Things that make you go '000OOOOOooooooo...'


Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
Post your most exhilirating 'WoW!' moment, during playing this game.

Mine would be-

Leading my Antlion Army against the Prison Combine on the beach.

'We will fight them on the beaches!'

Running away from the strider walking at you through the tunnel with the Lone Combine Soldier.

'It's quiet....Too Quiet....'

Running from the CP's in the first section.

'It's Civil Protection, RUN! *whack* *stampede*

Emerging into the roof of the museum, and seeing the all out warfare below, and seeing your first Strider's in full.

What are yours?
The part after Nova Prospekt where you emerge with dog into the streets and hear the sounds of rebellion, all while watching dog whip some ASS.

Also the Citadel was great.
The moment i stepped out from the trainstation and into the plaza...
The whole tenements section, sizeable parts of the water hazard section (ooh, sparkly water and driving as fast as possible from nasty helicopters!) and without a doubt, Dog's car throwing antics after the slow teleport event. I'm certain that sequence is the single best sequence in a computer game ever.
the citadel in and out, the big bridge, and when i saw how much headcrabs were in the ravenholm mines.
in nova prsopekt, your in this really dark room, and the combine thorw these red tracers, not a very big part of the game, but i thought it was awesome
The defining moment for me was running from the Combine in City17 , up the stairs and at one point blacking out too hear a female voice say 'oh no you dont' and waking up to see Alyx. Saying to myself hmmm realistically rendered and tough too. As I looked upon several Combine bodies. I spent the next hour trying to get a date with her but we could not find a Bistro in City17. So we exchanged numbers and promised to call. Now can someone tell me where the Hell my cell-phone is ?
Mine would have to be:

Me and father Grigori fighting of the zombies in the graveyard :D

Running away from that crouched strider in the tunnel (gawd that was leet :p)

And of course, my first fight with the rebellion
Probably at the end of Entanglement with Alyx setting up the teleport. I remember thinking that I'd have an infinite amount of time to set up the turrets. Did the first: fine, did the second, and then Boom - they were coming. It felt so real.

I kind of threw the last one down, but after waves and waves of soldiers the turrets were still holding. Alyx was shooting, I was shooting, the turrets were shooting. It really felt like a last stand. And then suddenly the teleport was ready and we rushed in as waves of troops descended on the place.

After we arrived back at the lab I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw Kliener and he started speaking. That's when I realised Valve had nailed it.
as stated above, steping off of the train was my favorite part because I knew that this game would kick some serious ass
For me it had to be in Ravenholm there was a Zombie in a cage I turned on the gas fired it up and watched it fry . :flame:
Once I was inside the Citadel, from there on out I played the rest of the game with my jaw on the floor.
i had more wow moments in hl2 than i could possible enumerate ;), but my wow-award goes to the facial animation, that's just...well, wow.
not really a wow moment, but the crane had me grinning from ear to ear... 'specially when i dropped a 100 ton trailer on the Combine.... aaaahhhh....
After beating the game 1.5 times, I STILL wow over the physics... over launching a barrel 1/4 of a mile or taking out a combine soldier with a frickin RADIATOR of all things... and then watching the radiator bounce/roll around like I'm sure a real radiator would.

But, I knew that this game was going to be the best thing ever during the openning sequence. How it zooms out of the insanely detailed G-Man's eye... and then you see through him to Hl1 and his facial animations and everything... and then, to top it all off, it zooms out and he's an actual character model! Just as detailed as everyone else!

Of course, Dog's fighting sequence was just plain MAGNIFICANT!
i gotta say, getting the uber grav gun was awesome. I just loved it when I ripped the monitor out while Breen was still speaking thinking, "I dont have to and dont want to listen to you. So I wont." Awesomeness.
When you have your own squad resistance fighters. Especially the part where everybody has an RPG trying to kill the Striders
Other then the stuff others have mentioned...

Fighting the gunships is pretty cool, sepcialy when you kill em and they come crashing down blowing everything else outta the way.
When I updated my system & got the game running without any stutters or crashes :thumbs:

After that it was OOOoooooo all the way to be honest. The Train station (without stutters) was a fantastic intro. The first time your pushed back by a Combine Metro cop, Throwing rubbish at people's heads, The quality of the voice acting, The quality of the human chracters & animation, The dynamic (reflective) lighting on the floor, The realism of the location(s). Quality all the way. Amazing.

