Things that make you go '000OOOOOooooooo...'

Seeing dog get hit a few times with rocket rounds, taking out a APC by chucking it at a shop full of combine soldiers then jumping onto a dropship, leaving you behind to "face the music"
ranga said:
2. Playing around in Highway 17, aiming at the ground with the crossbow, having the bolt bounce up again, then slam into the head of an unsuspecting metro cop, 1/2 a km away, nailing him to one of the pinnacle shaped rocks.....ahhhhhhh
Since when do the crossbow bolts bounce
When you hit on an angle.

Best bit? Reading depression on the citizen'z faces... that girl who was at the railway station (Where you the only ones on that train?)...

Antlion Assult...

That harbour bit, and shooing away the Hunter-Chopper...

Ravenhom Cable car...

Breens office...

there are so many more i don't remember...
Just outside the citadel.
That's just one though. I'm not in the mood to mention thirty others. :p
Murray said:
Just outside the citadel.
That's just one though. I'm not in the mood to mention thirty others. :p
Har har! You stole my signature so I stole the only part of yours that was unique :E

The thing that went me go '000OOOOOooooooo' was in Route Kanal / Water Hazard where you're on the mudskipper and all of a sudden a massive chimney starts to collapse and break into pieces. Naturally the '000OOOOOooooooo' was followed by 'Oh shit!!!' as I crashed into the bugger.
rpgprog said:
Since when do the crossbow bolts bounce
The bolt indeed bounce. you can even kill multiple enemies by using that technique. :E
Mine was definately when I first stepped out into the plaza, in the beginning of the game, the Citadel in veiw. I just.. Looked at it. For ten minutes. First, I was just like, "Ooh. Outdoor archetecture and atmospheric effects." Then it kinda dawned on me how familliar it looked. It reminded me so much of Hanzel und Gretyl's 'Purity'. If you dont know the band, I cry for your soul. It was just so awesome.
For me...
Hmm what part made me say WoW...every part!
Now what part made me say WoW the most!
super hmm...
hard question..
When I first got to mess with the grav gun for myself.
I couldn't believe the gravgun was soooo great :)
To bad I couldn't of beat the crap out of dog with it..
*Plays Garrys Mod*
Now I can!

The only reason I choose the grav gun area was because all of the sudden some very familiar liquid flew up onto the screen. It was very odd substance.. Was soo familier!
Sid Burn said:
The bolt indeed bounce. you can even kill multiple enemies by using that technique. :E

and May I ask how exactly does this work?
I went oooooooooooooooooooo during the intro of the game, where Gman wakes me up. From then on, i went ooooooooooooooooooooo throughout. Xcept when i was in Ravenhom where i went nyAAAH!!!

in city17... when you come outside and you hear the emergancy siren going off and you see all the birds flying out of the citadel as it starts shifting. that gave me a real sense of how big it was.
rpgprog said:
and May I ask how exactly does this work?
Try firing it about... 30 degrees facing the ground. or experiment it. I found it by experimenting. :borg:
by oooooooooooo i suppose u mean action packed pevee moments.

- when u first get the crowbar u have to flee from some gunshots and then u have to run like hell because a train is on your ass. that was just extremly well done.

- when u drive in the mudskipper and all these APC's, helicopters and shit, are hunting u. they really dont want u to get to black mesa east.

- the beach figth outside of nova prospekt with all the antlions.

- just outside of nova prospekt where the combine are trying to stop u from entering with the two gunships.

- the last turret figth in nova prospekt.

the rebellion in the streets with all the strider battles and stuff like that.
Looking at the Citadel release all those scanners.

Strider Battle and chase in tunnel.

Running from Combine at the opening.

Combine snipers picking off my squad as we slowly attempt to move up towards Barney's position.
off the top of my head, the three striders in the citadel when you are being transported in the pod.

i took a million screenshots of that... :p
btw, everytime i come across a poison zombie, my ass puckers and my palms start sweating...

sorry for not combining these posts.
In Route Kanal, you come around a corner and see a crow pecking at a corpse. The crow sees you, takes off and gets snagged by a barnacle. That was unspeakably cool.
When first going into kleiners lab, and exploring and the back of the lab...then getting totally freaked out and almost jumping out of my chair by Lamars screech and i spun around really fast...then smiling when i find out he is a pet...because i had not heard that friggin headcrab screech for 6 years and was not expecting it there at all.....

Swerving and dodging the mines in the airboat as the chopper keeps dropping them...

Plus everything else that has been mentioned in this thread.
in chapter 13 where you just get in your pod and you see a stalker in a pod coming from where you're about to go and it's banging his head off the top of the pod and shuffling around like it's in pain. that just made me go whoa, whats ahead. also just traveling inside the citadel in your pod in general was awsome, seeing everything was real impressive.