Things you don't like to do

Trimming for the most part, unless I'm looking for some "special" action from the gf ;)

/me sees xlucidx imagine a Kazachstan-styled penis with hair all over

No, not like that. Penis is shaved

A little hair tends to grow along the shaft, thus I usually just give it a once over with the razor.

Why? I have a rather demanding female companion.
I hate waiting for something really good.

When you know your getting something really awesome (not like $10 at the end of the week) like a car, and you know your going to have fun with it, but you just sit there. Waiting. Going insane. Thinking about the fun. Waiting.

Pisses me off to no end just waiting. Time goes so much faster when your enjoying it, but when you want it to go faster, it slows down. God damnit.

Especially when it's a long ways off, like a month.

Yeah, what he said.
I bought a 600cc motorcycle for which I needed to pass an advanced test before I even had a provisional license. Thinking I could do the 5-day course, pass test and jump on the bike. Of course the reality is never that simple, especially when they took months to actually issue my provisional.
I bought the thing in February and I've been riding it a month - that was torture! Now it's turning out to be a right money pit - mistake #2, buying a vehicle before you know something about the faults to look out for...
I hate suddently seeing through the mesh of the world and seeing how weakly the world is built around me, while the deeper meaning of life and the creator/creators/creating force seemingly is just out of view laughing me in the face.
Rofl. You need sum Nietzsche tbh
I hate cheap tippers. With a passion. I also don't like making $15 for 7 hours work, like I did tonight. Time for a new job.
I hate shopping with no incentive to buy anything.

What's the bloody point?
Go to sleep
Wake Up
Pee while someone is watching
Do somebody else's work, because our boss is to restarted to fire lazy ****s and or keep tabs on who actually works. But still requires a certain amount to be finished or else all of us get punished.
Getting up in the morning.
Ugly and/or fat girls. Why can't they just stay inside?

Lol, I still do it, it's just a pain. One of my more childish compulsions I guess - I always dread doing it, but once I'm in there you can't get me out :P
this seems really common and I don't understand why. If you gotta go, you gotta go.

Well usually people don't like going because they've had bad experiences with public toilets. Like someone decides to climb over the top of the cubicle and have a look at you having a dump.

And I can't stand queues.
Like someone decides to climb over the top of the cubicle and have a look at you having a dump.


Showering and shaving of the face. Its just so annoying. I dont like felt either. Anything that feels like felt can go to hell.
I hate busy places. :(
I'm not gonna lie- I despise showering. I do it nonetheless, but it SUCKS in the morning- stripping naked, then letting boiling water run over you while you're still shivering :angry:

Also, I know I'm gonna catch a shitload of flak for this, but I actually don't like getting blowjobs all that much. Giving cunnilingus is way more fun :D
I'm not gonna lie- I despise showering. I do it nonetheless, but it SUCKS in the morning- stripping naked, then letting boiling water run over you while you're still shivering :angry:

Couldn't agree more, I hate baths and showers, but I do it anyway. :|
Revision. I just can't do it.
Putting my retainer in every other night. Ugh, I hate it so much. And my teeth are always hurting in the morning.
Oh, and putting in my contacts in the morning. I usually just wear my glasses all morning.
Normally I love showering but I just hate it in our house.
Simply because the bathroom badly isolated from the outside, so in the winter it's always cold inside no matter how much you try to warm it and the warm water constantly disappears.I have to stand there and wait 5 minutes for it to come back, and sometimes it doesn't even come back.
Also, I know I'm gonna catch a shitload of flak for this, but I actually don't like getting blowjobs all that much. Giving cunnilingus is way more fun :D
I meant what I said and I said what I meant
This elephant agrees one hundred percent
Putting in/taking out contact lenses.
Waking up.
Answering the phone.
Speaking in front of a crowd.
Trying to pee in a public bathroom with somebody next to me.
Making my bed.
Bunch of shit.

I do them. Well, most of them. But yeah, the typical mundane shit gets a groan out of me.
- listening to fundies go on and on about their fantasy worlds.
- peeing in public, i usually fiddle around with the taps till everyone leaves....
- making small talk.
- meeting deadlines , i'm a pathological procrastinator.
Washing up, infact any type of house cleaning, and diy. I don't like travelling on buses either - they're full of fuktards and weirdos.
You haven't let someone lie under a glass table while you take a crap on it??!

You haven't lived mate - it's awesome.
When I sit down to draw and my mind goes 100% blank. It ****s me off, I know there`s potential for some awesome, I just can`t tap into it while I have a pencil in my hand.

Thought of another one, getting the bus in the early morning traffic, full of ****ing annoying school kids who cant walk for 20 mins up the road.
Large groups of bitchy girls piss me off.
Also, I know I'm gonna catch a shitload of flak for this, but I actually don't like getting blowjobs all that much. Giving cunnilingus is way more fun :D
You are mad, good sir. For the first part at least. The second part gets an all-out "HELL YEAH" from me.
My sleep patterns!

Sitting down all night cannot be good for my spine. And all these energy drinks are turning my insides to custard... but damnit I can't stop! :(
My sleep patterns!

Sitting down all night cannot be good for my spine. And all these energy drinks are turning my insides to custard... but damnit I can't stop! :(
wtf more the lack of sleeping patterns. you should see a doctor about that.
You are mad, good sir. For the first part at least. The second part gets an all-out "HELL YEAH" from me.

Getting head just isn't that enjoyable. It doesn't feel sexy at all- I mean, you're just sitting there. You're not DOING anything- I find it boring.
Roleplaying on Starcraft.
God... 2/2 people on there are retards.
(On another note: hey, Nightshade, is that from Something Wicked this way comes? I just watched that movie in english.)
wtf more the lack of sleeping patterns. you should see a doctor about that.
Lol, nah, I already know the problem. It's a condition known in the medical community as being a ****ing bum. I just need a job :p

Edit - On an entirely enrelated topic, I just woke up at 10pm.
Getting head just isn't that enjoyable. It doesn't feel sexy at all- I mean, you're just sitting there. You're not DOING anything- I find it boring.
Oh, in that aspect. Well, guess who likes to do 69 after a bath :p
Another thing:
When I walk home, these group of girls come up to me and say "Your school suck fanny."

How does a SCHOOL suck something which is not suckable?