV Laguna Beach and spinoff culture that i see with some people in college irks me, for instance, girls who are wear pink, are orange with blonde hair. Its like the guido culture or sumit i saw in the States.

- Obnoxious drunks.

- Guys who piss all over the toilet seat in restrooms and don't clean it, omfg.

- People with really bad body odour.

- MORE TRAVEL RELATED! People who stand in front of the doors when people are trying to get off a crowded bus/train. Erm yeah move please, you will get on once WE CAN GET OFF!

- People who ring you and tell you to call them back immediately.

- Over-use of the word "like", "so like" "oh my god", "are you seeerious!?"

- People who don't wipe their sweat off gym equipment.

- People who know every loop-hole to get money from social services.

- Lazy Irish Tradesmen.

- People taking forever at atms.

- People licking thier fingers, ****ing slobbering, after eating something.
People who have seen a movie more than once and right when something is about to happen they say to you "Ohh shit get ready!" And also the people who go to the movies to text WTF?
(1) People who abuse the following words/phrases - cool, awesome, gross, no way, like, really.

(2) People who hate things for the sole reason that they are popular.
"Yeah, I hate Green day's new album, it's so mainstream!"
What? Since when is mainstream-ness related to quality? Get a better reason.

(3) And people who actually roll their eyes when they are being sarcastic. Jeezus, sarcasm is supposed to be subtle. You're doing it wrong.
The worst! You are driving down the street, or the highway, and some retard waiting to get on looks right AT you, then pulls out in front of you just as you get there. That REALLY steams me. Makes me want a 1970 rusted out Ford F-150 with a snow plow on the front, and just let em' have it. Ooooppsss, I just didn't see you there.....

Hehehe.. I agree.

1) The younger generation males that wear those baggy pants that hang off their Butt. I always get a laugh when some kid is holding up his pants with one hand while doing that certain kind of run/waddle. You know the one, where the kid has to run with his legs spread apart otherwise his pants will fall down. Haha!

My daughter who is 10, was out shopping with me last month & she saw this kid dressed up in them baggy clothes & doing that baggy-pants run which was very pronounced. So before I could stop her, she leans out the window & tells the kid to pull up his pants, because it was making him run funny. I almost crashed the car, I was laughing so hard. If you want to express yourself, thats fine, but I don't appreciate my daughter seeing your tighty-whities.

People who treat abortion as something to be taken lightly.
I annoy myself with my lack of general social graces. I don't fit in well with my "peers".
Esotaricsm. ((Spelling :<))

Are you talking ethically?

Becuase I think there's only two stances you can take with abortion; ethically it's no more wrong than flipping a coin; or its murder of a child.
Is it bad I can't think of things that annoy me? I mean, I can't gather anything to write down. Nothing, nothing at all is coming to me as I sit here and type this.

What the ****...? Heh, something is wrong with my brain. :|
People who think every second not eating, sleeping, or exercising is made for sending text messages. What annoys me is that when I get them, they're not even for a purpose or entertaining.

"LOL, what are doing later, i so bored right now"

Either that or gay ass forwards which, due to my not sending them, I have several cases of bad luck, STDs, depression, and I will never meet my true love.:|
Is it bad I can't think of things that annoy me? I mean, I can't gather anything to write down. Nothing, nothing at all is coming to me as I sit here and type this.

What the ****...? Heh, something is wrong with my brain. :|

How come you move around so much?
i don't get that feeling a lot, i'm usually wrong
When people [Samon] log-off Steam to do something else. [socialise]
People who act like the whole world owes them something.

Well actually I hate almost everything about people.
IAWTC so hard. I'm all for having it as an option, but it pisses me off when people are like "oh she should just have an abortion" if a couple can't afford to have a child or something. Even worse is when they act like she's being irresponsible if she doesn't have one.

Heh...I'm against it completely. A dark world it is when a mother turns on her young, born or not. And bugger off with your false ethics, nay-sayers.

Annoyed by people perpetually on welfare.
Criminals who should be put to death but are not.
1) The younger generation males that wear those baggy pants that hang off their Butt. I always get a laugh when some kid is holding up his pants with one hand while doing that certain kind of run/waddle. You know the one, where the kid has to run with his legs spread apart otherwise his pants will fall down. Haha!

My daughter who is 10, was out shopping with me last month & she saw this kid dressed up in them baggy clothes & doing that baggy-pants run which was very pronounced. So before I could stop her, she leans out the window & tells the kid to pull up his pants, because it was making him run funny. I almost crashed the car, I was laughing so hard. If you want to express yourself, thats fine, but I don't appreciate my daughter seeing your tighty-whities.

Oh, too funny! I hear exactly what you are saying. My son went through that phase briefly before he figured out how stupid it acually looked. It's all about being "in" and "hip". That cozy snuggly feeling of "belonging" to a clicky little group. NICE one MRG!
When people try to punk me out or make a fool out of me. :sleep:

I can do that my own damn self. :frown:
People who drink Diet Coke or any other diet drink.

It's more dangerous that the regular stuff, you dickheads!
1) People that flash "Signs" when they get their pictures taken. Every time I see that, I think that they must have had their picture taken mid-finger-spasm. Whats that condition called that older people get? Ah yes, Dupuytren's Contracture.


When I say "I can't find something, do you know where it is?" and the first thing out of somebodies mouth is "Oh, it's not in the insertrandomlocationhere???".
When I'm in a tiny computer room when my former intern/co-worker purposely farts in my office with my mouth open. (yawning or something of that nature):dozey: Other forms of this includes (but is not limited to) my aging father who has trouble holding his gas these days and farts in my room.:p (I'm begining to wonder if he does it on purpose however.) I know, my life's not stessful enough to have any real annoyances. Oh, and know-it-all bigots that think just because they have more pedigrees and certs than me, they automatically know more than me. ( And most of the time, they really don't. :frown: )
When I'm in a tiny computer room when my former intern/co-worker purposely farts in my office with my mouth open. (yawning or something of that nature):dozey: Other forms of this includes (but is not limited to) my aging father who has trouble holding his gas these days and farts in my room.:p (I'm begining to wonder if he does it on purpose however.) I know, my life's not stessful enough to have any real annoyances. Oh, and know-it-all bigots that think just because they have more pedigrees and certs than me, they automatically know more than me. ( And most of the time, they really don't. :frown: )

When I'm in a tiny computer room when my former intern/co-worker purposely farts in my office with my mouth open. (yawning or something of that nature)