Experimenting with the physics for the first time in that run down kids playground. I thought that part was kind of ironic - Me, Like a child with a new toy (In this case HL2's physics) Playing in a kids playground. Fantastic moment.

The water effects. WOW!

Setting a zombie on fire with a butane gas bottle, Cutting Zombies in half with a rotor saw blade

The list goes on & on. The more I play it & think about the more I realise what an incredible piece of work HL2 is.
Notice how everyone's answer has not been the same. The makings of a classic game is where almost anything can be drawn upon as awsome.

One of my favorite moments was the entire bridge sequence. That was tense as one wrong move means a fall to the death (damn shallow water!! :D). Also, having the gunship appear when I was without rockets was scary and exhilarating. Finally nearly getting plastered by the oncoming train at the end of the sequence was the icing on the cake for me.
Grundlegod said:
as stated above, steping off of the train was my favorite part because I knew that this game would kick some serious ass

same here
Most Satisfying Moments

1. Driving the boat in Water Hazard through the wooden supports frot he bridges, and watching with glee as the combines shooting from above fell into the water!

2. Playing around in Highway 17, aiming at the ground with the crossbow, having the bolt bounce up again, then slam into the head of an unsuspecting metro cop, 1/2 a km away, nailing him to one of the pinnacle shaped rocks.....ahhhhhhh
Some more...

Using my Uber Gravity Gun to chuck Combine, spinning 50 ft. into the air, then seeing them come down 5 seconds later.

The falling smokestack-

I was speeding along in the airboat and saw the smokestack and i though 'Crap, that must be part of the background.' then a missile hit it and it starts to fall, then when it falls, i zoom into a broken part of the pipe and do a full loop around the inside before shooting out the other end.

i thought that the air boat chase was crazy, cuz u constantly have a sense of being chased. in fact, the only part i didnt like was ravenholme, cuz those fast zombies kept on popping up everywhere.
When you are in the Citadel and toward Breen's office.

You see bunch of Synths gathering up in the Citadel. Striders, Gunships, Mortal Synths, Crab Synths.

I was like "holy hell..."
it made me say WOW wen I saw rebel fighters fighting against the combine soldiers and striders. the battle was awesome!!!
The first time I played it was on a geforce mx440, so when I played through again last night with a 9600xt I was ooooin and aaahing at the graphics a lot. Best bits:

Cool effect when striders use huge blue gun (although much underused :()
The way a strider can always eventually find an angle to shoot me from.. they are damn smart.

Effect on breen's teleporter at the end
Facial expressions on alyx and eli in breen's study

Also I know it's not HL2 but in CS: Source I was properly ambushed by the bots.. impressive it was.
i thought it was really cool when you assault that muesem in follow freeman
When Barney first gives you your crowbar - right after you look at the citadel, and see all the scanners coming out to find you.

That, and when Dog kicks everyone's ass, and takes off on the dropship.
Seeing G-man's face. Getting off the train, seeing that bloody chair, going into the plaza, going into the apartments with the T.V's, when the combine start to chase you..... you get the idea.
Route canal, I almost cried when I saw the water. ;(

The overwatch rifle secondary fire :sniper:

The end (Too good to insert a stupid smilie)
I'm gonna have to go with looking down at the city while going up the citadel.
lasagne said:
i thought it was really cool when you assault that muesem in follow freeman
well, its really cool. especially wen you see the resistance vs. combine in the gardens fighting. it was sooo cool. :cool:
man, now that i just beat the game, i think the end, and the organic grav. gun.

also loved the tram rides in the citadel, seeing the stalkers was cool.
I have to re-iterate the Dog sequence. What makes this sequence so awesome is it is different each time. The car that Dog throws will bounce a different way each time due to the dynamic physics engine, and thus smash the approaching combine troops differently each time.

And once Dog starts boxing the combine, depending on how they move changes the way they will get smashed by Dog.

So frickin' awesome.
The first time I ran the game, the stutter bug and performance was a real problem. Loading times were helluva slow, as well. But now I've figured out how Steam downloads the updates, and have a fully patched version, the game has gotten unbelievable. Going from long loading times, stutters and laggy fps at 1024x768 medium detail, to no stuttering, 30fps and quick loading times at max detail and 4aa feels insane. Wish I'd played it like that the first time.