Things you want in Episode 2

Houndeyes have been introduce to a fashion. The hunter is an excellent next step for this, 3 legged monster. Headcraps had scope to diverse by coming in three sub species.

There is no point in reintroducing something if its the same as before.

How could you progress the bullsquid? How could it change?
prob101 said:
There is no point in reintroducing something if its the same as before.
You failed to address the Barnacle, which basically does the same thing as HL1. As no one complains much about basic Headcrabs, basic Zombies, and Barnacles being from HL1, I see no harm in reintroducing old Xen creatures even if they change very little. The Bullsquid is quite suited for trashing around props knowing its nature from HL1, and Houndeyes are all but required for visual comparision in the event the "Hunter = Combine Houndeye" theory proves true.
Did you guys notice how in that scene where Mossman is talking, you see some older models of soldiers (the earlier ones that were green and wore gasmasks)? I'd like to see them just for the hell of it.
lloydporn said:
the one from the comic is just a citizen with blood applied to it NOT a zombie from ravenholm
Try and get a clue. He is saying that the refugee in that comic has the exact same clothes as a zombie.
lloydporn said:
the one from the comic is just a citizen with blood applied to it NOT a zombie from ravenholm
Negative Excrement Inspector-Holmes!
Return to Black Mesa Research Facility

I've got an idea for the future episodes and here it is.

First I want to ask, was the Black Mesa Research Facility destroyed completely? If yes, then my suggestion is pointless I guess.

Gordon Freeman would get in touch with Eli Vance and Kleiner. They would tell Gordon that he should return to the old ruins of the Black Mesa Research Facility to revive some old technology for means to fight the Combine. Gordon is warned about possible Combine presence in the facility and the Xen wildlife that survived the explosion. A research was completed right before the resonance cascade began. (Not really but that would be new information) We would see what is left of Black Mesa. After Gordon downloads or sends the information for the resistance he is picked up by a transport helicopter or he uses the scout car and is chased by hunter-chopper(s).

The research can be anything, weapon, blueprints, bomb, etc, something powerful that helps the resistance. Anything, just so we would see Black Mesa again.
Ileman said:
The research can be anything, weapon, blueprints, bomb, etc, something powerful that helps the resistance. Anything, just so we would see Black Mesa again.
Black Mesa is all but confirmed to be a smeer on the landscape so don't get your hopes up. I on the other hand am hoping that Valve won't do something as cliche as returning to BM. We can do that whenever we want by playing Half-Life or the expansions. Or perhaps the Source mod, Black Mesa. BM was done to death back in the day and it's time to let it rest.

Well that and physics puzzles... especially when you near-literally put a spanner in the works like the Crab Launcher in Lost Coast or the Fan in Nova Prospekt.

Also we should come across a crashed escape pod, (I think it's pretty certain Gordon will come across one, and be party to either more psy-attacks or possibly a plot revelation by a wounded Combine Advisor).

And of course more dialogue sequences, especially with the aforementioned G-Man.
My modest hopes for Episode 2:

First off, I found Episode 1 to be excellent. I literally couldn't have asked for a more professional and rewarding experience for my money spent. Most films don't grip me for their running time the way that Episode 1 did for six straight hours.

That being said, Episode 1 is also a little utilitarian in design. It follows a straightfoward Action-Puzzle-Action-Puzzle line of events throughout and, unfortunately, lacks the some of the personality we saw in Half-life 2 Vanilla. I remember riding along the beach during the Half-life 2 buggy sequence, dodging Ant-lions and beached ships, thinking "Wow, this is surreal". Seeing a Strider for the first time against the almost text book post-Cold War Eastern European city, too, really invoked something extraterrestrial among the familiar, which is what great fantasy and science fiction narrative does. And, of course, nobody can forget Father Gregory.

I didn't find very much of that in Episode 1, save for the beautiful images of the Citadel's decay. I hope that there is more personality in Episode 2, along with straight gameplay elements and narrative. Everything was almost annoyingly compact and on point during Episode 1. I want some random intrusions of the surreal!
My modest hopes for Episode 2:

Edited: Posted twice on accident. My apolgies. I would simply delete one of them, but I do not see a delete button, if there is one.
Leviticus said:
I hope that there is more personality in Episode 2, along with straight gameplay elements and narrative.
There will be, since it's set in an entirely new location.

Everything was almost annoyingly compact and on point during Episode 1.
Alas, it's the drawback of episodic content...

I want some random intrusions of the surreal!
QFT! Like the first scene with the tentacle killing a scientist - that was pure awesome!
Crowbar-at-hand said:
for alyx to die, hehe

I agree lawlz. :p
more talk scenes
old enemies
things like the Stider buster, but not swarming you with new weapons
Going back to Black Mesa will be when the HL series jumps the shark.
Left this out of my original post, but it is fairly important.

I beat F.E.A.R on hard a few days before buying and beating Episode 1 and while F.E.A.R does not approach the level of immersion that Episode 1 achieves, it does better it one way; AI. The Combine soldier AI is simply not very strong- usually resorting to almost kamikaze run and gun tactics. Very rarely do they utilize cover for an extended amount of time, and it usually seems like they are unaware of each other. They'll lob grenades out every now and then, but otherwise they seem blissfully ignorant to whats going on around them.

Mainly, the Combine soldiers need to understand how to provide suppressing fire and simply wait for the player. Too often you can simply stand around a corner and pick them off with the shotgun.
Samon said:
FEARS AI is based primarily on scripted events.

Well, I found it far more convincing than Episode 1's. Perhaps Valve should adopt whatever technique they utilize.
I've stated that I would like the new weapons, I want better AI, and maybe tricks with certain stuff in another thread.

I want to see more emotion in people. The humans are supposed to be royally pissed off, right? I want to see more "Rot in Hell" and stomping people to death, charging, yelling, rebels whacking Combine and metro cops in the face with their guns, and less "Pardon me" and "Hey gang, follow Freeman".
The G-Man Put sheppard Into Action but not likely seeing that he was gearboxes Creation